Stupid self perception

I'm sure I'm not the only one who goes through this but I hate how I've done so well in losing weight and getting healthy yet I can still look at myself and see the flaws and things I still want to change. Sometimes I focus on that more than all of the hard work I've done. I know I'm not fat anymore but sometimes I still feel like I am. Anyone else? If so, does anything help you switch your thoughts to more positive?


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Look at some pictures of where you used to be
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    I've lost weight and inches and still see the "fat" me when I look in the mirror...sorry no help on the changing of perception. I think it just takes time for our minds to catch up with our bodies...?!
  • xandra
    xandra Posts: 101 Member
    Funny I'm the opposite. I look in the mirror and see how great I look. Yet when I see a picture of myself I wonder who the heck is that fat girl. Oh well we all have our own self perceptions.
  • rhindon
    rhindon Posts: 35 Member
    When I lost weight the last time, I went through that same thing. No matter how much I lost, I was focused on all of the negative things. I started a mental gratitude journal and tried to make a habit of reminding myself of the good things I had accomplished whenever I started to focus in on the bad.

    You've done great, allow yourself to feel good about that.
  • DisneyMommy
    DisneyMommy Posts: 281 Member
    When I lost weight the last time, I went through that same thing. No matter how much I lost, I was focused on all of the negative things. I started a mental gratitude journal and tried to make a habit of reminding myself of the good things I had accomplished whenever I started to focus in on the bad.

    You've done great, allow yourself to feel good about that.
    I like this a lot! I need to do that.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    ME! I am the same way. Having been from fat, to obese, to fat, to chunky, to fat... now that I'm a healthy weight, I can SEE the difference, but I have a hard time "seeing" the difference... does that make sense? I can hold pictures side by side and see how well I've done. But I still feel like the "big girl" when I'm with really petite girls (a lot of my friends/co-workers are super tiny... like barely 100lbs). But I keep telling myself "You've lost 45 pounds, dang it! You are NOT the 'big girl' anymore!" So I try and act more confident, and sometimes I even convince myself. :) It's a slow process to change your mental status... even slower than changing the physical.
  • I am with you. I am actually in a support group to try and learn how to change the way I look at my body image. When I hit a break through I'll let you know! :smile:
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    If you figure out the answer -let me know...
  • I wish I knew. I have 44 lbs and fairly close to goal yet I keep looking in the mirror or in photos and thinking I look fat. I can see the difference (went from a 14 to a 6) but I still think I look heavy. It also worries me because I wonder if I will need to loose more than I was planning on before feeling comfortable in my body. My goal is 120 (I am 5'3) and I carry my weight in my hips, thighs and stomach.
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    When I lost weight the last time, I went through that same thing. No matter how much I lost, I was focused on all of the negative things. I started a mental gratitude journal and tried to make a habit of reminding myself of the good things I had accomplished whenever I started to focus in on the bad.

    You've done great, allow yourself to feel good about that.

    A mental gratitude journal - what a great idea. I'm blatantly copying your idea. I will tell them where I got it tho' :flowerforyou:
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    I have the same problem. Last January I began my weight loss journey at 208 pounds, I am now 140 pounds and still when I look at myself I point out negative. This is the thinnest I have ever been, and I think I am still getting used to my new body. I would like to drop 10 more pounds and tone my stomach by July when I am getting married in Jamaica. I carry majority of my weight in my lower stomach.

    I think what helps me is looking back at old pictures (especially my pictures that I have taken every few months of my body) and realizing how different I look, which gets me emotional because I am really proud of myself but i from time to time just need pictures to remind me.
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    It sounds like maybe you tackled the weight but not the reason you gained it in the first place.. try a counselor, therapy or even group therapy to try and get to the bottom of your psychological issues behind your self esteem .. uuntill then keep your chin up and stay strong
  • snaptate
    snaptate Posts: 22 Member
    look in the mirror and tell yourself...I am beautiful, I am happy, I love the way I say it enough, you will soon believe it. The funny thing about how we look at ourselves and others is that we seek what we see on the outside and forget the most important thing is how we feel on the inside.....Hold your head high and take one step at a are BEAUTIFUL!
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    I used to feel this way too, but as time goes on I feel it less and less, if ever at all. I think it comes from an even deeper issue: feeling like I was faking it or that this new body is only temporary. Once you realize that you have made a lifelong decision to be fit and healthy, it won't feel like you're a heavy person in a slim person's body. You'll start to feel like a slim person in the body you've always been meant to have. I hope that helps.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I felt I was doing great after having lost 2 and half stone and getting from size 20 to 14, I couldn't wait to get new clothes.. I figured I'd be down to a medium at 14, but was disappointed to find a 14 is now classed as XL!

    I'm sure I remember a time when 10-12 was small (anything under that was kids sizes), 14-16 a medium and 18-20 a still feeling I haven't left the 'fat' category at the moment, suddenly my tummy looks bigger though did get tape measure out it was the same yesterday,, could be bloat though!

    I don't think I have the body to go stick thin as I've never been, though when I was at university in my 20's and at around 9st 7 (about 133lbs I think) I was a size 10-12... I'm about 7lbs off 9st 7, but can't see how I'm gonna go down another whole size as I only just got into the size 14 jeans I've got!

    I'm just resigned to the fact that I'll never feel 'thin' as such, but at least I'm in the healthy range for my height now and not 2 stone over the heaviest healthy weight for my height anymore!
  • You know, that is so common with women in general. No matter how much you work on your body it will never be perfect unless you are happy with the person you are. Since you know you are no longer fat, maybe pick a different project to focus on. Like if you want to learn a language...continue your good eating habits but try something else. You made your goal with your body now make a different personal goal to get you thinking about something else. Since you are in better shape maybe do something physical like joining a hiking club, or playing on a soccer team. Losing weight and staying in shape is so time consuming and requires a massive commitment so its hard to find a balance but its not good to obsess about your body either. It sounds stupid but you might need to feed your soul. Good luck!
  • I'm sure I'm not the only one who goes through this but I hate how I've done so well in losing weight and getting healthy yet I can still look at myself and see the flaws and things I still want to change. Sometimes I focus on that more than all of the hard work I've done. I know I'm not fat anymore but sometimes I still feel like I am. Anyone else? If so, does anything help you switch your thoughts to more positive?

    I have days where I cant stand to even look at myself in the mirror. I've lost 22lbs and I dont ever see a difference. I look at older pictures and dont feel any better.

    Other days after I feel great about the awesome day of good eatting and wake up the next day to see the scale one pound lighter I feel better but still find it difficult.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I struggle everyday with how I look. I can remember my mother standing in front of the mirror saying "Don't you let yourself get this fat." And here I am. I was never as skinny as my mom was and never could fit into her beauty pageant winning dress. We don't have the same frame and I'm ok with that now.

    I'm still morbidly obese at 20x (who knows what the number is today), but I was 238lbs last August and I know that I'm a lot healthier now than I was then. I have a picture posted in my cubicle at work of me from last Mother's day. I was Very Large for me. I'm 5'3" tall and 42 years old.

    I quit smoking last year, I started working out, I eat healthy and I have a personal trainer to keep me focused on working out so I don't hurt myself. MOST importantly I have some wonderful friends that help me on this journey that cheer me on and tell me how beautiful I am. Positive Self Talk is my new mantra. I buy a new top, or earrings or even just treat myself to a new pair of shoes so that I can feel beautiful on the outside while the inside catches up.

    I still can't stand looking at myself in the mirror unless i'm putting on a GUN show :). Muscles are so beautiful!

    Stay strong, keep positive and love yourself first!
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    Take pictures of your old self and hang them on your mirror you use most often.
    Take pictures of your progress and hang them side by side.
    Look in the mirror EVERY-SINGLE-MORNING and focus on what you like about yourself, not what you don't like.

    This will really help you realize how great you've done on your journey.

  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member