What am i doing wrong?

I joined almost 3 weeks ago after losing several pounds through a week long detox. I have lost 11lbs so far, but seem to've hit a wall. Im eating within my calorie recommendation daily (except 1 when the wine shouted to loudly at me!!) and doing 30-40+ mins of exercise 5 times a week (wii fit- mixture of muscle, aerobic and yoga). Ive stopped eating at night and drink loads of water.

As far as i know im doing everything right, but i have now not lost a single pound in over a week!! Any suggestions of what more i can do? I have never been so serious about sticking to a diet and losing weight, but am worried about getting unmotivated. Any words of wisdom will be greatly appreciated!


  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Without being able to peek at your food diary, we can't really help you?
  • Rubzbaby
    It could be a combination of things, but don't get discouraged with what the scale reads. Many times, the body starts adjusting and
    1) you start losing inches, your clothes should tell you this (or measurements) or,
    2) you are starting to build muscle which can stale your weight loss, but also will help you burn fat alot quicker or,
    3) you need to switch up your exercises. Our body's can acclimate to exercise and thus your progress can plateau. Try doing something different for a week and see if that helps

    Hope this helps get you thinking about where the lack of progress on the scale might be stemming.
  • nallbaby10
    i know what you mean i been doing it for the same amount of time only lost 5lbs, clothes are getting looser and my face is thinner but i realized i havent been eating as much as i thought and im trying to eat back my exersize calories and i will not work out until i can eat them back. its difficult to find the right numbers.
  • Is it possible for you to open your food diary? We'd be better able to help you if we could see exactly what you're eating and how much of it you're eating.
  • Purplelynny
    how do i open my food diary??
  • Purplelynny
    ahhh, done it!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So the first two weeks, you lost 11#? That's a HUGE drop, and you can't expect to keep losing at that rate. There will be weeks you don't lose. There might even be weeks the scale goes up. Stick with it and have faith in the process.
  • amandarkerr
    I hit a road block and actually gained a pound in a week. After talking with my trainer in lenght about Calories in and Calories out I understood and changed my diet. I was taking in 1500 a day but I was burning just from cardio 500-600 a day and then doing strengh training on top of that so my trainer suggested that I add 200 calories to my day if I plan on working out. I did that and plowed through the road block and lost 5 lbs last week.