I need some fitness friends :)

Hello Everyone!

My name is Denise a mother of 1 daughter. I still carry all the weight she helped pack on, but it's time to say goodbye to it! I have a goal to be able to make it to the beach this summer with a bathing suit on :) I need support because I give up very easily. Friend me!!!


  • Hi, I know the feeling of giving up easily. I find it hard to eat right and/or find the time to exercise. After working all day Im ready to just come home and chill. I need help staying motivated and encouraged.
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I wish I had some friends that I could talk to about fitness. Nobody in my life is interested!
  • NicNab
    NicNab Posts: 14 Member
    Molly -
    I understand that feeling. I tell my mom that I am trying to eat healthy and she has loaded the kitchen counter with Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids, Chocolate Bars, etc.! At least put it out of my view!
  • Leanne926
    Leanne926 Posts: 158 Member
    I will happily help encourage all of you!! We all need motivation!
    Add me if you like :smile:
  • Hello Denise! My name is Yolanda. I am a mother to a 4 year old boy. I too am still carrying the weight from pregnancy and then some. I live in Pa, away from all of my family and friends who live in FL. So I would love to have a fitness buddy! I am usually on daily and sometimes post update videos on youtube. It would be nice to have a friend to talk to about this. Well I am going to friend you message me if you want!
  • Denisefitpal66
    Denisefitpal66 Posts: 15 Member
    :wink: I will be your friend. My name is also Denise Rene!
  • I will be the first to say after a hard day at work there is nothing better than hitting it at the gym! Can you say decompression! I don't bring my work problems as the calories fly off!
  • Hello Denise same with me my daughter is 6months old and i really gained alot with her really wont to get rid of i do better with buddies as well so we can help each other!! Angela
  • CathyS205
    CathyS205 Posts: 20 Member
    I am happy to help anyone any possible way I can. Feel free to send friend requests. Any extra encouragement helps. :) I have also joined a FFL (Fit For Life) group on facebook that is a huge help. If anyone wants to join a group like that I can hook you up with people who can help you get into it.

  • deniserenee_02
    deniserenee_02 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks Everyone!!! I'm excited to loose this weight!!! Together :)
  • MrsBenbow
    MrsBenbow Posts: 6 Member
    I denise I will also be one of your fitness partner, am new to the site and need some support also.:smile:
  • Weebles03
    Weebles03 Posts: 8 Member
    I would be more than happy to be your cheerleader *\0/*
  • MelsFitLife
    MelsFitLife Posts: 106 Member