day 5, hungry and headches:(

Day 5. Hungry and headaches:( (Edit post)
Posted on 02/01/2012 by jaymarie8
Hello everyone:) Im on day five of eating healthy and exersising daily, Ive had lots of energy and felt great during the day, but i find im constantly hungry and when i go to bed i get headaches and some nausea that i awake with. Im thinking its just my body adapting, but I thought i would ask opinions if i should up my calorie intake. My daily calories right now is 1200 a day im always right around it as well as my fat, carbs, protein slightly over, with 30-60 minutes of zumba and 20 minutes of walking a day. im drinking green smoothies for lunch, with a small breakfast, dinner and snacks. for example today i had:

Breakfast-1 piece dempsters ancient grain bread with marg

starbucks grande skinny latte(treat day:))

v8 vegetable shot drink(low sodium)

Lunch- green smoothie:

2cups spinach

2cups zuchinni

2 apples

half lemon

Dinner-Wrap with spinach tortilla and turkey breast

snacks- i cup strawberries

1 1/2 cups carrots

1 yougurt tube

*I was so hungry still, and I hate a 1/4 piece of chicken breast after with dinner

im open to suggestions and opinions:) Thank you


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I think that you aren't eating enough real food... At all. I'd feel deprived like that as well!

    I eat 1200 a day as well. Here's how my day went-
    Breakfast- low fat Greek yogurt with strawberry 140 cals, 13 grams protein
    Lunch- udon noodle soup, crystal light 220 cals
    Snack- sliced apples, fish oil
    Dinner- cheese lasagna, Greek yogurt
    Desert-skinny cow

    I am so full I had to force myself to eat dessert.

    I think you need to be more creative!
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Without seeing your diary and going by what you listed, looks like you need some protein. I'd also eat more frequently. I find if I eat small amounts frequently I don't get hungry.
  • Lizerra
    Are eating a total of 1200 calories and doing the exercising? If so you need to eat more than that a day. Plus I noticed MFP does not take into account the kind of workouts you are doing. You may need quite a bit more carbs and protien when you are working out that hard. I would definitely research it a little more. Just make sure you are eating the right kind of carbs and the right kind of protein with the healthy kind of fats.

    I hope this helps!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,047 Member
    Are you entering the calories burned by exercise, and then eating those calories too?

    You shouldn't be hungry or getting headaches (at least not from a lower calorie intake) unless you have restricted too much.
  • snc1212
    Yes, you def. have to up your protein at breakfast and lunch.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I agree, you should eat more. Also, give yourself sone credit: day five is still "detoxing" - as in your body is still adjusting. If you add some food and give it another week or two and still have headaches you may want to see a doctor.
  • jaymarie8
    1200 calories before excersice, Im not exactly sure how much im burning with zumba, so i averaged it with 600/ hr. No matter the excersice im keeping the calories at 1200. Should i be increasing my protein intake?? im usually over that even with earned cals.
  • Lauriebean
    I agree with the other posters, more protein, it will keep you fuller longer.

    I was going through the same thing and I am still working out the kinks, but I cut most of my fruit, aside from one piece a day and increased my veggies and protein and really watch my sugar to avoid spikes. Eggs for breakfast, nuts for snack, light lunch (salad) or tuna, veggie snack, and protein for dinner.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Just wanna add, drinking water constantly throughout the day has helped my headaches stop.
  • Tschleenbaker
    When I put Zumba for exercise it doesn't come up. How do you register the exercise then?
  • Fitness_4_Jess
    Fitness_4_Jess Posts: 55 Member
    I know it is tempting to not eat back the calories you burn off by working out, but you need to! MFP already takes out enough calories for you to be in a deficit. For example, if your goal is to lose 1lb a week, MFP is taking your Base Metabolic Rate and subtracting 500 calories from it. (500 since there are 3,500 cals in fat and 3,500 / 7 days in a week = 500). I fought it too, but you have to eat back some of those calories! It doesn't have to be all of them, at least some. Also, eat some more substantial foods. More protein and fiber would be beneficial.
  • jeni636363
    Do NOT starve yourself! If you are hungry, EAT! Just watch what you eat. Chicken breasts, fish, veggies, fruits, beans, berries, quinoa, rice are all fine for you to boost some calories. You need MORE food! I would feel sick too if i ate that little. I am on a two shakes a day diet, but I have lots of healthy snacks in between and a large protein-vegetable packed dinner. Especially with exercise you need more food! I always eat if I am hungry (not when i just want food). If you starve yourself and dont eat you wont stick with it. You can ALWAYS fill up on healthy snacks (mentioned above). What is your daily calorie goal? Stay above 1200 MINIMUM but that is still really low...:) good luck!
  • jaymarie8
    i added it. and after googling .... i avereged 600/60 minutes although some sites said it could be up to 1200
  • Moosey75
    You could be detoxing too which can cause headaches... Foods with fiber can help with hunger.... things like oatmeal can too. Make sure your getting your MIN required water amount... The amount of water you should be drinking is half your body weight... for example if you weigh 180 you need to be drinking 90 oz of water...

    Hang in there things should ease up soon!
  • jaymarie8
    thanks everybody so much!! i think i just got a little obssessed with the guidllines since im clueless! and whenever i try to put in eggs and avacados, there isnt much room for protien or fat at dinner.... am I following it too seriously?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,047 Member
    With 27 pounds to lose, Imma gonna go out on a limb and say.....if you have your calories / goals set to "Lose 2 pounds a week" - you've set yourself up for failure.

    Read these:
  • agibson0430
    agibson0430 Posts: 27 Member
    Just wanna add, drinking water constantly throughout the day has helped my headaches stop.

    I'm with you on this one. I use to get at least 2-3 migraines a week; however, when I started drinking half my body weight in water - no more. I feel great!!! I make it my goal now to have my cup runneth over every day.
  • PSantos1
    PSantos1 Posts: 17 Member
    Were you a coffee drinker before you started? Or did you drink things with caffeine? The lack of which can cause headaches, like a detox. It could also be made worse if you're not getting enough electrolytes.
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    You could be detoxing too which can cause headaches... Foods with fiber can help with hunger.... things like oatmeal can too. Make sure your getting your MIN required water amount... The amount of water you should be drinking is half your body weight... for example if you weigh 180 you need to be drinking 90 oz of water...

    Hang in there things should ease up soon!

    I agree. You're pushing a lot of bad stuff out of your cells and replacing it with good. All that waste will take a while to flush. If you look at detoxes, up through about day 10 are pretty rough. Lots of water and a little more food won't hurt!
  • sherri2012
    sherri2012 Posts: 3 Member
    I put in dancing,under cardio and it comes up dancing, aerobic modern and twist.