Does the Contraceptive Pill prohibit weight loss



  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    definitely not
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    My Doctor told me that the Pill can cause weight gain. He said that studies aren't clear on the reason and that some people suggest it causes water retention; other people say it increases appetite; other people suggest that since people on the Pill are often in a stable relationship, they eat more because they're happy and then put on the weight.

    Anyway, I believe Yasmin and Yaz and the newer generation of Pills are meant to be less likely to cause weight gain than the older generation of Pills.

    I don't know whether it would make it difficult to lose or not. But yes, different Pills and different women all interact differently and it isn't fair to say that anyone is using the Pill as an excuse not to lose weight.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    Apparently it doesn't prevent much of anything...
  • __Jackie__
    __Jackie__ Posts: 39 Member
    I have been on and off birth control a couple times over the past 10 years, and throughout that 10 years working hard at losing weight.

    Over the past year, I have been working out regularly, and have developed a routine of working out, counting calories, and general healthy eating. I have lost 40lbs in this past year. I know how my body operates in regards to hunger.

    I started the pill 3 weeks ago and I can say FOR ME.... it 100% has increased my hunger. What I do with that, is up to me. If I chose to give in, then there will be weight gain.

    So, do I think that the pill causes weight gain- NOPE. But for me, it causes increased hunger and without a conscious effort to control that, would equal weight gain.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Does it prohibit weight loss? No

    Does it slow things down? It certainly can! I know for me, I was hungry and sluggish on the pill. I can't handle trying to lose weight and being hungry all the time, so I got off of it. My weight loss is much easier now. That's not to say it was impossible on the pill, but it was certainly uncomfortable.

    I am getting the copper IUD put in sometime this month.
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    I just started taking the pill myself. I am not experiencing any trouble with weight loss & taking it. I was having a hard time losing weight before & it's still hard. My body just does not want to let go after all these years. :/
  • You could just be in a nasty little plateau... The pill really doesn't have a big effect on weight. Female sex hormones will make water gain/loss more pronounced, but that is just a number. Remember that 1 liter of fluid weighs 1 kg or about 2.2 lbs. So water will definitely influence the number on the scale but it will even out after a few weeks.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    I gained a lot of weight while on the pill. It also raised my blood pressure...ack! It doesn't do this to everyone, but I highly recommend getting frequent checkups just in case.
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    Depending on your contraceptive, it can mess with your hormones more or less and can make you retain water, and cause you to be hungry more often due to the hormone changes. It depends on what you use though and everyone's body chemistry is different. I always gain 5 lbs when I start birth control but its all water weight and if I take water pills it flushes out quickly. Same thing with steroid injections. Every time you mess with your bodys chemistry, there are side effects. Just be more mindful of any "cravings" if you have any and drink more water. Try a water pill if you are having problems still after a few weeks. Oh, and take a pregnancy test just In case! You never know! Lol
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    I was on the pill for years and off the pill for years at a time and noticed quite a difference between the two. You are definitely able to gain and lose weight both on and off the pill but added estrogen and progesterone make it HARDER to lose weight.... in my opinion

    Some very useful information off of wiki:

    Increase HDL, triglyceride (bad fats)
    Decrease LDL, fat deposition (good fats)
    Salt (sodium) and water retention
    Increase cortisol, SHBG (stress hormone that causes weight retention)
    Reduce bowel motility
    Increase cholesterol in bile (causes gallstones too)
    The convenient pill form of "progesterone" (not actual progesterone, but a synthetic, patented progestin), needs to be taken at unnaturally high doses; and, this can have a dramatic health impact. (weight related): increased appetite, increased fluid retention. Current research suggests that progesterone plays an important role in the signaling of insulin release and pancreatic function, and may affect the susceptibility to diabetes.

    I also read but cant find the reference that progesterone decreases your ability to build muscle mass.
    I've been reading up on hormones lately because I had a stroke this month and I'm only 34. The doctors are relating it to an estrogen based birth control pill. Not weight related but just putting it out there that it may be effective in preventing pregnancy but it can have serious consequences.

    I had a pulmonary embolism and two clots in my thigh which doctors said was from birth control and Im only 27! I was on seasonique. I can never be on BC again because of this! There are serious risks and side effects that a lot of people pay no mind to because its so common that they think it will never happen to them.....we were not so lucky!
  • I just lost 21 pounds in under 4 months while on the pill. I did, however, read an article about studies indicating that taking the pill may interfere with the bodies ability to build muscle. I will be speaking to my doctor about this.
    Estrogen promotes long lean muscles, but won't allow too much bulk without really working hard at it. Androgens enhance the bulking of muscles. So adding more female sex hormones will fight the bulking action of androgens (which women have too) to a greater degree. I don't consider this a problem. I'm on the pill and have gained muscle just fine.
  • I gained a lot of weight while on the pill. It also raised my blood pressure...ack! It doesn't do this to everyone, but I highly recommend getting frequent checkups just in case.
    Sorry, I feel like I'm posting a ton, but yes estrogen raises blood pressure. If it goes too high on a combo pill you can go to a pop (progesterone only pill). It kinda sucks, because my skin isn't clear anymore since I've had to switch, but I haven't gotten pregnant or gained any weight either.
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    The first pill I was on (Necon), I had no weight issues, but horrendous stomach cramps for two months straight. When I switched to Yaz I ended up gaining about 15 pounds. I exercised like mad and really watched what I ate, and it made absolutely no difference. Everyone reacts differently. I think the only birth control method that is really proven and accepted to cause weight gain is Depo.

    For those saying it's an excuse, again, some people just react differently. Some women got blood clots on Yaz and its related pill brethren, others didn't. There are blood pressure issues for others. Bloating, mood swings, stomach cramping, you name it. You each get your own set of quirks with each pill, and from person to person.
  • renee_lee88
    renee_lee88 Posts: 23 Member
    THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOO MUCH for such a wide response to this subject... It has given me alot of insight to this topic and I will be sticking to this pill and my diet and excerise for another month and if nothing as improved by then I will see my GP about changing my pill...

    Again thanks everyone so much for your information and personal opinions... it really beats trying to google all this information and that just one of the many reasons why I love MFP sooo much.

  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    My pill recently got changed because the chemist didn't have my usual pill in stock so they gave me a similar one and I have noticed my cravings are a lot harder to control, I have got some water retention and im getting a few pimples and I hardly ever get pimples anymore! :S
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I haven't had an issue losing weight on the pill vs. off the pill, I think no matter what, once you have lost a little bit of weight it gets harder to get it off the more you lose.
  • SeJade
    SeJade Posts: 1 Member
    I have actually found that I am more in control of my body when on the pill. I am not normally a crazy person...but on the pill I'm calmer and cravings are less. I think all this together actually helps me to lose weight faster on the pill. I would highly recommend looking for a different one if any of you are battling with anything (weight/emotions/pimples) as a result of being on yours. I think a good one should help to keep your body stable and regular.
    Perhaps I am a rare case though because i haven't come across anyone else who experiences the same affects as me.
  • For me it helps with weight loss because I take it solidly so I never have periods (or have one every like four months) which means I never have the weeks where I don't want to get on my bike or go for a run because UGH BLOOD.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I would say the pill doesn't make you gain weight with your calorie intake staying the same. However for some people it might increase your appetite hence more calorie intake hence more weight gain.

    I started the pills about a year ago and gained 10KG!! My appetite just increased dramatically. Now I'm here to lose them..