Looking for some pals to make the experience more fun!


I originally started MyFitnessPal in 2/2011. I only stayed on for a couple of months and didn't come back until 1/2012! Instead of losing weight in 2011, I actually gained over 10 -15lbs... The sad part is, the people I met when I first joined had lost SO much weight, it was neat to come back though 1 year later and see the difference and that people really lost the weight. It also really inspired me.

So anyway, I'm back. I plan to lose tons of weight and I'm looking for some people to bounce ideas/recipes/comments/work out ideas etc. off of to make this journey more fun.

-I currently have a gym membership to Planet Fitness: Awesome place!

-I live by the beach so I love the out doors, any work out idea suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

-I love crock pot recipes- I try to share/post recipes as much as possible.

-Also, I quit smoking on New Years too, so I'd love to hear any of your success stories regarding that too. (1 month strong now)

I look forward to hearing from you!!


  • kasafrass
    kasafrass Posts: 50 Member
    I also started in the middle of last year and gave up on it. I gained about 10 pounds in that time. At the start of the year, I really pushed myself to get going with my ambitions to lose weight, and I joined back up about a week ago. I've lost 2 pounds already and plan on going hard until I lose around 60. Feel free to add me, I don't share many recipes or anything, as I'm a college student and have no time for that, but I love crock pots as well and would love to see you recipes! :)
  • maddmaddie
    maddmaddie Posts: 160 Member
    I'm doing this LiveFit 12 week program, so far I'm on week 3, day 17 and I'm loving it! Especially the recipes, they are awesome!

    You can check it out to see if your interested, here is the website.......

  • Kim_08
    Kim_08 Posts: 157
    Feel free to add me! I have a few great recipes that I've posted so check 'em out! AND I too, workout at Planet Fitness. I love it :)
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Thanks I'll check it out!
  • Jesse06
    Feel free to add me =D
  • john233
    Please Feel free to add me! Good luck :-)
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Feel free to add me, looks like we have a lot of the same goals! :) I've also been on for over a year and GAINED *gasp* as opposed to lost... but not any longer!
  • rodofgod
    rodofgod Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me, the more encouragement the better! Good luck
  • daisytripp
    daisytripp Posts: 527 Member
    Oooh add me - it sounds like we could help motivate each other. I'm in the same boat, in a lot of ways.