biggest lifestyle change?



  • mscargill
    mscargill Posts: 13 Member
    Made the decision in December to seriously cut down on the booze and it's been hard especially when you see that most entertainment is centered around drinking. Seems like it's the first place people run to when they arrive anywhere. People are uncomfortable being with somebody who is not drinking - so easy to get sucked in! I have to add that I find this program (for want of a better description) quite easy to follow. Nobody is telling me what I can and cannot eat and it's free. I'm in control not a group leader, don't have to feel guilty for not losing weight either. ! Lost 10 lbs. I slip sometimes but get right back up. It will be a long haul! Thanks for being out there!
  • mscargill
    mscargill Posts: 13 Member
    Best of luck. Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I ever did. I promised myself I wouldn't let another drug do that to me so instead it's food!!! Now it's time for the food challenge. Good luck!
  • jeffarthur
    jeffarthur Posts: 123 Member
    what a deluge of challenges....seems like everyone has found a way to get around it (and congrats ex-smokers...been there...very tough).

    Way to go's good to see that everyone has some sort of challenge to overcome (and have been successful).

    Have a great day!!!!
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Turning my back on most fast food. The sodium amounts are ridiculous!
  • keywestsunset
    keywestsunset Posts: 139 Member
    portion control. I have to measure or count everything I eat, like counting out my M&ms, otherwise I'd never stop. Its called mindless eating and I am bad at it. It was like I was in a trance and before I knew the whole bag would be gone. And I've cut back on tv watching because that seemed to be the time I'd snack the most.
  • daphnegetnfit
    I gave up Lays Potato Chips - do not even think of them anymore!!
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    Not binging. I used to binge almost every night. And when I say binge, I mean binge, not overeat. Some of my binges were shocking.
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    Quit drinking and (diet) soda.
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    Working on the binging, still. That has been the hardest. Tend to eat 3/4ths of my cals at night, as I have a severe sleep dysfunction. Makes things twice as hard
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you're not a breakfast person, why force yourself to eat it? No reason to torture yourself for something that has no real benefit.

    For me, it's maintaining a consistent training schedule.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Portion control for me
  • jennilovesryan
    not eating baked potatoes!
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    I eat breakfast every morning as well when I used to HATE it. But I'm also a chocolate/sweet fiend and it AMAZES me that I've had chocolate in my house since Christmas and have been able to only eat the recommended portion rather than eating the whole bag of whatever..
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    But I'm also a chocolate/sweet fiend and it AMAZES me that I've had chocolate in my house since Christmas and have been able to only eat the recommended portion rather than eating the whole bag of whatever..

    This. There are two boxes of chocolate in my pantry that have been sitting there since Christmas, which I usually would have consumed in one sitting. They're still there and pretty much full :)
  • slayerdan
    slayerdan Posts: 193
    Logging every single thing I eat.....
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Getting up at 5am to go to gym (not every day but on days when my exercise won't fit into my "regular day")

    Stopping the bored, mindless snacking
  • mscargill
    mscargill Posts: 13 Member
    Mmmmmmmm - bread. What a nice dream!
  • nikkilou1978
    nikkilou1978 Posts: 146 Member
    Not eating everything without a second thought. Before, I would eat whatever I wanted and not even worry about how it would affect my body, now I count every calorie. My husband wants to go to a certain restaurant tomorrow, I have already looked up the menu and decided what I will be eating by comparing them on the food database on MFP.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    mines is when making a wee cuppa tea before bed not to demolish about 10 biscuits,
    i used to stick the kettle on n take out 4 biscuits but by time kettle had boiled i would have scranned all the buscuits i had taken out and then would automatically reach for another 4 or 5 LOL

    now its just the tea and one wee biscuit :)