Question about Protein and Cholesterol

So i'm having issues staying under both my Protein and Cholesterol. I know Cholesterol doesn't pop up as one of the normal things to watch but i've had high Cholesterol since i was about 12... so about 10 years...

For the Cholesterol i use to eat just eggs ALL THE TIME. now i mix it with egg whites but i cant do JUST egg whites i have to have a normal egg. and i switched from (long ago) whole milk to 2% and now i drink Skim..... I only eat 2% or fat free cheese...... i guess i'm just looking for other ways to cut but still keep food tasting good

and the Protein i'm just lost...... and is really going over your protein bad???? i mean dont we need protein when losing weigh????? or am i just stupid and thinking of something else....

Can anyone make since of this for me PLEASE?!?!?!?!?!?!?


  • Sharonswarna
    Sharonswarna Posts: 7 Member
    i was always told that its good to have lots of protein and less carbs...when i do this.i see a weight loss in one week...and for cholestetol..if i have one egg with yolk i go over my cholesterol..i have problems with high cholesterol and my doctor says stay away from egg may just have to not eat yolk..good news is that 2 or even 3 egg whites is less calories than having one whole egg..try adding stuff...i add onions..peppers...salsa is my new thing to add to egg whites when im cooking whole family wants one when i cook mine...good luck!
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    My doctor also asked me to watch my cholesterol, so I did lots of reading about what affects your cholesterol. I had no idea that chicken breast had cholesterol in it! Anyway, there are lots of sources on the web. I found Dr. Oz's web site useful.

    As for protein, I don't think it's a problem to have too much protein, (within reason, I guess). But that's only my opinion. I've never heard that it's a bad thing. I personally struggle with getting enough protein every day, so I have to work on that.
  • Vanessadk0604
    I guess to me it just seems weird that i go over then i feel like i'm doing something wrong. so thanks :-D
  • mbertagnolli
    MFP also has a low default for protein, somewhere around 15% I believe. You can adjust these ratios - I customized mine based on advice I received from both my trainer and nutritionist. 20-25% is more reasonable for most people, and yes, you can still lose weight even if you adjust these ratios!
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    Are you going over the MFP generic settings or have you set up your protein intake with the guidance of dr/nutritionist/personal trainer? Because I exercise more than I used to, I have bumped up my protein intake - I am proportionally trying to eat approx equal carbs & protein, and lower fat - particularly looking at reducing saturated fat.

    People differ on the proprtions they recommend so I think it would be worthwhile speaking to a Dr or nutritionist about it. To give you my personal example, my net daily cals are set at about 1400 (my calculated BMR - basal metabolic rate, the calories my body needs to function daily). I try to have 40% of my calories from carbs, 40% from protein and 20% from fat. Some people do 40/30/30 or other percentages depending on their needs.

    The way you calculate this is that 1gram of carb or protein = 4 calories, and 1 gram of fat = 9 calories. so out of 1400 cals, I want 560 cals each from carbs and protein (140g each), and approx 31g of fat daily.

    Hope I have not been too confusing - basically the settings that MFP gives are not customised for you, and you should generally go by your BMR and then figure out your macronutrient proportions from there.

    Feel free to message me/reply if I've not made sense!
  • granolagrl85
    Make sure you are eating healthy fat. Healthy fat helps lower cholesterole. Eat coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, olives....not just avoid cholestrol.