Dite Pill??

pitchaya Posts: 25
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
hi I really want to dite but it all way been hard for me so today I deside to go buy a diet pill....Do you think that MEGA-T PLUS will work?


  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Define "work."
    Will you lose weight? Probably.
    Will you keep the weight off/ actually be healthy?
    Not unless you change your lifestyle.
    Are you changing your lifestyle by buying a pill?

    Toss them. The best thing you can develop is willpower.
  • sonjab35
    sonjab35 Posts: 9
    hi, it may work at first. but its basically a life style change thats going to have to take place. if not after those pills you will be right back where you started, maybe more. i have tried diet pills, hydroxycut to be exact. it was a few yrs. ago but they did work for me, i was able to reach my goal. but its still a lifestyle change that matters. :smile:
  • pitchaya
    pitchaya Posts: 25
    Now I almost 180 pounds My gola is 130 pounds
    I hope the pill will help me!!!!:smooched:
  • If you are going to instill a life style change that is more active and healthier foods you will lose weight, the pill my help you lose it a little faster. But You have to be able to maintain that weight loss and a pill cant do that. Only the mind set that you matter and your worth the hard work. Realize it is a life long project like diabetics or alcoholics. Its EVERYDAY that matters not just the next couple of weeks and a pill.


    P.S. If your looking for a good pill without to many side effect go to www.Myalli.com its a great pill. If I wasn't breast feeding I would take it again I lost thirty pounds. In a 4 months then got prego! Now I have to do it without the pills.
  • sonjab35
    sonjab35 Posts: 9
    don't cha' hate it when you're breastfeeding and you can't take those short cuts. i am also breastfeeding and i know i would like a little kick to get things moving a little faster. :ohwell:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I think diet pills stink. I took pills a few years back and lost 60lbs....gained them all back and some.

    Also, you are under 18........who sold them to you? Your body is still developing.....you should not be taking anything, you should learn to eat right and exercise honey. The diet pills are not the way.....

    Good luck
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    If you are going to instill a life style change that is more active and healthier foods you will lose weight, the pill my help you lose it a little faster. But You have to be able to maintain that weight loss and a pill cant do that. Only the mind set that you matter and your worth the hard work. Realize it is a life long project like diabetics or alcoholics. Its EVERYDAY that matters not just the next couple of weeks and a pill.


    P.S. If your looking for a good pill without to many side effect go to www.Myalli.com its a great pill. If I wasn't breast feeding I would take it again I lost thirty pounds. In a 4 months then got prego! Now I have to do it without the pills.

    One of my best friends drove to the states to buy alli, she lost 42 pounds, and has kept it off for over a year now, she now teaches a hot yoga and a spin class for me in my studio, it was what she needed. Granted not for everybody, but they do work for certain people, as long as you realize you need to change your behaviour patterns, eating right and exercising has to follow or you'll gain it back!
  • Most diet pills do stink. But Alli is WONDERFUL.. It is a fat blocker with a FULL health plan for a REAL lifestyle change involved. There is a website allot like this one. And you even win prizes for staying on track. It has no shakey side effects like hydroxy and others. I swear by it. Like I said you have to change your life. The pill just helps get you to your goal. It wont keep you there!

    Also Zalstrim for women is nice. It is womens mood, labedo and weight loss pill made from natural herbs. Its more like a vitamin. I loved working out when I was on it and I was very positive with GOOD energy not the bad crash kind. And a little extra hanky panky isn't bad for anyone trying to lose weight right?? LOL

    I'd ditch what ever it is you bought. Or give it a try if you want.

    Good luck!
  • I think diet pills stink. I took pills a few years back and lost 60lbs....gained them all back and some.

    Also, you are under 18........who sold them to you? Your body is still developing.....you should not be taking anything, you should learn to eat right and exercise honey. The diet pills are not the way.....

    Good luck

    umm.. what diet pill did you take?!
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