Part of my story (may be graphic for people)



    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Great Job! You're not alone in that. My nephew had or may even still have that problem. I didn't understand the smell when I was a kid but now I do. He was always a really BIG boy. And I now realize the problems he had and has is all due to his weight. I've always know him to be big. He has recently started loosing weight. He's lost over 100 lbs and is still pushing 350-400. He's doing a great job but has a long way to go.

    Keep on pushing along. More NSV's are on the way for you.
  • Yay!!! Great Job!!!! way to go!
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Man, that's what life is all about. All these little things. So props to you! Keep at it, and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.
  • patyplascencia
    patyplascencia Posts: 4 Member
    Wow that is really awesome!!! im so happy for you!!!! ... keep it up!!!!!!!!!! :)))))

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Congrats on your accomplishment! Keep up the good work!!
  • SusanDoesIt
    SusanDoesIt Posts: 73 Member
    Of course I had to read it when you said it was too graphic...humans are weird creatures. Kudos for sharing! Having come from the Hugh Jass family myself, I can relate! Congrats!
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 673 Member
    Aw, great job hun! Keep it up :)
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    That's awesome dude!!!!

    Any Europeans here? No, we don't have bidets in America!

  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220 Member
    I understand to well... Great job so far!!
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    What a wonderful NSV!!!!!!

    Over the course of your journey you will be amazed at all the tasks that are difficult now, how they become much easier and before you know it, it's like oh my I just tied my shoes with out gasping for air.

    At my heaviest what you just shared was one of my concerns! I even told my docs I want to be able to wipe my own ***!

    Just hang in there and stay positive, don't get discouraged! It didn't take a few days to put all the weight on, so don't expect it to magically melt a way!

    Thank you for sharing your NSV!

    Take Care~Rhonda
  • FoxxC
    FoxxC Posts: 54 Member
    I can't wait till you tell us that you've reached your goal of getting on a regualar scale. However, what you have done is awesome. Just remember these baby steps you are taking now will allow you to "run" later". Good job.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    That is very intimate and proud of you for sharing, I am sure you are not the only person who has had this problem with being over weight! NSV for you my friend!!!!!
  • RisyaLifsheTova
    RisyaLifsheTova Posts: 305 Member
    Youve come such a long way! Congrats! Hope you dont mind me adding you!
  • Thanks for sharing and being so honest:)
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I am so proud of you and I am sure your family is too!!! You have made 2 major steps in making this happen: 1) Admitting what the problem is/was (which by the way takes a lot of guts!!!) and #2) you have made improvements and are going in the right direction. You may not have much support at home but you have LOTS of support on here. As for not having anything to do.....go somewhere to shoot some hoops, take a walk, volunteer at a humane shelter (you will get exercise with the animals) walking dogs etc. These are just some ideas.

    I wish you well on your journey and I know that you can do this!! You have already started on your way!!! My prayers are with you and If you ever need someone to talk to just get on here and we will all be here to give you support, encouragement and motivation. I am also helping my daughter lose weight too who is about your age.

  • ablykins
    ablykins Posts: 200 Member
    Great job! It takes courage to post something like that- but it is a reality that many share. Keep up the great job with your weight loss- the little victories will keep coming and before you know it you will be a happier, healthier you!
  • KPopovski23
    KPopovski23 Posts: 7 Member
    Great job!! I commend you on your courage to post this! You're on your way :)
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    A bidet works great for that, you can just hook it on to your toilet :-) then clean *kitten* no mater what weight...great job on the loss by the way
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    great job, keep it up, and thanks for your honesty.... check out my stats, i know exactly what that feels like, i used to be that big!
  • Marabunta
    Marabunta Posts: 1 Member
    keep it up!