Need some healthy but enjoyable food options

I need some help finding healthy but enjoyable food options. I dont love eating salad and when you add dressing, the amount of sugar, fat and calories added you might as well have had that sandwich you were craving. Traded my 330 cal mocha iced latte this morning for water and an apple and I was surprized how many sugars were in the apple! Even items I think are healthy (yes, it WAS a better option than the latte) are full of sugars.

I am new at this. What have you discovered to be a healthier option, but you still enjoy guilt-free?


  • ambernicholewms
    Vita tops! High in fiber and low in calories.
  • Hpreco789
    Protein helps starve off hunger. Don't deprive yourself if you really want something reward yourself once a week. or take the weekend off from your diet, we are all human and its about lifestyle changes. I'm not a huge fruit fan, I would rather eat veggies. I don't mind salad, but it needs some sort of dressing just not a ton. Iceberg lettuce should not be considered a food item, its just water and has nothing nutritious to offer. Protein bars and shakes are great hunger blockers.