What to Snack on when you just can't stop

So, I have been dieting for about a month now and doing very well. but once in a while I just get an urge to snack a lot. Like as soon as I eat a healthy snack, I feel hungry again. I am doing my best to resist but sometimes its hard. So I am looking for tips/advice. What can I do? What are good snacks that will help keep me feeling full til lunch/dinner?




  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    For me it's airpopped popcorn if I want volume. If I want to fill me up, it's a Larabar.

    Also, drink a glass of water to see if you are thirsty and not hungry.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Look for a snack with fiber, protein, and a little healthy fat. This combination tends to be pretty filling and satisfying. One of my favorites is peanut butter and banana on a low-carb (or high fiber) tortilla. If you feel like your snacking is going overboard, try drinking more water, chewing gum, going for a walk.. Keeping yourself occupied really helps curb excessive snacking.
  • I drink a pint of water during every meal and every snack because it makes you feel fuller for longer, and I know it's boring but eat things like apples, or even chew on a celery stick is suppose to help?
  • CFPearce28
    CFPearce28 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with all these posts, but kateroot definately has hit it. A balanced snack will hold you longer than a non-balanced snack. Once thing to keep in mind too, is that it is good to eat smaller meals and have a snack inbetween. Keeps the metabolism happy. Some things I'll eat are nuts and dried fruit, greek yogurt and fruit, apples and peanut butter, etc. Good luck. :smile:
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Celery! Very low cal and gives you that 'crunch' you might be craving (from years of eating chips or whatevs...I totally hear ya if that's the case haha). Sometimes I'll just get a big bowl of spinach, either raw with a bit of low-fat vinageriate (can never spell that word correctly) or cooked with a few seasonings. :D
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    okay, im tinyyyyyy but i have that problem too. i eat like a small horse, and i find if i eat before im hungry i eat a heap more than i would have had i just waited....... i find a couple of rice cakes norm fill me up ......
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I get out of the house to prevent snacking. If that is not an option:

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    After battling this for years, I had to accept that a lot of it is psychological. I don't NEED that, I want it. I'm not hungry, I'm bored/frustrated/angry/sad....

    We only need so much food. The rest is a story in our head.

    Try eating more protein and less carbs....(and especially breads, chips, crackers, sugary things.) I stopped buying them. Only grains in my house are steel cut oats, brown rice, and 100% whole wheat bread. It even took me a while to stop using bread as a snack. It only fuels the craving. Try it for a month.

    My favorite snack now is one ounce of raw almonds, and a 10 ounce glass of Spicy V8. It keeps me satisfied for a couple hours.

    Yogurt is also good. A hard boiled egg or some tuna would work. Just not on bread, maybe with some salad.

  • I paint my nails when I want to snack. I started a nail polish blog (with 40 followers now, yay!) for a variety of reasons. Mainly, I need to do a lot of swatching of colors so I can post every day. That's really time consuming.

    If I really am hungry though, even after water, I like carrots and hummus, or apples and non fat plain greek yogurt, and I mix in some cinnamon and sometimes allspice.
  • lagcrg
    lagcrg Posts: 38 Member
    For me the snack(s) amount depends on my over all calorie goal...Healthy and good is apples, carrots, peanut butter, nuts. We all like different things. Drinking water before during and after any meal is good and does help make me not feel so hungry or "over eat" at any meal. I would say, make sure you are eating well at your meals and make your snacks no more than 200 cals, but if you're really hungry, I would think your body is needing more. Another suggestion would be to divide your over all cals into the number of meals/snacks you have each day(smaller meals more frequently)...all just suggestions! Good luck figuring what works for you.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Popcorn, lots of water, Peanut butter on banana's and apples, and low fat animal crackers. They are my go to snacks for sure. And if you notice, they are all crunch snacks with the exception of my banana. Good luck and keep up the great work.
  • ajmz319
    ajmz319 Posts: 128 Member
    I love sugar snap peas- they have them washed and ready to go in the produce section at Walmart, Meijer etc- you can eat the whole bag for around 98 calories, they have wonderful protein- like more than 9 g!! and great vitamins/minerals too. They crunch and have a little sweet :-) I also have single serving bags of edamame- micro, lightly salt, and it takes a while to eat for 98 calories and lots of protein as well- that and a low fat cheese stick seem to help me through many of my cravings!!
    good luck
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I know it's not the healthiest choice, but I often will reach for pickles when I'm munchy. It's high in sodium but the strength of the taste I find curbs my desire to keep eating more just to eat.
  • Diet soda for me and maybe a serving of saltine crackers with cheddar cheese...that's regular cheese...none of that low fat stuff. :smile:
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    almonds and cheese sticks usually keep me full between meals...
  • i try to keep raw vegs. in the refigerator carrots, broccoli or cauliflower so if i want to snack just grab some of that. hope this helps
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Celery! Very low cal and gives you that 'crunch' you might be craving (from years of eating chips or whatevs...I totally hear ya if that's the case haha). Sometimes I'll just get a big bowl of spinach, either raw with a bit of low-fat vinageriate (can never spell that word correctly) or cooked with a few seasonings. :D

    Dude, you must have iron will power if you can crave chips but be satisfied with celery :laugh:

    I think I probably eat chips for the salt and fat, not the crunch :wink:
  • popcorn or almonds work for me - it doesn't take a lot of almonds to feel full - and of course drinking a lot of water - but of course we big guys need to chew - that's where the almonds help me

    good luck!
  • bpoppa
    bpoppa Posts: 5 Member
    These are all awesome ideas and tips. Definitely like the banana/pb thing and I do like rice cakes. I am a computer programmer so I pretty much sit on my *kitten* all day and hard to get out of the office when I am feeling hungry, but I think these tips will help for sure.

    Thank you all for taking the time to share your thoughts. It is much appreciated.

  • I know it's not the healthiest choice, but I often will reach for pickles when I'm munchy. It's high in sodium but the strength of the taste I find curbs my desire to keep eating more just to eat.

    good call :wink: