
visiri Posts: 173 Member
Yesterday was Day 35 for me on MFP and along with my 5 lbs loss; I have a TON of NSVs to share:

- Drinking water washed away 3.5” from my waist in the first week
- I had to go in a hook set on my bras
- I had to tighten my HRM strap
- I haven’t gone over my max heart rate the past two days
- When I look down I no longer see my belly (this is a big deal – I’m a DD and being able to see my belly beyond the girls was just sad for me)
- When I lay on my side, my hand is no longer cupping my oozing belly fat
- When I eat, I usually get full before the plate is empty – and I’m not even thinking about wanting seconds (but I record all the calories)
- I have exercised 6 days a week since I started
- I haven’t gotten sick or injured (illness and injury related to exercise are legend with me)
- I’m sleeping more deeply and waking up with more energy

I’m taking it low and slow. I have a 50 lbs loss goal, and I have a target of a pound a week, which gives me 1500 net calories a day enabling me to eat my favorite foods and have a glass or wine or two with my dinner. I’m not starving, I’m getting stronger each day and



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