progress already!

I have only been dieting for 4 days and i've already lost 5 pounds! I can already see a difference on my body to! I'm 5'2" and weigh 155 pounds as of now. My goal is to weigh 120 by October 6th. Im new, so i only have my best friend as a friend on here. So add me if you want! I need some motivation to!


  • That's great, congratulations! :D
  • Good for you. I feels great to see the weight go and to do all the things that you enjoy. Keep up the good work.
  • kelseyjean5
    kelseyjean5 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you guys!
  • Oh man, that's awesome! October is a sensible goal, and it's totally achievable! I'm rootin' for ya.
  • April0010
    April0010 Posts: 178 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! Keep up the great work. You'll reach your goal in no time!
  • That is awesome, its great when you can feel and start noticing the difference.
  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    Wow that was fast, congrats. You must be working out hard. Keep up the great work and don't get discouraged if the weight loss slows down later.
  • It's amazing because I know she's telling the truth, I have been doing this since Monday and I lost 4 pounds with light exercise, also the great healthy food combination's you come up with to stay in your calorie intake is fun. Keep up the good work :happy