I'm Back

My name is Kasandra, I am 26, I have a job where I sit most of the day taking phone calls & I currently weigh an unfortunate 178.8lbs and I am only 5 feet tall & would like to get down to about 150 for starters & then work my way down from there while toning up at the same time.

So why am I back? I did the myfitnesspal for a while at the beginning of least year & I lose about 13 pounds and I was seeing results, but then I just gave up. I'm back again & I need more motivation then ever.. my boyfriend & I recently invested in the P90X program which we will be starting in about a week or two once we make sure we have everything we need to become successful, but any suggestions, tips, words or wisdom, or motivation would be highly & greatly appreciated! Thank you!


  • Same thing here. I was doing great losing weight and inches and then the holidays hit and boy did I blow it. So I am giving it another shot. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck - you can do this.
  • Same thing here, except I lost the weight about 2 years ago. I'm not anywhere near my goal, but I was happy to 'maintain' any weight loss at all. Fast forward two years and all of my good exercise habits are gone and I just have to look at food to gain weight. I've been tracking on MFP for a week and I've lost 1 pound, I'm back to walking just about everyday and I'm mostly feeling more energetic. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Hey everyone, we can do this & we will!! Thanks already for the confidence & encouragement, it means a lot & it helps to know that I am not alone!
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    Feel free to read my profile and add me as a friend for extra support and motivation. You can do this!!!