One month In

Hi all,
So I began my journey back on Jan. 2, 2012 with a goal of getting into a healthy bmi range by this time next year. I finally got fed up with the way I looked when I noticed how horrible I looked in photographs with my nephews, whom mean the world to me. I didn't much like that person in those photographs. January rolls around and I make a deal with 2 friends that we all wanted to lose weight and get healthier in this new year. Great. Awesome. Maybe this won't be like the previous 15 years resolutions since I have someone that is making me accountable.

One month in and I am down 26 pounds from where I started. The hard work is paying off. I can see the progress I have made and what is best is that other around me have noticed the change. I completely changed everything in my life. Yes it was made easier by being single and not having to worry about anyone else around me. I started by throwing out everything that was junk food. I actually gave it away. I began educating myself about proper nutrition, I knew what I had been eating all my life wasn't good for me and would be tough to give up. Thank God for giving me the strength and willpower to stick though this far. I started my journey at 284 lbs. I am 6'-2" tall and that was not my heaviest. That occurred in 2010 when I topped the scales at 315 lbs. My current weight as of yesterday was 258 lbs. YAY!!!!!

I'm not the kind of person that is going to bash anyone over the head with my new found lifestyle choice. I won't say that the way I am doing things is the best way or the right way, but it works for me. My doctor has told me I'm healthier today than at any point he has ever seen me. My blood pressure is to a point that if I can maintain he will take me off the meds. That is the only medication I am on, other than a multivitamin I take daily. I would like by the time I hit 35 in October to be medication free, and out of the obese bmi classification and into a healthy range. The biggest thing that I would like is for my mother to see the changes in my life and know that she could apply some of them to her life. I'd like for that to be my greatest victory. To see my mother get healthy.

Sorry for the long intro, I promise I am shy and don't usually talk much at all, but maybe this change is changing that in me as well where I am more outgoing. If you would like to be my friend on here please add me and let me know so I could add you as well. I promise nothing except to be nothing but encouraging to anyone. May you all have a blessed day and thank you for reading my story.



  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    Congratulations, Ryan! What a good month you had. Keep up the good work!
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    Youre doing it! Congrats!
  • kkrondon
    kkrondon Posts: 46 Member
    Congratulations, Ryan! That's a great accomplishment in 30 days. How did you do it?
  • MISSMILL3405
    MISSMILL3405 Posts: 23 Member
    That is absolutely wonderful!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • Ryan, way to go!!!!!! I too have just completed 30 days on MFP. I just love this website where I can record everything. It makes such a big difference for me. And I love the community board where I can read other people comments, concerns and advise. Also a great site for motivation and encouragement :flowerforyou: Keep up the hard work. Just remember the reason why you finally decided to take the journey and always know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. :smile: .
  • Congratulations, Ryan! That's a great accomplishment in 30 days. How did you do it?
    Willpower :happy: Seriously it is a lifestyle change. I read a ton of stuff on the internet about what I was doing wrong and how to go about changing it. I took everything with a grain of salt, and came up with my routine that works for me. It's still early and I'm still playing with some aspects of it. Once I reach my goals I will fully disclose how and what worked for me, but the best advice I can give would be to log everything. Once you see what you are putting into your body, it sets off a spark that ignites a burning desire to improve. At least it did for me.
  • Fabulous Ryan! Good on ya!

    <Belly Bump!> (while we still can, brother!)
