Why do i always FAIL 1 day a week

There is always 1 day during the week, random days, that I completely fail at eating healthy balanced meals. I always start out with a healthy breakfast and then come lunch time or sometimes i make it to afternoon snack and then everything I have worked for during the week is thrown out the window.

Does anyone have any suggestions or motivational tips to help me get through "this fail day"? Any good snacks that can help curve the sweet tooth that happens to be on this same day. Did I mention it is 1 day, every week!



  • AMPie73
    AMPie73 Posts: 23 Member
    Don't look at it as failing. There is no rule that says you can't splurge one day a week as long as you are on track the other days. In fact, I plan one day a week that I let myself eat whatever I want and that helps keep me going the other days because I know if I just wait I can eat that thing I''m craving on that day. Usually by the time the splurge day comes I have forgotten all about whatever it was that I wanted so bad. Hope this helps.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Wish I could tell ya, but since I do the same thing.....

    I guess we should just be happy. After all, 6 out of 7 ain't bad, lol. :wink:
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Instead of looking at it as a failure 1 day a week look at it as you are succeeding 86% of the time (6 out of 7 days). Just make sure you don't go for more than 1 day of splurging a week.
  • ivyslocum
    Its not failing! Its being human. I track but dont watch the bottom line on the weekends. They are my days to eat the foods I want.

    For your sweet tooth, there are ALOT of forums that have some low cal sweet treats that you can curb the sweet w/o eating your whole days cals.

    A few things I have found that help me w/ my weekday goals.....
    1. Cut all hi-cal foods (like that brownie you love) into bite sizes or maybe 2 bite sizes, then when it comes to eating it only get one out and put the rest away, nibble that bad boy all the way through (I have a brownie I love, its 220 cals for the whole darn thing but 1/4 is only 55 cals, I cut it into quarters and i nibble that 1" square for 5 minutes)
    2. Plan your day, (I acutally take 15 min Sunday to plan the week, but I am flexable somedays we eat Mondays meals on Thursday) Know whats for dinner so you know how many cals you have for lunch. If you want a big lunch, you know a light dinner is in order.
    3. Dont give up, red is a beautiful color too and as long as you keep your head up and keep going one day of red in all the green is still GREAT!!!!!!
  • dimplez711
    Instead of looking at it as a failure 1 day a week look at it as you are succeeding 86% of the time (6 out of 7 days). Just make sure you don't go for more than 1 day of splurging a week.

    Exactly what I was thinking. As long as you're not letting it derail you the following days, there's nothing wrong with a little indulgence once a week.

    The more you try to avoid things entirely, the harder the cravings will fight back. I usually get a sweets (chocolate) craving around 2:30pm while I'm at work (9-5 office job), so I try to bring my own snacks to avoid a calorie bomb from the vending machine, or worse, homemade treats brought in by coworkers. (I know they mean well)

    This week, I half-dipped some unsalted mini pretzels in a chocolate-coffee mixture. I bring 10 as a serving, but rarely get through them all. Also, this week I discovered Kellog's Krave cereal which is AWESOME. Portions are the key.

    Hang in there, you will find what works for you!
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    Sounds to me like you succeed 6 days a week! Congrats - That’s an over 85% success rate!
  • toddyvdt
    There is always 1 day during the week, random days, that I completely fail at eating healthy balanced meals. I always start out with a healthy breakfast and then come lunch time or sometimes i make it to afternoon snack and then everything I have worked for during the week is thrown out the window.

    Does anyone have any suggestions or motivational tips to help me get through "this fail day"? Any good snacks that can help curve the sweet tooth that happens to be on this same day. Did I mention it is 1 day, every week!


    I used to take one day a week and put all my cheating there, but I felt absolutely rotten on this day. Bloated, lethargic, sleepy - so I won't tell you to do it purposely. I'd rather you take a look at what is happening during your "fail day". Are there any patterns? Are you with certain people? In certain places? Has there been something happening on this one day that effects any of your emotional needs?

    Have you been rejected? Have you felt like you were procrastinating? Do you feel insecure, unimportant, not valued? Are things lacking excitement right before that first cheat occurs?

    Give that some thought - you may be surprised what you uncover.