California Girl Needs friends

Hi My name is Charity , i'm 34 and new so very new to this site. I don't have any friends yet. I started my journey a few years ago, lost 50 lbs but had an injury that side lined me and i gained half of it back. Just now getting back to eating health again and excersising . I could use a few friends....any takers?


  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    Hi Charity, I'm Dawn. I'm in central California. Welcome!
  • Hello!! I am new here too. I can definitely use a support group, maybe in due time we can have that :)
  • Good luck Charity. I am Matt in Central Florida. Welcome and good luck!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I'm from CA too. :) Just sent you a request.
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    I live on the central coast area of CA and I am always looking for friends, from CA or not :) Feel free to add me!
  • Albertafun
    Albertafun Posts: 29 Member
    :happy: Hi there I am Julie from Alberta Canada, I too could use a lot of support
  • Hi there! I am Christina and I live in So Cal. I have been using My Fitness Pal for almost year off and on but in the past month, have lost 13 lbs as a result of tracking with the app(and I mean everything) and training for a marathon. I LOVE My Fitness Pal! Feel free to add me if you want. I love motivation from others.
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm in the East Bay and can always use more friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • 4rick
    4rick Posts: 23
    I too am in Cali, welcome and feel free to add me.
  • Hi! I am in Texas! You are welcome to add me!
  • NonnyK
    NonnyK Posts: 35 Member
    Hello! I am also in the Central Valley of California!! I am new and looking for friends also!! I will do my best to be a support!!
  • avecviolet
    avecviolet Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Cali Girls! I'm new to MFP and would love to join your group. I could really use a friendly and motivated group of women who like to give as well as receive support. I live in the South Bay and work in the North Bay so it;s hard to find consistent workout partners and clean eating partners.

    I'm still very sore today from my upper body workout on Monday but planning on hitting it today along with 40 minutes of cardio.

    My current schedule is:
    Upper Body- Monday
    Cardio only- Tuesday
    Lower Body- Wednesday
    Upper+ Cardio- Thursday
    Low + cardio- Friday

    Saturday and Sunday or what ever I feel like I need to do and/or Mountain biking, hiking, rock climbing pilates

    What is your workout schedule like?