Yummy Temptations at Work: Help!

Cookies! Candies! Chips and soft drinks! Food that are high in calories, sugar, salt, and fat, and are sooo appetizing when you're on the go at work. I've been having problems controlling my urges, but my hunger pangs during my shift make everything so tempting especially when you don't have break. The snacks are cheap, but the calories are pricey, and I feel so bad when I enter the number into my fitness app.

How do you cope with hunger pangs at work? I'm going to try to summon more self-control and will power, for sure.


  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    This is a problem where I work, too. I work anywhere from 5 to 10 hours at a time with no break and no lunch, so it's difficult. On top of that there are constantly treats where I work up for grabs right in front of you ALL DAY!! Desserts I don't even like start looking good. There's always just an entire counter of delicious treats, and having to get something above that counter is pure torture. It smells so heavenly. I just try telling myself that I'm better then that. I have self control. I don't need it. It's empty calories. Delicious, yes, but not worth it. I will treat myself sometimes, but not in that environment. It gets easier to say no. There are still days where it's downright difficult, but at the end of the day when I leave my shift I am happy with myself for not splurging. If I am going to indulge I want to be able to sit down and actually enjoy and taste the food. I wouldn't be able to do that at work.
  • skirtinthedirt
    skirtinthedirt Posts: 12 Member
    I have this same issue. i work in a fast-paced big animal hospital where you can't walk by a common area and not have it crammed with amazing snacks. It was starting to become a HUGE problem.....until I started logging my food. Now, not only do I think about every calorie I put in my mouth, I can walk by a whole tray of brownies and think "2500 calories." And keep on walking. Secondly, I bring my own snacks, and I make sure they are as yummy as possible without being unhealthy. I bring enough of them so I eat about every 2-3 hours and I feel better knowing that if I pass on a cookie now it doesn't mean I won't eat again until I go home.

    Also, you indicated that you have to pay for these things. I have 2 suggestions, because I used to to do the same thing.

    1) I don't bring cash or change to work so I can't put it in a vending machine and it's harder to "go in" if someone is ordering takeout for lunch.
    2) Every time I am tempted to get a bad snack and don't, the money i would have spent goes into my "awesome and totally impractical shoes" fund.
  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks! I'll keep your advice in mind. :)
  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    I have the same issue at my office. The break room always has horrible "treats" waiting every morning and afternoon. I keep a drawer full of "better" (well better than the donuts and chips in the break room) snacks. I have raisons, 100 calorie packs of cookies, popcorn, cereal, nuts, and random fruit/nut/oat bars. It is hard but everyday you avoid those temptations you should be proud of yourself! Half the weight-loss battle is won by making the choice to say "no".

    Best of luck to you ...
  • anji708
    Every time I turn around there is a food day or cake in thebreak room for something. I keep Special K at my desk to snack on when i get the urge. I also try to keep fruit on deck!!