Does anyone do Weight watchers?

Hi, I've been wondering if I should get back out my weight watcher stuff (did lose 30 pounds for my friends wedding, since put it on plus 20 more). I don't know if anyone else uses the program and we could motivate each other?


  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I do. Have lost around 50 so far with WW. It's not much different than here - it correlates pretty well. I go to meetings and also use the online tools.
  • becky444
    becky444 Posts: 145 Member
    I do WW also. Lost about 20lbs but need to keep the motivation up. Very hard some days.

    Looking into getting a digital food scale from WW.
  • mkpatty
    mkpatty Posts: 2
    I did weight watchers and lost 50 pounds before getting pregnant. lost 45 after baby born, then gained some back. just don't have the money for meetings any more, but this is easier for me. I like just coming up to the computer and plugging in my info and it keeps track for me.