I have a binge eating problem.



  • bump
  • starznholes
    starznholes Posts: 170 Member
    Damn, now i feel like binge eating!!! LOL

    Good luck girly, I love all the advice everyone has given... Take it day by day... If you have a binge eating evening, start off the next day fresh and new. Maybe try and set some little daily goals to strive for.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    First, don't feel ashamed. Be happy you are working towards getting this under control now while you are young and still in your normal weight range is great.

    What do you binge on? Maybe you are missing some needed nutriants.

    Also, how long do you go in between meals? I notice my binging went away when I actually started eating 5-6 times per day. Now I get hungry after a few hours, but just a little fills me up. Now I am to the point I can't even binge on holidays as I get full very fast. It does take a few months though to get to that point.

    After you run, do you eat? It is recommended after hard workout to eat within 20 minutes. A carb and a protein.

    I love this answer and I too was in the same boat but I would very little through out the day then chow down later on a heavy meal that was very carb heavy. I have been able to stop eating large amounts of food at one sitting by eating regularly through out the day AND by eating what my body is telling me to eat! If I am really hungry rather than ignore it I will eat something within reason of course, if not I am likely going to chow down later out of hunger and frustration which makes me over eat.

    Good luck on your Journey! :)
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    You realize that simply eating 500 calories of food at once does not a binge make? I am more worried that you are taking a diet mentality and turning it into an eating disordered one, I did not look at the height/weight chart, but are you at a healthy weight for you? I don't mean what you'd like to weigh, but what is actually healthy for your height and age?

    My guess is that you don't eat enough, you run 5 miles, and then you get really darn hungry. Make sure you are eating enough, fuel your body for exercise, and give yourself permission to eat when you need to. Just my 2 cents.

    When I say binge I mean eating 500+ calories of food when I'm not even hungry. I'd approximate that I eat about 1800 without my bingeing, but maybe not. Logging my food will hopefully help me.

    Logging my food intake has really helped me mentally. Before whatever I put in my mouth had guilt associated with it because I was never sure when I was eating for health and when I was crossing the line into overeating. I think eating as much healthy foods as you can helps balance out you out emotionally as well.
    Its great that you are getting professional help you will be able to get a handle on it much quicker.
  • I'm 18 too! I used to binge eat all the time, especially when I was like 13-15. Once I ate an entire family sized bag of chips in one sitting.

    These things have always helped me: If you feel like you are going to binge, brush your teeth, or chew minty gum. The strong taste will help calm the cravings and usually if you eat anything with minty mouth, it tastes bad. Make yourself drink a full glass of water before you let yourself eat. It will help fill you up and give you some time to get out of binge mode. I also like to get a shower, take a walk, anything to get me away from something I could binge on and take my mind off of it.

    Make sure that you're getting enough calories, though. Often, when I would try so hard not to binge, I would end up depriving myself of food in general and ended up not eating very much at all. It's all about balance. Good luck!
  • so inspirational... thank you ! i to have them same problem... struggle with it constantly... I am overweight and want to loose at least 15lbs.... the worst time for me is in the evenings when the kiddies are sleeping and i can relax... i will pick up this book and hopefully put this to rest for ever.. thanks for sharing...
  • hellokittyhorror
    hellokittyhorror Posts: 70 Member
    I sometimes indulge in what I call "stress eating" which I'm not sure = binge eating, but it's eating more than I need and also sometimes eating when I'm not hungry. I have 2 suggestions that work for me:

    1) Just don't have temptations where you live. When I'm at home and all there is to eat is beans, brown rice and broccoli, it's very easy to not over eat! Also, if most of your food has to be prepared (i.e. not instant meals or quick microwaveable stuff), then this also serves as a disincentive to overeat if you lazy like me. I don't even own a microwave so I have to heat everything up the old-fashioned way!

    2) This can be difficult by try cutting out refined flours & sugars (almost all baked goods, packaged/ processed food). These can bring your blood sugar way up and then lead to to come crashing down where you will be craving more of the same. This happens to me when I eat something like a bagel. However, if I stick to brown rice, quinoa, this seems to make it easier to eat more healthily and eat less.

    Good luck and try not to feel bad about yourself. Just learn from your own behaviors and try to improve :D
  • xdaysbingefree
    xdaysbingefree Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! It's good to know that I'm not alone
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    Hey! I am recovering from binge eating. You're definitely not alone out there at all. I started as a teenager, my worst years were from 13-17 by far. At 18 I saw a doctor about it and lost some weight, but I didn't really take it seriously and found the weight adding back on slowly but surely :/ I'm 24 now, I regularly see my doctor and, for the most part, I have it under control. Today was a bad day for me so I like to think that seeing your post was a good sign!

    I'm going to add you though, it will nice having someone who is going through the same thing!
  • xdaysbingefree
    xdaysbingefree Posts: 98 Member
    Okay I think I added everyone who commented, but if I forgot you, send me a friend request!

    And thank you to those who shared your stories...I feel so encouraged
  • Have you tried eliminating gluten and sugar from your diet? Some believe you get an actual physical dependency to these foods which when combined with emotional eating results in binge eating. If you get rid of the physical addiction easier to say "no".
  • xdaysbingefree
    xdaysbingefree Posts: 98 Member
    Hm thanks for the idea. I can't really see myself cutting them out all together, but I will try to cut back as I am eating healthier, and see if it will help.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    My hubby says I have gotten to where I only binge 4 or 5 times a month which is way better than every day. However, I would love to stop. I can usually reign it in except at my TOM. I really wish to get rid of that!

    Binge eating is horrible and it makes me feel so bad about everything! It is a self destructive tendency I will somehow conquer!
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    The only way to stop this behavior is to dig deep and find out why you are doing this. I use to binge eat for many reasons: boredom, depression, out of spite, low self esteem and body issues, etc. Sometimes it was because the food tasted so good and that was my source of pleasure. Some people who have suffered childhood trauma binge eat because of emotional pain. If you keep having a problem with binge eating, you may want to see a therapist. There are some therapist who specialize in this area. It may be real simple or it can be complicated. I was fortunate enough to recognize my different reasons and triggers for binge eating without too much therapeutic intervention.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    You realize that simply eating 500 calories of food at once does not a binge make? I am more worried that you are taking a diet mentality and turning it into an eating disordered one, I did not look at the height/weight chart, but are you at a healthy weight for you? I don't mean what you'd like to weigh, but what is actually healthy for your height and age?

    My guess is that you don't eat enough, you run 5 miles, and then you get really darn hungry. Make sure you are eating enough, fuel your body for exercise, and give yourself permission to eat when you need to. Just my 2 cents.
    It's relative I suppose, but 500 calories is nothing from my perspective. Today is my binge day where I binge all day on purpose. I will consume around 2000 calories 4 times today...LOVE IT!

    As bad as this sounds, it keep me good all the rest of the week.
  • I've been on mfp for a little while and haven't posted much, but...you sound exactly like me! I'm 19, in college, and not overweight but not happy with my body. I run most days and generally eat healthy, but then sometimes because of stress or for no particular reason at all, I eat and eat and can't make myself stop.

    Feel free to add me and maybe we can encourage each other to set new binge-free records :)
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    I think what your doc said about figuring out why you do it is going to be the key for you. Are you just letting yourself get overly hungry then feel starving so you have to binge? Or is it an emotional thing. Hopefully you can get this figured out and under control so you no longer have to struggle! Kudos for making your goal more about healthy, non-binge eating vs an actual number weight.
  • xdaysbingefree
    xdaysbingefree Posts: 98 Member
    I think what your doc said about figuring out why you do it is going to be the key for you. Are you just letting yourself get overly hungry then feel starving so you have to binge? Or is it an emotional thing. Hopefully you can get this figured out and under control so you no longer have to struggle! Kudos for making your goal more about healthy, non-binge eating vs an actual number weight.

    It's definitely an emotional thing. It's a cycle though. I will be stressed/anxious/upset and binge. Then I will be upset later and try to eat less to compensate for it, but I end up getting hungry and just overeating more.

    I need to go through all of my triggers soon, but something about it scares me. I don't like analyzing myself and having to be so honest :p
  • I seriously have the same problem! I am also in college. I run, do insanity (a work out) and still really don't loose weight! I am also 5'5'' and currently weigh 142! so i wish you good luck!
  • xdaysbingefree
    xdaysbingefree Posts: 98 Member
    we're the same!!! I'm adding you :)