23 (nearly 24) Stay at home mama-- Long way to go!

Hello everyone! I have been using MFP for a few weeks now, and have decided to venture into the community. I have found the tools available to be a great help in my weightloss journey-- I can only imagine what a wonderful support system will do. I have lost 12 lbs since starting 1-1-12, and I have about 58 lbs or so more to go! (Yikes....) I am a stay at home mama to an amazing 18 month old-- and I have a wonderfully supportive hubby. I am looking forward to getting to know some of you!


  • Anyone? I don't bite!
  • renolizard
    renolizard Posts: 11 Member
    i am on track to lose the same amount! it sounds like you are making tremendous progress!!! i have started MFP in September, i think, 2011 and have lost 16 lbs. I am gonna need tons of support since i am starting my second semester of nursing school.
    lets be friends!?
  • amberrrrh
    amberrrrh Posts: 63 Member
    heyyyy. i'm 21, a stay at home mom too! looking to lose about 80 pounds. i've lost 17 so far. :)
  • Nice to meet you!!!!

    I'm 23, and just recently started this back up again. I have more time in my schedule to actually go to the gym and have more drive than I did before. I have only lost two pounds so far, and have about 50 to go!
  • ashtonalayna
    ashtonalayna Posts: 89 Member
    Hey I'm a 25yr old stay at home mom as well. I hav a 2yr old and a 9month old. Its hard being home all day with kids and trying not too snack all day. You can add me if you're still looking for friends.
    HLAMODEI Posts: 22 Member
    I'll be your friend....feel free to add me! -Heather
  • mshel19
    mshel19 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi im 23yrs old and currently 5'4 and 165 i need to lose at least 40 to be down to what i want to weigh , welcome to mfp! ive been on and off this website a cpl times i have a really tough time commiting to weight loss bc its so hard. Esp when me and my boyfriend go out basically every night. I have decided to stop drinking and focus on me bc the alcohol will always be there i currently started jillian michaels 30 day shred and just did day two and im dying but if this is what it takes to lose the weight and feel comfortable in my own skin then i have to do it ! add me we can keep each other going :)
  • I had a baby in September and I went back to work about a month ago. I've lost 5 pounds and i've got 45 more to go. I'll see how I feel when I hit that first goal, then maybe go for more. =) Good luck everyone and congrats on what you've done so far.
  • laughingatchu630
    laughingatchu630 Posts: 69 Member
    Im 21 and I stay at home mom too! I'm trying to lose 60-70 lbs but can't seem to get any weight off :( feel free to add me
  • My name is Sarah. I am a SAHM to Haley (7) and Connor (6). I would like to lose around 60 pounds.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    hi there! I am nearly 23 (next week :)) I have a 19month old daughter! So we are pretty similar! I lost 45lbs so far and have only 5more til I hit goal! you can do it! :)
  • nether do i hi my names lindsay
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    oh I am a SHAM as well :))
  • im 18 and i want to be 95 lbs but i am 115 so i have a little way to go
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I am a SAHM of 6, glad to have you here. Add me if you want. Great job on your 12 pounds so far. That is REALLY awesome!
  • Garpart
    Garpart Posts: 14 Member
    Hi i just started this in january ive lost 5 lbs doing this program with my mother in law
    But could like some more friends to get a confident feeling about this program
    With so i feel like im doing good need that friendly push to keep motivated.
  • Ryder9902
    Ryder9902 Posts: 22 Member
    I am happy to help encourage you through your journey!! Feel free to add me.
  • Thanks, everyone! You all rock! :D
  • Hi ! I too am a stay at home mum. Im 25, my daugher is two and I have been using MFP since about 9th January and I have lost 9lbs. I still have about 50 to go! any other mums feel free to add me!