New to fitnesspal, 34, female, from MI looking for friends!

Hello Fitness Pals, Ive been on a fitness craze for 7 weeks now and ive lost 11 pounds. I do portion control, stay within a 1500 cal a day intake, work out at least 3 days a week, and drink 2 liters of water a day. My issue is i really dont like working out! Everybody keeps telling me the drive will come but......still waiting! Ive been doing the 3 mile workout and like it alot but i think i need sumthing else to get me into working out...i need to enjoy it while i feel the burn! Any suggestions? Im desperate! And id love to know everybodies daily routines: diet, exercize, everything!


  • mrichternh
    mrichternh Posts: 29 Member
    I feel ya! I am not excited about exercising one bit. The motivation I have is looking better and right now seeing results on the scale. I know that the scale isn't everything but while I still have much weight to lose it will work for now. I am 37 from MI and work full time with 3 young children. I joined 1-1-12 just like you and have lost 12 lbs so far! I am 5'6" and currently use the treadmill to work out.
  • Kassandrainnes
    I know how hard it can be to stay motivated. I go to a class every Wednesday and I love it. It keeps me motivated and the instructor is fun and pushes me. Perhaps try joining a class that you enjoy? It might help with the motivation and you will also meet new people who are just like you. Keep up the good work.
  • BananaCat83
    BananaCat83 Posts: 77 Member
    I know how hard it can be to stay motivated. I go to a class every Wednesday and I love it. It keeps me motivated and the instructor is fun and pushes me. Perhaps try joining a class that you enjoy? It might help with the motivation and you will also meet new people who are just like you. Keep up the good work.

    ^^ this, if you have a gym that you go to. I really hate doing cardio but the classes are fun and the time flies by way faster than chugging along on the treadmill/elliptical!
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    Just keep doing it and soon you will enjoy it! Do you have an ipod or mp3 that you can put music on while you are on the treadmill? That works for me! Another motivator is to sign up for a run whether it is a 5k, 10k or even a mini marathon! It works! Good luck from one MI gal to another!
  • macqueenjim
    New myself! I just started this week and found out today that my scale was "malfunctiioning" and I weigh 23 lbs more then I thought!!!! I guess thats why I am here! Watch out Summer!! lol
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Hi there, I'm 35. Sounds like you're doing good... but I suggest considering weight lifting. I just started and I absolutely LOVE it... it was the missing link for me.

    This is what I'm doing weekly: M W F I do Starting Strength's novice program where you alternate Workout A & Workout B with one day in between, A is 3x5 (3 sets of 5 reps) Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift and B is 3x5 Squat, Press, & Power Cleans (although I'm not doing these yet, sticking with deadlifts for one month to get that down first).

    Thurs & Fri I run/walk for 30 min. It's HIIT run/walking with a ratio of 1:2... so I run for 1 minute, walk 2. And I push myself to do this pretty quickly, not just lazy jogging. This is a GOOD cardio workout and takes half the time I used to take just walking, where I never broke a sweat.

    I don't do anything on the weekend if I don't want to. Otherwise, I'll do a 30 Day Shred workout just for the heck of it.
  • bearcatmatt
    For me it was finding the right exercise that I liked to do. I have found I love to run. I also am starting P90X. Not sure if it will work for me but I will not know till I try. I do know I do not like to swim for exercise. It can be as important to know what you hate to do because you are not going to stick with what you hate doing.
  • bigprettygirl69
    bigprettygirl69 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello and welcome to myfitnesspal. I have been a member since October 2011 I have lost 41 pounds so far. Hang in there and welcome
  • cdub78
    cdub78 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey Michigan!!! Saint Clair Shores girl here! Working out does some getting used to, but you see the wonderful result happening because of it so keep on keepin on :) Get a workout buddy or at least have an ipod on it with some upbeat motivating music (Gottal Good Feelin by Flo Rida is the shiz!) Keep up the good work!!!
  • CSorongon
    Congratulations! Losing 1-2 pounds per week is good....Just keep doing what you're doing!!! Not everybody's exersice or plan might work for you. Find the one that works for you and keep at it! Don't set yourself up for failure. If you're aiming to crash diet (losing weight drastically and quickly) then you're going about it the wrong way. Losing more than a pound or two per week ain't only unhealthy, but likely causes you to lose muscles along with the fat. It's a bad thing coz muscle is a metabolical active tissue (which means that your body burns calories just to sustain it). Think of it like this:

    Losing muscles = Slower metabolism
    Slower metabolism = Slower and slower metabolism
    Slower and slower metabolism = Makes you eat less
    Eating less = Body goes into survival mode (body thinks that it's being threatened with starvation)
    Survival Mode = Mind tricks you into thinking you are even more hungry than you really are
    If you eat more = The harder and difficult to stay on your diet (slowing down your metabolism even further just to conserve energy)
    You start to think that your plan is failing = you get discouraged, quit, or even give up
    If you give up = you may go straight back to your old eating habits before.

    Little did you know, your body already has that slow metabolic rate that you, yourself created, not only did you quickly get your weight back, you might end up weighing more than you did when you started your diet. Back to square one =(


    Burn the fat. Feed the muscle. That should be the goal of your diet and weight loss plan, not to lose weight, but to lose body fat. Your buddies are right though once you start you'll eventually get into that mode and once you're into that zone don't drop just keep going and adjust. Good luck to you!
  • kathrynbeach
    Hello Fitness Pals, Ive been on a fitness craze for 7 weeks now and ive lost 11 pounds. I do portion control, stay within a 1500 cal a day intake, work out at least 3 days a week, and drink 2 liters of water a day. My issue is i really dont like working out! Everybody keeps telling me the drive will come but......still waiting! Ive been doing the 3 mile workout and like it alot but i think i need sumthing else to get me into working out...i need to enjoy it while i feel the burn! Any suggestions? Im desperate! And id love to know everybodies daily routines: diet, exercize, everything!

    Wow! I'm going to friend you. I think we may be able to motivate each other! I am on a fitness crazy right now too (my husband's coming home from deployment in about 6 weeks). I don't have a lot of drive to be honest, I call it a love/hate relationship. ;) I also consider myself to be "workout ADD". I get bored very quickly. And my only fix was to join a gym. I can only stay on a certain machine for short periods of time. And then I switch. Otherwise I want to quit. ALso, I make the amount of calories I'm burning my "task". No matter how much I'm hating my workout that day, whatever my goal is.... I don't stop til I get it. (I usually strive for 500).

    As for the food, I'm constantly hungry! LOL I just try to slim down the size of my meals and I've cut back my carbs tremendously but I haven't given them up completely. I can't. I'm also right around your caloric intake. Im at about 1400/day. And I usually stay right under but still STARVING! lolol Hopefully I can get a better food fix to stop that.

    Do you have any tips on your eating since I noticed you haven't said you're starving?? :) Keep up the good work. It's hard to stay focused and sometimes the drive enver comes..... at least for me. It just becomes a "habit/routine/task", etc.
  • MamaEdmund
    MamaEdmund Posts: 70 Member
    Hey there! Feel free to add me as a's the gist of what I do......

    Of course my GOAL is to work out every day, but sometimes with three young kiddos and one who has decided she likes to party all through the night I can't find the motivation. I make sure I'm at the gym on Tues/Thurs because my oldest is in preschool and I do 40-45 minutes on the bike (I hope). The rest of the days I try to do the 30 day shred (Jillian Michaels--sometimes I love her and sometimes I dislike her strongly) at home and usually the kids join in with me for kicks. I also do about 1/2 an hour of can't-quite-call-it-swimming with my 2 yr old one day a week while my oldest is in his swim class--basically I walk around the shallow pool on my knees, keeping my little one from drowning and catching her as she jumps in the pool. I was also doing a 1-hr pilates class once a week (killer!), but I didn't sign up fast enough at my gym so will have to wait for the next session.

    I guess what I try to do is MOVE every day, get outside with my kids when the weather is nice, and try to haul us all the gym when it isn't. I'm in Canada, so we have the crazy cold days here when I have NO motivation at all to leave the house, and that's why I bought the 30 Day Shred DVD. No excuses. :)

    As far as eating, I try to stick within my calories for approx 1lb/week (per MFP), and also incorporated Jillian Michaels' recommendation for my body type as far as the breakdown of fat/carbs/protein (see "Making the Cut" book for more info). Of course, that's only been for the past week, so no idea yet if that's working or not. :D

    Welcome to MFP and I hope you find it helpful!
  • tz2187
    tz2187 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome. I'm new to this to and I hate working out. I find music helps. Add me if you want, we can encourage each other. Stay with it!
  • leaso75581
    this is a really great site, and offers tons of support. feel free to friend me!!