PCOS and weightloss.

i have PCOS, which makes losing weight very hard and putting it on very easy, i havent managed it very well and so i am unfit and over weight ... can any one suggest a regime that will gradually enable me to increase my excercise and is effective ... thaaaaaaaaaaanks :) xxxxxxxxxxxx


  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
  • whats bump ?
  • I don't think there's any exercise regimen that is better for PCOS, so I just try to get myself into the gym at least 4 times a week. As for diet, I try to eat less carbs and sugar, since those affect glucose and all that stuff. It's worked pretty well for me so far... I was able to lose 50 lbs a year ago, and now I've gain about 20 back from stress and bad habits, but I'm working hard on getting back on track
  • I don't think there's any exercise regimen that is better for PCOS, so I just try to get myself into the gym at least 4 times a week. As for diet, I try to eat less carbs and sugar, since those affect glucose and all that stuff. It's worked pretty well for me so far... I was able to lose 50 lbs a year ago, and now I've gain about 20 back from stress and bad habits, but I'm working hard on getting back on track

    good for you :) im glad you are getting back on track its so easy to slip isnt it,
    when i was working i was losing weight but now ive lost my job so i cant afford gym as im only a student .. so im trying to fit bits in inbetween studying as im in a vital few months .. its hard to balance the two
  • If you're a student at a relatively big university you should be able to find some sort of gym to work out in. I'm at school and I only use the fitness rooms here. They're crowded, but it works.
  • Go to a PCOS specific website such as this http://soulcysters.com/weight_loss.html
    This is just one website of many.
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS like 3 years ago and I was back then at my heaviest 180 and I was always discouraged because the Dr. said I was gunna have a really hard time losing weight because of my PCOS...but in all honesty, work out everyday and eat about 1200 to 1400 calories a day depending on how much your working out, and make sure you are on a HIGH protein and VERY VERY LOW carb and sugar free and you will see the change...

    I now weight 125 and I never thought that was possible! You can do it