My first week, so frustrating!



  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    When you're investing money in something like a retirement fund, you shouldn't be checking its status daily and pulling your money out of one fund to place it in a different fund every time it goes down. You invest in a mutual fund because its managers have a good track record *over time* ... that is, you get into it for the long haul rather than short-term profits.

    Same with weight loss and fitness ... those who aren't in it for the long haul will be constantly switching programs, looking for a magic fix. What's important is where you're at six months from now, not where you're at next week.

    As for healthy vs unhealthy foods, it's not that complicated and you're not going to balloon out if you eat something unhealthy once in a while. Here's a list that summarizes what makes up a healthy diet (there are plenty others out there):
  • Don't forget to take your measurements - I had fairly significant inches lost (I think 3.5 in 3 weeks) even though I only lost a few pounds. People actually commented that I had lost "a lot of weight" because my clothes were all fitting better.
  • Good going! Seriously.

    You have started to change your lifestyle, and that is the best thing you could have done for yourself (I just started as well). If you are working out, you are possibly gaining muscle.

    Stick with this thing, you will see results.
    Watch the salt, watch the carbs, good luck!