any takers for buddying up on insanity?



  • grimacy
    grimacy Posts: 15 Member
    It's a 60 day high intensity at home workout program
  • I'm doing my fit test today!
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I would love to do this sometime but I don't have it yet :(
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm about to start week 3 :) I've not done it by the books because I'm working on C25K for a 5k in March so sometimes I have a rest day and do a run while Insanity gets pushed back a day. But I've done every day so far and I love it. Looking forward to finishing up the first month and measuring myself.
  • FittingIn
    FittingIn Posts: 162 Member
    Is that anything like P90X? bc ive started that one and would love to have someone to go through it with......

    It is made by the same company but it is much more cardio-centric than P90X which mixes weights and cardio.
  • LauRoxx
    LauRoxx Posts: 115 Member
    Just started week 3 today, Good luck!!! it's so worth it :)
  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    I am on week 4. It is my first round! I will join you if you want or if its okay!! I think you will really like it!
  • I just started tonight! I'm doing it with 2 of my room mates, if you start today or tomorrow I'd love to have some extra motivation a long the way!!
  • @amywhite8809 ok, that makes me feel better. after the fit test, i've been dreading day 1.. i will keep you posted how it goes. :)

    @kemahone second round? you must really like it. have you tried p90x?

    @sloanie1 i don't remember ever in my adult life not having cellulite, what's that like? hahaha it's so great to hear you had amazing results, it's really encouraging. thank you for posting!

    @grimacy yes, please, let me know what it is. i really want to get involved. the more time i spend thinking about staying on track, less time i'll have to think about food and being lazy. :)

    @ninjanurse10 it's a workout program by beachbody. look it up online, it's everywhere. i'm surprised you haven't seen any infomercials, i see at least one per day..

    @ekhnanisho gooooood luck! i literally could not walk without being in pain for 8 days after i did mine (thursday to thursday) you won't quite feel the pain the next morning, it will be about 24 hours later. keep me posted with your progress!

    @Moonbeamlissi what are you doing now for your workouts? i have and have tried just about everything out there..

    @DrG3n3 i love that. i've always hated running.. one of my friends got into it last year and has done really well with it. he's ran many marathons and now it just comes naturally, a part of everyday routine. it's been so exciting watching him grow and learn to love it.
  • @LauRoxx thanks for your post, love to hear people are having great results with it. :)

    @ashleynicoleh yes, please! you are waaaay ahead of me. how do you feel? are you still sore or has that worn off? have you seen goo results?

    @alipasquarell after such a success with this post, there's no way i can not do it. i already completed my fit test, so i will go ahead and do my first workout tonight. :D
  • I completed the P90X over the summer, its a great workout, I def got more toned and build more muscle. Right now I just started Turbo fire which is also part of the beachbody work out line. I def would like to do the insanity sometime in the future. I think any of the beachbody work out are hard! You gotta tell yourself to just stick with it and push yourself.. The moves get easier over the weeks. Good luck!
  • grimacy
    grimacy Posts: 15 Member
    Time to get it done!! E & E is digested and it's time to knock out Insanity Cardio Circuit...who's with me?
  • grimacy
    grimacy Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, it was tough but I feel amazing afterwards. That is what you have to remember going into it and also what do you say to yourself before and while you are working out? This is hard, I can't do this, I hate this OR I got this, 5 seconds left I can do this.

    When Shaun T is doing those side to side ski jumps--this may sound silly--but I picture my little boy at the bottom of the hill and I have to get him--I can't stop until it's done because he needs me. IT WORKS!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Today is Pure Cardio and Cardio abs, with a 25 minute run beforehand. I think the one dvd I hate the most is Pure Cardio. But I keep telling myself I can do anything for a minute.
  • I'm going through it right now....I am on week 2 day 1.....but i've been doing it for 2
    I let life get in the way a couple of I haven't done 14 days worth yet. I am LOVING (or it though!!

    There's also an Insanity group if yall wanna join that and we can go through it together even if not doing the exact same workouts every day. There are several others who started around the 22nd.
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    Is that anything like P90X? bc ive started that one and would love to have someone to go through it with......

    I sent you a message, I'm in a p90x group
  • I was thinking about starting Insanity again. This is my first week back in the gym so I wanted to get used to the routine before starting Insanity. The last time I did it it was TRULY insane.

    I looked at the DVDs a couple of days ago and said maybe next week. I would like to be a part of the group. I said I maybe would possibly start on Monday. If I have "buddies" I WILL start on Monday.

    Ay yi yi
  • ashxo12
    ashxo12 Posts: 67 Member
    I have two days left of week 2. :) It's crazyness. The soreness will go away, but you gotta do it everyday! I'm currently doing it with my boyfriend, and after the 2nd-3rd day, we woke up and pretty much couldn't walk. By the end of the week, we were much better. Doing the second week, I feel much better, and haven't been sore once.

    I absolutely hate Pure Cardio! It is INSANE!

    I would love to buddy up with some people and create a group or something. I did take before pictures, but no measurements yet. I haven't dropped any weight from it yet, but I've been at a standstill for a little bit now. My knees were actually hurting a bit this week from the exercises. Just took it easy, and they are much better now.
  • I'm on week one day 4 of Insanity. Started on Monday. I can be a buddy!!!

    I just completed P90X two weeks ago. =^)
  • Not seen it here - is it American ? I'm in Australia