1/2 Marathon Training - Thinking Aloud

I have my first 1/2 marathon on the 25th Feb (23 days away). Although I've been roughly following a training program, over Christmas to New Years I took some unplanned time off and then for the month of January I only ran my long runs on a Saturday (5mile, 8mile, 5mile, 9mile). With 9mile being the furthest I've ever ran and that being last Saturday, with only 3 weeks to train I'm feeling a little nervous. I plan on trying to run 13mile this Saturday...eek.

Although I believe on the day my competitive side will come out and that will drive me to finish, as well as being nervous, I feel like I've let myself down not keeping up with the training and therefore not giving myself a fair shot at doing my best. :frown:


  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    Whats been your longest run so far? If its 9 miles, don't push for 13 this weekend, but if you can do 10 or 11 before, you should be good, but you will be tired. From all i have read, if you can do 10 miles, adrenalin can push you through the last 3 for the finish. And make sure you taper the week before the race, seems like that is key too..
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    No need to hit 13 miles before race day. Get to 10 or 11this weekend and you'll be all set. You can even get another long run in next week end - no real need for a 3 week taper if you are a bit undertrained.

    Good luck and fun!

    And be warned, half marathons are a gateway drug...
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    I'm doing my first half this Sunday (yikes!). I wouldn't recommend doing 13 at all while you're training, you don't really need to. I've worked my way up to 11 and most of the reading I've done indicates that's pretty much the farthest you need to do while training. I know you'll be fine. Good luck!
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    And be warned, half marathons are a gateway drug...

    I think you may be right! I haven't even finished my first and I'm already signing up for a second!
  • Most beginners 1/2 marathon training plans peak at 10-11 miles. If you can do that, you can definitely finish the half. Plus, many people (me included) prefer the actual race to be the first time they go the full 13.1 distance. It's just something special! :-) My suggestion would be to run 10 this weekend, cut down to 8 or so next week and enjoy your race the following! And don't forget to come back and let us know what you thought!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Once you get a few under your belt and are looking to run faster and faster, then increased mileage will help for sure.

    The best thing to ever happen to my half marathons was marathon training.
  • I just did my first half on Jan. 23 and the most I had run was two weeks before 11.5 miles. I did do short runs 3-4 times per week, usually 3.5 - 5 miles and then my long runs on Friday. I wouldn't reccomend anything longer than 5 miles as you get closer to your race. Tapper and drink lots of water 2 -3 days before.
  • donna_b
    donna_b Posts: 2 Member
    Being your first 1/2 Marathon race don't be too hard on yourself, just finishing is a huge achievement in itself! I totally agree with the previous posts regarding the miles you should run in the lead up to the day. I've always found that a good tapering gives my body just what it needs prior to a race, and on the day I usually go better than expected....okay adrenaline rush helps contribute :). At the end of the day even if you need to walk for a minute or two will not have a huge impact on your time. Good luck and definately let us all know how you go :)
  • CherryBlossom1982
    CherryBlossom1982 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the feedback, you guys are amazing and gave me some great advice.

    I'll be sure to taper the week before, I'm planning on running 2x3miles (Tue and Thurs) the week of. As for the next three weeks though I plan to run two 3milers plus:

    - 4th Feb at least 11 (after your sound advice)
    - 11th Feb I'm thinking to run 8mile
    - 18th Feb 5-8mile

    @JodaNord - Yes, 9mile is the furthest I've ran and that was last Sunday.
    @Murphy15 - Good luck with your 1/2, let us know how it goes :)
    @Melie_gr - I'll be sure to report back after the race
  • phillips9366
    phillips9366 Posts: 19 Member
    Since you're not on a real rigid training program, give your body a rest for a day or two, hydrate up, and then go run 13 with no pressure. Pick a cool and inspiring route, stick some water bottles out there, or have someone support you so you have water along the way. Consider carrying a gel or two. Take it easy and have fun, but have a plan so you can stop if you need too (cell phone to call for a ride maybe?).

    If you make it, which you probably will unless you're not even close to in shape for a half marathon, then you will have total confidence on race day and can put some more energy into training between now and then without such consternation and doubt. At the risk of sounding pessimistic, but honestly, if you don't make it now, you probably won't make it on the 28th (or you probably shouldn't try and should instead put forth a little more honest preparation for a race at a later date and make that your new goal). It's just not worth hurting yourself over.

    You can always run 5 or 8 and then before you bonk start mixing it up. Run 1, walk 5 or 10 minutes, run another, walk 5 or 10 mins. You can do this for 20 miles if you need to without much training. So that's an option too, either in a few days or on race day.

    Realize too, that it sounds like you're letting the race put pressure on you, which may be a good motivator, or may be just the way you like it if that's what running's all about for you. But to me, that doesn't sound too great though. I like to time myself sometimes, measure my distance sometimes, but I don't do too much of both at the same time or it becomes less enjoyable and free. But, I realize we all run for different reasons.

    BTW, ever read Born to Run? I wouldn't necessarily suggest running barefoot, but the book (at least the first half) is quite motivating and can boost your psychological mindset for the race. It would be great timing for you to pick it up and see how it affects you, your race prep, your mental state, and your running overall.

    Best of luck!

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  • FryingPanda
    FryingPanda Posts: 99 Member
    Two other points to think about is;

    1) If you are starting to feel tired, you can always slow the pace down even if you have to walk.
    2) It's your first half marathon, no matter how you complete it, that is a pretty big goal in itself.
  • You are going to do great. If you are already comfortablly running 9 miles 3 weeks before the race you defintely have time to bump it up to one 11 miler next week and finish the half marathon in great shape.
    It sounds to me like you have prepared pretty well (even though you took a little time off) you are still running long runs regularly.

    Good luck, think positive you can do it.
  • Good luck! It sounds like you have a great plan in place, aided by the help of the "community". I'll be running my first 1/2 marathon in April. I loved reading the posts and discovering some advice. I haven't gotten into the longer runs yet in my training, but I am quickly learning that my mind seems to be the biggest thing that can hold me back and tire me out...I've gotta learn to find some focus to keep me occupied for the length of time it will take to run 13.1.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Good luck, it sounds like you have a good plan to run with (:smile:).

    Don't push it too hard at this point. I was training for a half, which is tomorrow, but after injuring my hip flexors about a month ago and having to rest for two weeks, and only doing a few runs in the last week - I'm going to run the 10k race tomorrow instead and aim for another half in August.

    With hindsight, I'm wondering if my training plan (from Runkeeper) was just too much - it had 2 x 14 mile runs, 2 x 13 miles and pretty high mileage during the week too. I didn't like the idea of not running the full 13 miles in training - but I'm pretty sure that if I had just run 11 or 12 I would be fine.

    Enjoy your running and good luck in the race!
  • CherryBlossom1982
    CherryBlossom1982 Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you all so much for the positive feedback.

    @JillyDJ - Thank you so much for your support, it's means a lot!

    @Merteach367 - I totally agree, when I'm running long distance it's kind of a mind game with myself at times. I do find that listening to upbeat music along the way has been helping and picking areas where there is a lot to see. My local park is amazing for that, I especially loved how each time I went out for my long weekly run over the Fall into Winder seasons, how the leaves turned. I even got to see the kids sledding a couple of weeks ago :)

    @Rubybelle - I'm sorry to hear about your injury but way to go signing up for another 1/2 in August. Good luck!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    No need to hit 13 miles before race day. Get to 10 or 11this weekend and you'll be all set. You can even get another long run in next week end - no real need for a 3 week taper if you are a bit undertrained.

    And be warned, half marathons are a gateway drug...

    All the above are true! :)

    Also, running is 90% mental. Just commit to running it, no matter what - even if you have to walk portions of it. You WILL finish! :) Have a great race!!
  • CherryBlossom1982
    CherryBlossom1982 Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you, thePetiteRunner. I totally agree that a lot of it is mental. I'm looking forward to report back after the race to let you guys know how it goes :)

    After planning last week to try for 13 miles this Saturday, I said to my running partner that I was thinking to try for 11miles tomorrow instead of the 13, being that the furthest I've ran so far is 9mile and I don't want to get an injury at this late stage. My running partner got back to me saying, we should do the full 13 even if we need to walk the last 2 and can cut it short if I'm not feeling it. How much would that hurt my confidence before a race to not be able to complete it?!? So my plan now is to run 11miles and walk 2mile at the most, or even at the 10mile mark make it so I'm heading in the direction of home and let my running partner finish the 13 if she wishes.

    Oh, also I forgot to mention, no laughing...but my race is going to be in Florida...Disney :) A family member was running in it already and invited me to join her, I thought it would be perfect for my first 1/2 to have fun along the way. My flight will land the early hours of the Saturday and the race is early hours (5:45am) Sunday, I know it's going to be warmer then here in NY so I'm hoping the 24 hours will give me time to get use to the air. :)
  • CherryBlossom1982
    CherryBlossom1982 Posts: 63 Member
    Just an update. I ran 11 miles and walked 2 miles last Saturday morning :) Apart from my knees hurting from mile 8-9 onwards it feels great to have ran that far :)

    Again, thank you all so much for your advice.