Confused! Too skinny? Slim? Room for improvement?



  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    There is no single perfect weight. For every height and build there is a range of weights which can be considered healthy. Many people do not choose, or are not able for one reason or another, to maintain the lowest end of "healthy," and it might look too thin to them. Especially when they consider the fact that they are heavier than you, and still completely healthy.

    You will know when you are underweight. You would be constantly cold, bruise easily, take a long time to recover from workouts, miss periods and start catching every cold that crosses your path.

    Listen to your body. Work it out. Try a few different weights. And realize that those people mean well, and likely are only worried about possible eating disorders that might take you unawares.

    You get to decide what your perfect weight is, and if you find that you do not like the way you look when you reach it, you can always gain a little back.
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    Thanks guys. I just thought my goals were realistic but with all of these mixed opinions, it has me wondering if I lost the plot and was infact becoming too skinny!

    To think that I had a mental sickness (in thinking I could improve but was infact making myself look worse) was a depressing thought!
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I think you look great!!
  • CateLouise
    CateLouise Posts: 60 Member
    Like everyone here i think you look great =D
    however if it was me i wouldnt lose too much more....the problem areas you state can be fixed by toning not just losing

    i think you should focus on toning the re-evaluate later =D
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    And after looking at your pictures I would definitely say to proceed cautiously with any further weight loss. But you look great now. =) You aren't too thin.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?
    Whats your body fat %?

    14.5% body fat
    24 years old

    BMR 1489
    TDEE 2308
    Lean mass 52kg
    Fat 8kg
    Perfect weight for age and height is 71kg

    Calories to eat to gain 10kg 2539 daily.
    This will net you .21kg per week gains and take 47 weeks to goal.
    If you lift heavy most gains will be in lean mass with some fat.

    You look fantastic but being underweight can cause serious health risks down the road including the inability to have children!
    The good news is you can eat a lot of food daily and hardly gain unless you go crazy at the pizza joint on a daily basis.

    If you decide to use these numbers for gains be sure to use a macro partition of Protein/Fat 30% Carbs 40% on rest days and Protein 30% carbs 50% fat 20% on days you work out.

    Put as much effort into lifting and cut cardio and youll be a lean mean lady!

    If you want to gain at a faster rate but run the risk of added fat, you should be between 15-18%, you can bump calories up to 2770 and reach your goal in 24 weeks.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Purely from a numbers game, you are underweight. Only slightly (the site I plugged it into said 62kg was the idea weight) I don't think you need to lose any more kilos based on that.

    I think what you want and your PT seems to be encourging is to change your body shape. So weights, weights, weights and more weights :)

    You look amazing.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    based on your current picture you look great, I went to your other pictures and the one with the bikini you look rather thin.. Overall I wouldn't loose anymore weight, maybe continue to tight and tone everything...
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Agree with other people here when I say you look great!!! You're always going to see room for improvement as everyone else on here (and myself) does, no-one is going to see perfection (or maybe a couple, but that's an even more concerning statistic! ; ). Anyway I would certainly start on the road to maintenance. I lost a further few pounds when I started maintenance so best to always start it before you reach your goal (easier said than done!).

    Throughout my weight loss I found that everyone had an opinion on it. Some thought I was too thin, others thought I looked great. To try and get my head round the (quite forceful) opinions of others I picked my nearest dearest's opinions and ignored everyone elses. So when my boyfriend or my Mum told me that I was looking too thin that would be the line for me. Fortunately they're happy with my maintenance shape and I've been pretty consistent re weight over the last couple of months and settled into my routine.

    You'll get there but you need to take a back-step and see how you actually feel about your current shape. Maybe ditch the scales for a month, I find mentally that does the world of good. I've just joined a gym so wont be on the scales for a month as I'm not losing and trying to tone so the scales aren't going to do me any favours. If my jeans suddenly burst at the seams however...that's a different matter! x
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    Your co-workers will be used to the old you so you will be skinny in comparison.
    as long as you are happy with what you see inn the mirror and you are healthy and eating well
    who cares. we all think you look great - no skinniness just healthy and toned!
    haters always gonna hate!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I think you look fine right now, but I honestly wouldn't lose anymore weight seeing as how you are fairly thin. I'd work on building muscle at this point.
  • bciochetti
    My GF has lost 30+ pounds and all she hears from her mom is that she is too skinny. Every time we go there for dinner they try to get her to eat more of what usually isn't very healthy food. Needless to say we try not to eat there as much anymore because her mother tries to derail her.

    People are entitled to their opinion, but if it is making you question the amazing work you've done then associate with them less. You don't need people putting doubts in your head.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Do what you feel you need.. But remember..

  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Do what you feel you need.. But remember..


    This. I think you look quite skinny in the pic with the blue dress. I certainly wouldn't lose anymore. Time to start building some muscle!

    My personal motto: eat more, squat more.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't think you look too skinny, but your weight does seem pretty low for your height. Anything your seeing in the mirror is likely the result of comparing yourself to professional photos with perfect lighting, makeup and photoshop. :wink:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Agreed. You do not loo "too skinny". The only room for improvement I could see is maybe adding a little muscle but that's just what I like.