advise please

We love our Fish and Chips here in the UK and Friday traditionally is the day to eat them. So we normally indulge at lunchtime in my place of work.
I have planned to miss breakfast and indulge with the Fish & Chips at lunchtime, is this wise?

Thank you


  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I don't see any problem with it at all. If you stay below your daily calorie goals, you'll still lose weight. Fish is also pretty great... although fried fish is possibly less great. Regardless, it sounds fabulously yummy.

    Enjoy them!
  • it's up to you but i would advise you to never miss breakfast. it will make you very hungry for lunch and might as well be uncontrolled of your portions later throughout the day. maybe have some soup or salad before the fish n chips so that you'll feel full sooner, :) enjoy!
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
    the saying on here goes don;t deprive yourself of anything and ti reduce your portions, so think what i would do if it were me is to either, eat normal breakfast and have half of what the old you would of done, so half a piece of fish and half the size of chippys.

    The other plan of course is to have a cheat day which again is recommended on here.. i am on sat as its my dads 60th and we are having a chinese meal! :bigsmile: Boy am i looking forward to that!! so using that day as a cheat day as you can;t undo all your hard work in one session.

    Good luck on your choices and enjoy.x
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I don't see any problem with it at all. If you stay below your daily calorie goals, you'll still lose weight. Fish is also pretty great... although fried fish is possibly less great. Regardless, it sounds fabulously yummy.

    Enjoy them!

    This. If you are worried about the total calories then just eat half of the total portion instead of all of it.
  • I would say instead of skipping breakfast, try eating healthier for breakfast and dinner, that way you're only indulging on one meal and you can still maintain your calorie goal.
  • Stazed
    Stazed Posts: 55 Member
    I would have breakfast. How about getting a dingle fish rather than with chips ( whenever I order this it always comes with a few chips anyway!) or splitting a portion of chips with someone else (ours is always a massive portion and I can never finish it all). If not I would just enjoy it!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I'm a Yank, and I love my fish and chips!!! Of course, mine are usually along the lines of baked now, but when I was in the UK, I lived on it every Friday!!

    You should at least have a small protein/fibre (yes, I know Queen's English) breakfast, but just moderate. If you have to, take an extra jog or walk. (chase the girlies!!! that is always fun!) Don't deprive yourself...enjoy!
  • safe? Yes but wise? no =( This is my huegest problem, I skip meals and when you skip your body gos into hold onto fat mode. It's not sure when it will get feed again. Like others have said either have a cheat day or try a smaller portion. If you really want to you can always get more. You may surprise yourself and be satisfyed with less. Take a walk after lunch? The fact that your thinking about it is great! To many times we eat without thinking. Hang in there your going to do great!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    As much as i hate to use The Mirror as a source...

    A large portion of battered cod and chips contains a massive 1,385 calories and 77g of fat, whereas a small portion contains 685 calories and 38g of fat.

    But yes, go for it, although have less, workout extra hard that day or make sure breakfast & tea are SUPER healthy. x
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Mmmmm, I live near an award-winning fish-n-chip shop in Belfast - I allow myself a treat about once a month, and I usually just go for the fish, or else I split a fish supper with my husband. I wouldn't skip breakfast, though.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    it's up to you but i would advise you to never miss breakfast. it will make you very hungry for lunch and might as well be uncontrolled of your portions later throughout the day. maybe have some soup or salad before the fish n chips so that you'll feel full sooner, :) enjoy!

    Cute panties - may I recommend a matching bra next time? Much sexier...especially lace
  • when it's my cheat day I have fat free yoghurt for brekky, asda fat free blue berry is 51 cals for 100g so eat two portions of that ....then knock yourself out on the fish and chips class it as your cheat day and make up for it by going for at least a 30 min walk every day to even things out ...worked for me :0)
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    you could always go for one of those Oats So Simple porridge servings and still get a pretty filling breakfast for just 213 cals when made with whole milk
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    we have them every friday, but my Husband makes them... he is a genius with a deep fat fryer... it's an indulgence but only once a week and I'm still losing weight! (and I have breakfast too...) :tongue:
  • simonburrows
    simonburrows Posts: 22 Member
    Wow thanks dudes for the advice, I'm gonna have an apple for my 10 oclock break and then use up my cheat day, then take on the missus at badminton on Saturday to use up the calories.
  • angevee
    angevee Posts: 55 Member
    our local chippy will grill a piece of fish for you. Is that an option?
  • bargainbabes
    bargainbabes Posts: 14 Member
    mmmmmmmm yum ha
    good luck as im new i cant really comment
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Give it a go see how you get on. What I would do though is drink a load of water after to flush out the salt (If you're anything like me you will salt up your fish n chips).

    I used to have Fish n chips quite regularly but it's a rarity now and I find two things: 1. I don't enjoy it as much as I did, the batter and oil give me indigestion. 2. It's a bit of a trigger food for me and if I indulge I often find myself eating cr@p for the rest of the day.

    I've heard of some people just eating the fish and leaving the batter but in my mind that kind of misses the point of having fish and chips.

    Anyway don't let me put you off! there are loads of people who would be fine incorporating F n C into a weight loss plan.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    Have something small low cal for breakfast? Like a yoghurt or a fruit.
  • I don't think having breakfast AND that would neccessarily be a bad thing, if you watched what you eat during your dinner. :)-