KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so I have decided that scales are made in factories owned by the DEVIL himself! :devil:

Why are we ruled by numbers anyway??? I hear all the time about people who are "thin" and "fit" who have heart attacks every day. Isn't it MORE important to FEEL good and be HEALTHY??? I think so! :drinker:

Bottom line: I am sick of the scale taking over my life! It's time to take my life back and LIBERATE myself from the scale!!! As of this morning I have put it in the closet!!! And I am SERIOUSLY thinking about taking it into my back yard and slamming it with a hammer until it dies!!! DIE SCALE!!! :explode:

Bye-Bye you demon scale!!! :devil:


If you wish to read what spurred on this message then here you go:

I had a baby almost 11 weeks ago. The first week I came home I dropped 10 lbs no problem! But ever since then I have only gone down 3, yes 3 more lbs!!! And I have been eating healthy and exercising... so the effort has been there! My weight the week I had the baby was 197... I am currently 167 (down 30 lbs.) so I have 30lbs to go to get to 137lbs, my goal weight.

To make things worse, my sister-in-law who also had a baby recently (3 weeks before me) is already back into her old clothes and at her pre-baby weight! She even gained around 50lbs like I did! Anyway I was over at my inlaws yesterday... we arrived there first then my brother and sister-in-law (married) got there. Well, of course when I got there NOTHING was said to me but when she arrived my inlaws went on and on about how "great she looked" and how "she doesn't even look like she had a baby" and her "stomach is so flat", etc., etc. I guess I should also mention that this is her first baby and she is 3-4 years younger than me... this is my second baby.

Now I totally realize that it was just good ol' fashioned jealousy but I got SO UPSET!!! Before I go on let me explain something about my inlaws... to them thin IS healthy and beautiful - period. They have said more than once that fat people disgust them, etc. So, I shouldn't have even batted an eyelash because I was raised that beauty is WAY more than just being thin. Plus, even though my inlaws are thin (which they are) they are on medications for you name it: depression, anxiety, etc. They have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, etc. So, to me, being HEALTHY is what is the most important because HEALTH is what keeps a person ALIVE not just being thin.

With that said, I am still completely irritated and totally exhaused at being frustrated about my lack of progress!!! Especially since I've been putting in the effort!!! What the heck! :mad: :angry: :grumble:

AHHHHHHHH!!! I feel better already! Thanks for listening... :flowerforyou:

:heart: Kris


  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Honey, with your attitude and determination, I have no doubt that your weight is going to come off! I'm a mom of 4 and with each child I had 30 pounds to lose. For most people it takes time to lose the "baby" weight. Your in-laws were rude and insensitive. Chin up and kiss the baby for me - he is adorable.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey Kris!! Sorry you have been so frustrated!!! :heart: :heart:

    I am sure I will be there in September myself!!!!:ohwell:

    But you are a beautiful, healthy woman who has now brought two little men into the world...and you are unique and your body will do what it needs to do! Like you said, you KNOW you are making the effort. It may just take a little while longer.

    And yes........scales suck!!!!!! :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Just keep doing what you're doing and your body will catch up!! We can't compare ourselves to other people...they have a different genetic makeup than we do and to do so would only add to the frustration! And if your in-laws are that ignorant, then I feel sorry for them really! What a close-minded way to live.

    You will be great and nothing can change what a beautiful woman you are!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • proctor0828
    proctor0828 Posts: 179
    I totally understand!!! First I don't think anyone's inlaws are worst than mine... My mother in law is out to get me every chance she gets... but that aside.

    You just had a baby!! Your horomones are crazy right now. Everyone's horomones work differently too.. Your sister in law will bounce back quicker sure because it is her first... you and I on the other hand... we've had more than one... I just had my 3rd. We have to work harder but you know it makes reaching that goal that more rewarding... you actually put your foot down and make it happen.

    Good Luck... you'll get there... time is the enemy we must make friends with. :wink:
  • hoguewild
    hoguewild Posts: 12
    The second baby is so much harder to get "back to normal" from. With my first I only gained 15 pounds (When the pregnancy starts at 215, you don't need to gain much), and had dropped 20 before I even left the hospital. This time (she's 10 months old now) I gained 20 pounds, and when I left the hospital, I'd gained another 2 pounds... WHAT?! Didn't I just get drop, at the VERY least, a 7 pound baby? :)

    10 months later, I'm 25 pounds below my pre-preg weight and feel healthier than I ever have. Numbers on a scale don't mean anything if you constantly feel like poop. Hang in there!!

    P.S. - In-laws suck (speaking from experience). Whenever I see mine I take comfort in the fact that I've never had to live with them, and appreciate my hubby all the more for having to deal with it 24-7 for 24 years... :wink:
  • one of my friends had the same problem after her second baby and she said she just started not having carbs after 5 and not eating at all after 8. Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Ok, first of all....really weird about your inlaws.... Insensitive and basically ignorant people annoy me :laugh: But at leasy you have your head on right and know what's up :happy:

    Anyway, I understand your frustration with the scale :mad: I too am battling that demon :laugh:
    It seems like it takes your body longer to bounce back after the second baby..... Or at least that is my situation as well. I lost it pretty easily with my first,.... now after my second... I put more weight on and it is taking a very long time to come off....
    You sound like you are very determined to do this!! Your hard work will pay off and you are working on being healthy which is a wonderful example to your children (great time to break the cycle your inlaws have laid into place) :smile:
    Stay encouraged! Stay focused! You can do this!! :heart:
  • Euphonasia
    Euphonasia Posts: 136
    Your in-laws need to be slapped around a bit. Being healthy and active is much more important than being skinny. If you're happy with yourself, then their pettiness should seem even more pathetic. It's more than how you look. I hate to be cliche, but what's on the inside matters more in this life than anything on the outside.

    My dad is the same as your in-laws, except he says things like "I don't want you getting any bigger than you are now," "You're fat and disgusting," or when I was discussing my recent weight loss with my mom "Thank you for losing so much weight for me!" Ugh.

    Just ignore people like that. I know it's hard to do. But if they're really and truly that petty and self-absorbed, they're not worth your time anyway. And congrats on your baby!:happy:
  • i just had to reply because your post about the scale was so funny - i feel the same way - mine is hidden in my basement and i only weigh myself when i'm in a store that has a scale. that is so so so horrible about your inlaws - i really feel for you having to deal with people with those attitudes. just remember you have 2 beautiful babies and really great attitude towards life, and try not to let them get to you. i had my second "baby" 13 years ago and i'm finally doing something about about losing the weight - so congrats to you for having the motivation to do it at only 11 weeks!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Hey Kris,
    Good job on not focusing on the scale anymore and lookin at your health in general!...if you do that then the weight will come off..i just had my second child 7months ago...and when i was focusing on the weight daily it seemed to make me so depressed...but now that i have made it a lifestyle to eat good foods and work more i'm much happier and i also promised myself to weigh in only once a week and be proud of myself no matter what as long as i tried...and so far so good...the weight is actually coming offf... so sometimes what seems impossible is deff achievable! :) so just do something fun for your exercise and eat right and that baby weight will come flying offf...u can do it!!

    P.S. sorry about rambling lol
  • peacefuljewel
    peacefuljewel Posts: 9 Member
    I was just thinking today. I want to throw my stinkin' scale away!!!! I'm letting it get to me. I haven't lost any weight since being on MFP (3 weeks). But I keep forgetting to consider that I lost about 8" last week. I didn't measure this weekend (my usual measure time). I'm stronger, have more energy. More aware of my eating habits. Yet, I am sabotaging myself because, I don't see the numbers moving down on the scale. I think my scale may be joining yours in the closet.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Your in-laws need to be slapped around a bit. Being healthy and active is much more important than being skinny. If you're happy with yourself, then their pettiness should seem even more pathetic. It's more than how you look. I hate to be cliche, but what's on the inside matters more in this life than anything on the outside.

    My dad is the same as your in-laws, except he says things like "I don't want you getting any bigger than you are now," "You're fat and disgusting," or when I was discussing my recent weight loss with my mom "Thank you for losing so much weight for me!" Ugh.

    Just ignore people like that. I know it's hard to do. But if they're really and truly that petty and self-absorbed, they're not worth your time anyway. And congrats on your baby!:happy:

    It's horrible that your dad says stuff like that to you! Good job about not letting it hold you back!
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    Thank you to all of you for the words of encouragement! :flowerforyou:

    During my rant yesterday I should have given my in-laws a little more credit I guess... they really are good people and super-great to my husband, me, and our family. They are just dilutional about what they see as "healthy". Because THIN doesn't mean healthy in every case. They are the kind of people who don't eat to lose weight... yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh. Me - not so much! I love food... lucky for me I love ALL FOODS.. even the yummy healthy stuff! I can especially give my Father-in-law two thumbs up... I think he tells me I am beautiful almost every time I see him (including this past Sunday). It's my Mother-in-law I can't seem to win over... since she's a size 2 and I'm a size 12 I guess she doesn't respect me or something. I don't know... I certainly don't get it. :ohwell:

    Anyway, I really appreciate your kind words!!! I know I will be back into my 6 & 8 sizes eventually!!! I suppose my biggest enemy is TIME... :grumble: The most important thing (like many of you said) are my healthy, beautiful boys!!! And my sexaaaayyy hubby who loves me the way I am!!!

    Thanks everyone!!! :bigsmile:

    :heart: Kris
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