Please help! Calculating calories burned in Sppinning class

Hi Guys!
Can someone please help me how can I calculate calories burnt in a spinning class.
MFP does have an entry for Spinning but I am pretty sure its giving me very less calories burned. I have checked on the internet calculators and in some it comes out to be 550 and some 480 etc.. for a 45 mins session.
I weigh 140 pounds and 165 cms tall (or should I say Short :D) .
Reason why I think MFP shows it too low for me is that I was completely out of breath after that sessions and was sweating more than what I do after a 30mins workout on an elliptical trainer/cross trainer during which I burn around 300-320 calories and also I was feeling the efforts in the spinning class was almost double of what I do on Elliptical trainers.

Please help! Thanks :-)


  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i'm sorry i wish i could help. i would actually like to know, too. perhaps you could input "cycling, very vigorous speed." or something like that? hope someone else can answer. :smile:
  • Aaloo79
    Aaloo79 Posts: 105
    Hmm. its tricky... Things do change considerably with resistance level. Does it not have a calorie-meter?
    If not, just enter a guestimate or try variations of cycling (high speed or with distance).
  • I wear a HRM during spin classes. I always work my *kitten* off and walk away sweating like crazy. I burn 350 - 450 calories per class.

    If you want a more accurate burn, invest in an can get a pretty decent one for 40-60 bucks. Totally worth it especially if you'd rather know than guesstimate. :flowerforyou:
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    I wear a HRM during spin classes. I always work my *kitten* off and walk away sweating like crazy. I burn 350 - 450 calories per class.

    If you want a more accurate burn, invest in an can get a pretty decent one for 40-60 bucks. Totally worth it especially if you'd rather know than guesstimate. :flowerforyou:
    thanks :) I am thinking of buying one .. just need more push on that :D
  • Cazazz
    Cazazz Posts: 1 Member
    Zumba is not on there either! Need to know calories for a tough 45 minute workout -can anyone out there help?
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    Yeah :) I think we need a Heart rate monitor now :grumble:
  • For the Zumba is a great calculator as for the spinning-I agree. I always feel like I burn way more than the calculator here estimates...compared to other workouts anyhow
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    I really worked my *kitten* off this morning and can still feel it in my thighs and abs and bum ofcourse but shame I cant get actual calories burnt :embarassed: .. I think I will log it under Stationary bike vigorous effort :frown:
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    The gym I used top use to go to Spin classes in had kind of pedometers attached to them which would tell you the calories, how long you'd been going for and something else (Can't remember what it was, havent been in a long time - had t ocancel my membership) - But I always found the monitor I used in the class gave more calories than the MFP one used to give - I know thats not much help, but thought I'd comment anyways - sorry :)
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    i'd suggest a HRM... until you get one, try
    they really overestimate, so take it with a grain of salt. i think i'm between the medium and high level and i input the amount of calories it says for low.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i'd suggest a HRM... until you get one, try
    they really overestimate, so take it with a grain of salt. i think i'm between the medium and high level and i input the amount of calories it says for low.

    i agree - when you find a range, always go with the lowest. it's far better than over-estimating calories burned. :smile:
  • ooshlet
    ooshlet Posts: 18 Member
    i'm 5.7 and weigh 145 - my HRM gave me 478 calories burned in a 40 min spin class last night. hope that helps xx
  • Zumba is not on there either! Need to know calories for a tough 45 minute workout -can anyone out there help?

    I had to add Zumba to the list of exercises, and there's a website called where you can work out the calories you burned according to your weight and the intensity that you exercised during that class :] xx
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Have you tried searching "spin" or "spinning"? I'm pretty sure its on the database.
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    you will need to invest in an HRM. Sorry :( but , you will probably be glad! I have about 25-30 pounds to lose.. and I log a 435 calories burned for a 45 minute class. I have a friend who had an HRM.. and she has a little more weight to lose.. and she burns about 500. Another friend-- said she only logged 250... again for 45 mintues. But, she has no body fat at ALL! but, I still think her "gadget" was off.. Not very helpful huh ? Guess I am just agreeing with everyone else. HRM. ;)
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Just checked "Spinning" is definately on the exercise database.
  • motherof3brats
    motherof3brats Posts: 38 Member
    I would say get a HRM I bought the timex hrm and I love it. I workout with a trainer and had no clue how many calorie I was burning. When I used the HRM for the first time with the trainer I was burning more calorie then I even thought but everytime is different all depends on how high your heart rate is getting. Good Luck!
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 203 Member
    There are so many factors that go into calorie burning that almost every method is a best guess. Including MFP calculations.

    I can tell you that for me I burn about 480-500 calories is a 45 min Spin class
    That calculation comes from my Heart Rate monitor that allows me to input my weight, Resting HR and Max HR. So it's the closest ESTIMATION I can get.

    (I weigh about 126lbs I have a resting heart rate of about 50-54 and a max of about 195)

    Close is sometimes that best you're gonna get, and besides a low estimation just means you'll loose weight faster!
  • Here is your extra push!!!! I wear my Heart Rate Monitor for EVERY workout. Polar FT60. Since my level of effort can vary I need to have a reference point to keep me on track. I know if my heart rate is low, I need to push myself harder. I weight 134 and am 5,6" and burn about 600 calories in an hour of intense spin. I highly recommend investing in a HRM it will change your workouts!!!! (The HRM, must have a chest strap and the following data input fields: age, weight, height and age) Good Luck!
  • As others have stated, you really need a HRM. Until then you'll have to take all these opinions and make your best guess. I'm an avid Spinner-have been for a couple years. My cal's have obviously dropped as I've gotten more adapted to it, but I do push really hard each class. Last night I did a 'race day' class. One of the hardest 45min class I've ever done. I burned 670 cal's. More typical for me would be in the 450-550 range. On a few occasions I've hit about 800 in classes with a lot of speed work/sprints that kept my HR way up the whole time. BTW, I'm a male, 5'-10", 166lbs. One female friend of mine (who is very short) only hits like 300 cals in the same classes yet I know she works as hard as I do. Another female (very tall) who is also a regular spinner logs in 700-800+ cals. per class.

    Point is, lots of variance so you really need a HRM