Calories on a HRM

To more accurately track my workouts, I got a heart rate monitor.

Today I did my 30 Day Shred. I stopped it immediately after finishing the "cool down" on the video and I read an even 300 calories. However, still being the chunk that I am, I sat on the couch for another 10 minutes to ACTUALLY cool down. At the end of that 10 minutes, I was up to 348.

So should I track the 300 or the 348? Do I track that "carry over" burn while I'm still cooling down?


  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    I only count it for when I am moving. Warmup and cool down included, but not after the cool down. Just my opinion. But then again I don't count grocery shopping, cleaning my house, or washing my car and some people do.It's up to you.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Good job doing 30DS - it's a killer! When I finish my workouts, I usually leave my HRM running until I've moved the coffee table back in place and put my weights away (which only takes a minute). I've seen some members say they keep it running until their heart rate drops below 120, so I kind of use that as my rule as well.
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    PS -- I just re-read my response and I apologize if it came off as short. I was in a hurry when I wrote it!
  • i was just wondering the same thing
  • skward04
    skward04 Posts: 81 Member
    PS -- I just re-read my response and I apologize if it came off as short. I was in a hurry when I wrote it!

    No problem! I don't track those types of things either. Unless I'm jogging while shopping or cleaning, then I might consider :)

    I think i'll try the 120 heart rate thing as a guide. Thanks for the input! :)
  • chesterdogmine
    chesterdogmine Posts: 20 Member
    I have a heart rate monitor that also gives my calorie burn plus average heart rate and max heart rate during a measured interval i.e. while performing an exercise. I calculate my max heart rate (one form is to subtract your age from 220). Then I try to begin my calorie burn tracking when I am at 60% of my max heart rate. I always try to keep my heart rate between 60% and 90% of my max heart rate while exercising. I do not track calorie burn during warm up or cool down. Just my 2 cents.
  • What HRM do you have, Im at a loss when it comes to mine. I burn very little doing 30DS. Does yours have a chest strap?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Count the 300.

    HRM's are meant for exercise only.. Not for sitting around or wearing all day.
  • chesterdogmine
    chesterdogmine Posts: 20 Member
    It is a Polar FT7 with a chest strap.
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    I would just count the 300, because it doesn’t take into count the calories you would normally burn not doing anything for that time. Which MFP is already counting. So it all equals out.

    Like for example, MFP has calculated for me that I burn 1,660 calories for my normal day activities. If I divide that by 24 that tells me I burn about 69 calories per hour just living my normal day to day life.

    If you had the same stats as me and you didn’t work out during that time, you would have burned 69 calories anyways, which is factored into your deficit already. So with the after burn it all evens out. Does that make sense? Kinda confusing, sorry.