Frustrated and starting to cheat!



  • Boshnivay
    Boshnivay Posts: 74 Member
    despite what we may think, where our calories come from DOES matter. the calories from fried chicken metabolize differently than those found in fruits or vegetables. so, even if you are staying in your calorie range you may be slowing down your metabolism by eating the "wrong" kind of calories.
    also, when you are stressed and eat this has an effect on your weight. maybe try "mindful eating" where you sit down and really focus on your food- the taste, texture, and smell. i found that when i do this with junk food it is... not as enjoyable as it is with fresh healthy food. hope that helps :)
  • kvultaggio
    Is your diary accurate? Are you really only eating up until 3:30 in the afternoon (how on earth do you not starve all night)? On many of the days that I looked at (only the past week) a LARGE portion of your calories came from cookies and the like. Try replacing some of those snacks with healthier options like veggies and fruit, or lean protein. A cookie or 2 a day is fine, but it shouldn't make up 1/3rd of your daily calories...

    From what I saw you eat a lot of processed food is processed food in most cases. I understand that life is stressful right now..which is a problem in and of itself when losing weight...but you really need to take a hard look at what you're eating and be honest with yourself about it. There is a lot of areas that you could make improvements on. Like you said, lowering sodium...lowering sugar. On the days where you're eating at maintenance, the only reason your cals get that high is due to sweets or fast food.

    Now for the stress....have you tried yoga or deep breathing exercises at all? Go on youtube and look up relaxation exercises and do a'll do wonders for you! Stress is a huge obstacle when it comes to weight loss (physically and emotionally), so getting that in check is important as you continue on. Every day is a new day...and a new opportunity to make the right decisions. Don't reflect on the troubles you've had losing in the past, and just think about what small changes you can make every day to have success in the future.

    Hahaha! The last few days I changed my Food Diary to include 3 hour-intervals. Before that I had the standard "Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks." So MFP automatically put my "Dinner" in the "3:30" slot prior to the change. I absolutely can't make it from 3:30 to bedtime without eating! LMBO :laugh:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Okay, so I'm not perfect - I don't eat exactly what I should all the time... but I am pretty good at being honest and logging my calories.

    I'm a healthy woman, I don't drink (except socially), I don't smoke, and generally choose healthy foods (fresh foods, organic foods, low fat/low calorie). My thyroid is fine according to my doctor.

    I got back into MFP a few weeks ago, with a decision to focus on calorie count only, and to add exercise in later (after the stress of the holidays and our planned move to a new town simmer down).

    And there definitely has been a lot of stress lately - I am a mom of three and just moved our entire household to a new town (closer to work and shorter commute - Yay!). We're getting our old house ready to rent, and I recently fell ill with that nasty virus that's been dropping my coworkers like flies (Yuk). Sooo..... I made some bad eating choices during the move and when I was sick (although tried not to get too crazy) like having nutter butters for breakfast one morning, and getting fries instead of fruit with my grilled chicken sandwich from Chik Fil A (yes, lots of takeout eating during the move... had to figure out where my pots and pans were!!! lol). Indiscretions? Yes. Binge eating? No.

    Anyhoo... my question is this: if I am eating around what my "maintenance" calories should be, why am I gaining weight? And when I'm being really good about only eating my reduced calories, why am I not losing?

    I've focused on reducing sodium and increasing water intake, thinking that swelling may be a factor, also. (And no, my "special" time of the month is not here either)

    Technically, shouldn't I lose weight, even if I'm not exercising, as long as I am only consuming my reduced calories?

    When the scale stops moving, and then starts moving in the wrong direction, I get very demotivated. To the point that I start thinking "Cheesecake? why certainly!"

    I am getting very demotivated, this is exactly why I stopped MFP several months ago... all this hard work, logging, tracking, weighing my food, checking labels - for what?? Just to lose a few pounds, then gain them back and possibly head higher than I was when I started. Last time I was faithfully on MFP I was exercising regularly also - I had tried eating my exercise calories and when the weight piled on, I quit.

    Any suggestions on how to "tweak" what I am doing? Is there some magic combination I haven't tried?

    I appreciate any motivation/ideas you can offer! (even if you aren't diabetic it's an interesting read).

    I maintain my weight not by counting calories or eating low-fat. The only nutrient that affects the scale for me is carbohydrates (and I would apply this to anyone) - mainly grains, dairy, and sugar - this includes whole grains and most fruit. (I follow Primal Blueprint). My metabolism is still broken - I don't know if it's fixable but I am managing it well by doing this. (Reactive Hypoglycemia which is a precursor to diabetes). My sugar addiction has been an up and down battle - yes sugar travels the same brain pathways as opiate drugs and grains contain exorphins which are a morphine-like compound that also creates addiction. This is why carbs just make you want more carbs in a couple of hours.

    What's interesting is I hit my all time low adult weight (120lbs) before I went Primal. When I decided to try it as pure experiment I got a big shock!! My energy levels skyrocketed, my bloated belly disappeared (P90X couldn't fix this one), my sleep got better. No more shaky blood sugar crashes 90 minutes after eating oatmeal and fruit. (Uncured bacon and eggs keeps me full all day). I don't even retain water anymore - not even during TOM. I also hit a weight I haven't been since before puberty - 110.6lbs (I'm maintaining between 111 and 115 depending on my carb intake). - chock full of articles that will make you think and maybe start doing some research - you'll be amazed at what you will find.

    And calories do matter when it comes to losing weight. But the quality of the calorie is much more important than the quantity of calorie (and in the absence of carbs fat - especially saturated fat - is very, very good for you). At a healthy weight I think it's all about quality.

    This is also an interesting podcast manuscript discussing a "body fat setpoint". I don't know a lot about it but once again very interesting to read. This is where I'm heading in my ongoing research and learning. Might even go professional with it one day. Trying to get more research on leptin, too.

    Have fun reading!! It might be time to send your body on a different journey. I did and it was the best thing I ever did.
  • tbloor
    tbloor Posts: 56 Member
    I would add sodium and sugar to your food diary. I still go over on sugar each day, but most of that now comes from chocolate milk (recovery drink after workout) and fruit, instead of big sugary coffee or treat like cake.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    Is your diary accurate? Are you really only eating up until 3:30 in the afternoon (how on earth do you not starve all night)? On many of the days that I looked at (only the past week) a LARGE portion of your calories came from cookies and the like. Try replacing some of those snacks with healthier options like veggies and fruit, or lean protein. A cookie or 2 a day is fine, but it shouldn't make up 1/3rd of your daily calories...

    From what I saw you eat a lot of processed food is processed food in most cases. I understand that life is stressful right now..which is a problem in and of itself when losing weight...but you really need to take a hard look at what you're eating and be honest with yourself about it. There is a lot of areas that you could make improvements on. Like you said, lowering sodium...lowering sugar. On the days where you're eating at maintenance, the only reason your cals get that high is due to sweets or fast food.

    Now for the stress....have you tried yoga or deep breathing exercises at all? Go on youtube and look up relaxation exercises and do a'll do wonders for you! Stress is a huge obstacle when it comes to weight loss (physically and emotionally), so getting that in check is important as you continue on. Every day is a new day...and a new opportunity to make the right decisions. Don't reflect on the troubles you've had losing in the past, and just think about what small changes you can make every day to have success in the future.

    I agree with this. Try to eat healthy snacks instead of grabbing the cookies. Let your kids know that they are welcome to eat the healthy snacks too, but you have bought them for yourself to help you with your weight-loss. Don't buy the junk food and it won't be in the house. When you want to snack, grab a handful of almonds or some carrots dipped in hummus.
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    I have learned that my body is a tough critic to what I am eating.

    It's not just a matter of keeping under my calories for the day, its the quality of the food I am taking in that makes the difference.
    I had lost about 20 pounds and felt great about myself. My cholesterol even dropped to a healthy level.
    Then I figured I dont need MFP anymore and started monitoring what I was eating on my own.
    I even started working out regularly and riding my bike.
    But thats when I got into trouble, my brain started bargaining with me.
    Things like
    "Since your working out, you can go out and have that big Italian dinner, and go ahead and treat yourself to some Tiramisu"
    "Go ahead and have a few baskets of chips and salsa before the burritos, what the heck you ran for 5 miles this morning"

    Fast forward to last week, when I get my annual physical and come to find out that my cholesterol is back up to 262 and my triglycerides are way too high. Heck I even managed to gain a few pounds.
    So I'm back onto MFP and tracking my calories, keeping myself accountable.

    Long story short....
    You need to take in healthy calories instead of junk calories.
    150 calories from almonds is very different than 150 calories from Cheese Cake.

    It's about making smart choices and portion control.
    Good Luck on your journey !
  • gracielee1
    gracielee1 Posts: 71 Member
    despite what we may think, where our calories come from DOES matter. the calories from fried chicken metabolize differently than those found in fruits or vegetables. so, even if you are staying in your calorie range you may be slowing down your metabolism by eating the "wrong" kind of calories.
    also, when you are stressed and eat this has an effect on your weight. maybe try "mindful eating" where you sit down and really focus on your food- the taste, texture, and smell. i found that when i do this with junk food it is... not as enjoyable as it is with fresh healthy food. hope that helps :)

    I agree with this! :)
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    Stress also causes your body to store fat. especially around the middle - cortisol the stress hormone is responsible so it maybe the scales have gone up as a response to you unavoidable stress ( emotional) and the stress due to drastic changes in routine, eating pattern and food type you've had recently
    so if you can get (back to) eating regularly with healthy unprocessed foods ( hydrogenated and trans fats can also lead to fat storage and weight gain) with healthy snacks such as vegies and hummus or cream cheese on oatcakes) and get back into an eating and importantly sleep routine
    7+ hours of sleep will help your body deal with stress and weight gain.
    Learnig to be happy with yourself as you live healthier and celebrate yor goals can help with staying on track and help with not stressing yourself out with negativity

    good luck and I hope this helps you stay on track . just remember your a human being not a machine and the body can't do maths so there more to just creating a calorie deficit.

    stick with it! you'll get there!
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I looked at your whole diary and these are my thoughts: If you are too busy to make healthy food choices, which happens, you probably are not measuring things like the fast food. I dont trust portions that restaurants give me, so dont count on those waffle fries being and exact 3 oz. the fruit cup maybe. 1 oz extra can be a couple hundred calories. It also looks like you have a major sweet tooth and that may be your comfort food. Thats ok, but you have to make sure you keep that in check when you are stressed.

    And remember, if you fell off the wagon a little bit, that's ok. IT HAPPENS! Just get back up, brush yourself off and go back to what worked.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    despite what we may think, where our calories come from DOES matter. the calories from fried chicken metabolize differently than those found in fruits or vegetables. so, even if you are staying in your calorie range you may be slowing down your metabolism by eating the "wrong" kind of calories.
    also, when you are stressed and eat this has an effect on your weight. maybe try "mindful eating" where you sit down and really focus on your food- the taste, texture, and smell. i found that when i do this with junk food it is... not as enjoyable as it is with fresh healthy food. hope that helps :)

    like. thanks for this. I tend to bolt food and overeat because of it so I need to think of this!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I looked at your whole diary and these are my thoughts: If you are too busy to make healthy food choices, which happens, you probably are not measuring things like the fast food. I dont trust portions that restaurants give me, so dont count on those waffle fries being and exact 3 oz. the fruit cup maybe. 1 oz extra can be a couple hundred calories. It also looks like you have a major sweet tooth and that may be your comfort food. Thats ok, but you have to make sure you keep that in check when you are stressed.

    And remember, if you fell off the wagon a little bit, that's ok. IT HAPPENS! Just get back up, brush yourself off and go back to what worked.
    I need a like button!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    With all the moving you are doing, you are probably getting in a good amount of exercise that you aren't logging, carrying boxes, moving furniture, up and down stairs, heavy cleaning.

    Some people are more sensitive to the ingredients in their food than others too. If you are used to eating more freshly prepared foods than processed and fast foods, your body could just be reacting to the additional fillers that you don't normally eat. Stress and not sleeping well always seems to halt my weight loss too, regardless of what I am eating and how much of it.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Are you sure you are being 100% honest about your calorie intake? I know that sometimes when we're busy or our minds are on something else - we guesstimate our calories (and are often wrong). Doing this once in awhile won't cause any harm really, but if you've been doing it consistently for a few weeks or even a month -- well, it can start to add up. Remember that it takes 3500 calories OVER your maintenance to gain a pound - and while that seems like a lot (and is...) if you aren't weighing/measuring food properly, it doesn't take long to add up. A few hundred off this day and a few hundred off that day and so on ... it can easily end up causing a gain.

    All that being said, everyone's body is different. The numbers that MFP gives you and even online calculators give you is an estimate. It isn't set in stone for every single person. If what you're doing isn't working, don't be afraid to tweak things until you hit on what works for you.

    Weight loss is really all a numbers game and those numbers vary from person to person. :)
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    yep...fresh fruit and veggies..and cut back the sodium...and the junk that is processed.
  • Heather2784
    Heather2784 Posts: 124 Member
    I don't believe making bad eating decisions here and there is going to make you actually gain weight in fat. Unless you have an absolutely horrible metabolism. What you're probably doing is retaining water due to a higher sodium intake.

    Life get's stressful. Give yourself a break. I bet you start being easier on yourself about everything, and it'll be easier getting back on the wagon!
  • fifi888
    fifi888 Posts: 14 Member
    I definitely KNOW that frustration! I do think that it matters what foods you eat, not just the calories consumed. I have been struggling with a plateau that FINALLY moved down 1 lb today. I was staying in my calorie goal but didn't have many veggies. I've upped my veggies and fiber and trying to watch the sugar. I still have my Kroger Popsicles. Only 35 calories each and REALLY a treat when i get a sugar craving. Of course water.....

    Hang in there - here's some motivation for you.....I can remember when I wanted to lose 30 pounds.....I kept putting off doing anything about and now I have over 100 to lose. I would have said, "I will NEVER let myself get this big." But it sneaks up on you and then it seems like an insurmountable obstacle. But it's not, and this site is full of proof.

    You can do it! And the stresses in you life will be easier to deal with when your body is healthier and you're rocking some fabulous new clothes!
  • Peacock2468
    One thing to always keep in mind is the quality of food you are eating. Not critisizing, I swear, but there is a difference in a Chick-fila chicken breast and a fresh breast baked at home. Processed meats and grains are some of the worst things you can put into your body. I try to avoid them but in todays society its all but impossible to cut them all the way out, unless your a millionair and can hire a personal cheff.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that having just moved you have been doing a lot of heavy lifting and such. You may be building some muscle. Weight is not the only way to track your progress. I keep track of my weight and all other measurements. As long as my measurements keep going down I dont worry too much about weight. A pound of muscle is something like three to four times as dense as fat. So you cold be gaining wait while loosing fat.
  • kvultaggio
    I looked at your whole diary and these are my thoughts: If you are too busy to make healthy food choices, which happens, you probably are not measuring things like the fast food. I dont trust portions that restaurants give me, so dont count on those waffle fries being and exact 3 oz. the fruit cup maybe. 1 oz extra can be a couple hundred calories. It also looks like you have a major sweet tooth and that may be your comfort food. Thats ok, but you have to make sure you keep that in check when you are stressed.

    And remember, if you fell off the wagon a little bit, that's ok. IT HAPPENS! Just get back up, brush yourself off and go back to what worked.

    Very good point - maybe I'll add a few calories when I do HAVE to eat out... because restaurants are notorious for underestimating their calorie/fat information and I forgot about that!
  • kvultaggio
    I definitely KNOW that frustration! I do think that it matters what foods you eat, not just the calories consumed. I have been struggling with a plateau that FINALLY moved down 1 lb today. I was staying in my calorie goal but didn't have many veggies. I've upped my veggies and fiber and trying to watch the sugar. I still have my Kroger Popsicles. Only 35 calories each and REALLY a treat when i get a sugar craving. Of course water.....

    Hang in there - here's some motivation for you.....I can remember when I wanted to lose 30 pounds.....I kept putting off doing anything about and now I have over 100 to lose. I would have said, "I will NEVER let myself get this big." But it sneaks up on you and then it seems like an insurmountable obstacle. But it's not, and this site is full of proof.

    You can do it! And the stresses in you life will be easier to deal with when your body is healthier and you're rocking some fabulous new clothes!

    Thanks so much. And you are right... if I give up, I'll just keep on creeping up that scale. :flowerforyou: