Help - I'm stuck!

I started on this journey on Jan 2 and lost 13.6 lbs in 3.5 weeks. Then, I hit a wall. I've been stuck at the same weight - actually going up and down between a pound for the last 7 days. My calorie intake is set at 1370 calories/day but I just realized today that was NET calories. I have been to the gym for the last 9 days straight and usually burn between 400 - 800 calories/day, depending on what I'm doing that day. I have never went over my 1370 caloric limit in the last 30 days except twice and really with the exercise I did on those days, I was still under my net calorie goal. Obviously, I'm discouraged since hitting this wall. Am I taking in too few calories? My trainer said I shouldn't eat what I burn off but only use it as a crutch if I go over. So, I've been only eating the 1370/day - most days it ends up being between 1150 - 1350/day. Thoughts?


  • cwalters1540
    cwalters1540 Posts: 39 Member
    I do think you need to increase your calories. Your body needs a certain amount of calories just to function properly. Have you calculated your basal metabolic rate? That's an estimate of the amount of calories you would burn if you just stayed in bed for 24 hours. For me that's around 1650 calories. Getting out of bed and doing our normal activities means your body needs more calories than even your BMR tells you--for me around 2300. When you add in 400-800 calories burned during exercise you're body is in the range of 3,000 calories a day. If you're only eating 1350 then burning around 600 calories then your calorie intake is entirely too low.

    I would recommend a 1350 calorie diet on days you don't work out. Increase it by a few hundred on days you work out to compensate. You don't need to eat back all of the calories you burn off, but eating back some, I'm told, is ideal.

    I know it can be discouraging when you lose weight quickly and exercise a lot just to plateau (been there, done that), but try to stick with it and play with your calories a bit. I'd been stuck at the same weight for 5 weeks on a 1200/day diet. I've increased it to 1350 and the weight is starting to come off again! Hang in there!
  • MeliciousGibson
    I have been in your exact same predicament! I lost 12 pounds within the first 3 weeks and have actually been at the same weight average (bouncing back and forth 2-3 pounds) for the past 2 weeks. I just read an article explaining about the eating too few calories, and setting your calorie goal for your BMR at your IDEAL weight. I've tried that (and am now at 1360 calories/day), but only for the past week. I've been eating VERY close to that, maybe 1300 calories/day, and have seen that scale go UP 2 pounds this week. Talk about discouraging....

    But I know that it's just a couple of pounds, and my body has to get used to eating the correct amount of food. So, I'm sticking with it. I sure do feel your frustration!
  • sandlerlover
    sandlerlover Posts: 96 Member
    I think you need to increase cals also.
  • cbseastrunk1729
    Thanks! This is a tough journey for sure! Good luck!