Weight gain due to antidepressants

I'm sure this has been brought up somewhere else in this forum but here we go!

I suffer from an anxiety disorder and am currently medicated. I was recently on Viibryd which did nothing for my anxiety but did everything for my weight gain! I gained roughly 6 pounds in 1 month of being on the medication.

In the last 3 months I've gained back 20+ pounds that I lost last year, so this is just really disappointing.

My doctor has put me on Cymbalta which has immediately made me have no appetite...

I guess my question is, does anyone have any experience with losing weight while on antidepressants? Any words of wisdom?



  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    No experience with those particular antidepressants, but the Laws of Physics still apply:
    If you burn more calories than you are taking in, you will lose weight.

    Did you find the meds increased your hunger?
    Were you sneaking calories you weren't logging?
    Didn't feel like exercising any more?

    Some antidepressants have different side effects, eg. Wellbutrin is an antidepressant but is also used to help people quit smoking, and supposedly is less likely to cause weight gain.

    Depression itself can cause weight gain, but so can thyroid problems. Have you had your thyroid checked?
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I have to be on SSRI's in the past. I tried Cymbalta but could not take it. I think I have heard that Wellbutrin doesn't carry that side effect as much as some of the others either. I ended up scrapping them all and taking just St. John's Wort. It has helped me tremendously without all of the side effects and I am finding it easier to watch what I eat and stay motivated.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    Frosty is right about the thyroid and other hormonal issues can cause weight gain. When I was on SSRI's I put on a lot of weight and I think it was partly because they made it difficutl for me to go to the bathroom.
  • I also have an anxiety disorder, and I am on 3 medications that cause weight gain/inhibit weight loss. But I've determined it's mostly because of a larger appetite. I haven't been losing weight as readily medicated as I did without meds, but it's still happening. Albeit slowly.

    It sounds like you're doing pretty well on Cymbalta, and that's awesome! I was on Cymbalta for a while, and I saw no weight gain while I was taking it. :-)
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Cymbalta is the best for NO weight gain. I am the same and I tried numerous things that caused me to gain weight. Finally got on Cymbalta. I like it, but it def did not get rid of my appetite! Now that you are on Cymbalta, just eat right and workout and you should be fine. I have lost 30lbs so far all while on Cymbalta!
  • Viibryd (which is very new on the market) made me ravenously hungry and made me crave food all the time. I had no impulse control at all. Previously I was on Lexapro and that seemed to have no affect on me at all. I actually lost the majority of my weight on Lexapro. It just didn't treat my anxiety.

    I am scheduling an appointment with a doctor to have my thyroid checked.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    I'm currently on Lexapro and I've managed to lose weight without any nasty side effects.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I lost most of my weight while on Lexapro and then Celexa, plus Xanax.

    With increased physical activity, I've been able to wean off all medications for depression and anxiety. Running is my new Xanax. :smile:
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    No experience with those particular antidepressants, but the Laws of Physics still apply:
    If you burn more calories than you are taking in, you will lose weight.

    Did you find the meds increased your hunger?
    Were you sneaking calories you weren't logging?
    Didn't feel like exercising any more?

    Some antidepressants have different side effects, eg. Wellbutrin is an antidepressant but is also used to help people quit smoking, and supposedly is less likely to cause weight gain.

    Depression itself can cause weight gain, but so can thyroid problems. Have you had your thyroid checked?
    I do not know one doctor that gives out antidepressents without checking for thyroid issues. And despite what Frosty assumes to know, after never taking these antidepressents, they DO have side effects such as WEIGHT GAIN!
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Wow...the med that caused me to gain so much weight was Lexapro...and it is a side effect of the med. How did you all manage to lose??
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Thyroid problems can also cause/worsen anxiety - another good reason to get it checked!
  • I have to be on SSRI's in the past. I tried Cymbalta but could not take it. I think I have heard that Wellbutrin doesn't carry that side effect as much as some of the others either. I ended up scrapping them all and taking just St. John's Wort. It has helped me tremendously without all of the side effects and I am finding it easier to watch what I eat and stay motivated.

    I tried Wellbutrin as well because I felt my anti-depressant was inhibiting my weight loss. But if I remember correctly, it is not an SSRI so it helped control my depression but not anxiety. I only took it for a short time because it didn't control my anxiety and I had to go back to an SSRI. Be cautious when talking to your doctor and make sure you are getting the right medicine to treat your individual symptoms - don't sacrifice for a med that doesn't work for you just because you think it might help your weight loss.
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    I had never been on antidepressants in my life prior to the death of my husband. I struggled along for ages without meds and was just falling deeper into a hole. My Doctor placed me on Lexapro initially in early April of last year and he gradually increased it over a couple of months . For me it was not the right drug- I was nauseous for up to six weeks on it and it gave me headaches. I managed to start my weight loss journey on it - and the loss was regular without any hitches.The Lexapro made me sleepy all the time and I had to fight to maintain my exercise schedule burning between 300-700 calories a day. As I began to hate Lexapro more and more the doctor decided to switch me off the lexapro gradually and introduce Cymbalta.
    Generally I have been very happy with the cymbalta and have not stopped on my weight loss journey either,
    so all in all the meds have not increased my weight even for a scrap of time. Good luck with it all
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I am on Celexa and it has worked GREAT for my anxiety! It hasn't affected my weight or eating at all.
  • jdobbins01
    jdobbins01 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on Vibryd for a few months and gained 20lbs and I work out everyday and eat to lose..going to my doc today to see how to get off this..