how do you stop bingeing? i always lose a couple of pounds then binge and my weight constantly goes up and down by 3 or 4 pounds, it's really frustrating but i just can't seem to control myself!

any tips or help? :(

i've tried 'stopping and realising i'm not hungry' but it doesn't work, nothing does :(:frown: :frown:


  • CoachDMarz
    I used to have the same problem. Especially at nights. I've been better lately by just trying to make sure I eat all my calories throughout the day with plenty of protein and fiber and a huge breakfast so that I don't get hungry or cravings later in the day/night.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Are you binging because you are hungry or just because you are craving something? Make sure you treat yourself every so often to try and avoid binge eating. Eat plenty of protein, complex carbs, fruit and veg. Plenty of exercise. It's hard to know what to suggest properly without knowing why you binge?
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    What prompts the binging? Is it due to an emotional response? Are you stressed, bored...? Or is it because you have designated those foods as off-limits and thereby making them a temptation which you have to give in to? Have you thought of incorporating those foods into your daily diet?

    I find that by writing everything down, I feel much more accountable if I feel the need to binge. Plus, I am an emotional eater, so when I get bored or stressed, I want to eat more to feel better. I try to recognize that and stop myself before it gets started.
  • Clara
    Clara Posts: 88 Member
    i hear that. i was binging an additional 1200-2000 calories in the eve easily. i started taking PGX and i actually do feel full. i still try to budget in an eve snack but i dont always eat it. i am not saying that i never cheat any more, cause i do ...... sometimes ..... but not nearly as often as i did before.
  • itsflorence
    I think i binge because i restrict myself so when my family is out i will just eat loads of the chocolate i couldn't eat before, it might be boredom aswell and sometimes it's stress but i usually sense that
  • itsflorence
    And sometimes i try to not restrict myself, but it's always when my family go out that i just go straight to the kitchen and eat whatever and how much i like :(