College campus eating sucks!! Help!!

Hey everyone! I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions about caferteria eating? I am a college student living on a college budget, so most of the time I eat on campus. We have 3 options at my school: 1. the all you can eat caferteria, 2. the food court and 3. the diner. Number 2 and 3 serve the typical college fast food (#3 serves nothing but fried food), so I try to stay away from those choices. So number 1 is my only option. Everyday they serve baked chicken and on most days I end up eating that with some type of veggie and a piece of fruit. I'm allergic to most fruit with the exception of oranges, bananas, grapes and berries. Does anyone have suggestions for eating healthy on college campus??


  • As a former college goer, I usually focus on eat the home style cooking meals since other options that my university's cafeteria have. there were Pasta bar, sandwich bar, fried food bar, salad bar, ethnic food bar and home style cooking. I normally check ethnic bar out because they do serve different kind of meals every day. I only see if they are serve healthy ethnic food and i will eat there. and i would check home style cooking meals out to see if it is healthy meal. if none of that healthy meals were serve that day. I will straight to salad bar and make myself a healhty meal with grilled chicken on side. avoid all fatty dressings. i would do balamsic, raspberry vingerette or oil and wine vingear. i will check soups time to time. I just dont drink pop sodas at all. I only will drink skim milk or tea or water that is just helpful that I just dont tempt myself too much by ingore dessert entirely. I would check dessert and see if any healthy dessert there. if none. I would grab one scoop of vanilla ice cream and go to get a fruit and put in my ice cream and eat it and leave cafeteria right away after i am done with meal. all you want to eat caferteria is hard thing to do but its good training for me since My family is large and do frequently go to buffet style places if we get together. I can mix up the taste up for salad bar. just look online for the different style for salads like fruit toppings , meat toppings, ethnic style salad. Beside that, i avoid casear salad at all cost because it is just high fatty meal as other fried food due to the ranch dressing and tons of nuts and cheese.

    best luck on find good healthy meals. you can talk to cafeteria manager to see how you can get more healhty meal out of cafeteria. they would work with you believe me. i did convinced manager to set out more healthy meal options on weekends than just during weekdays.