What to say back when friends/family bring you down

I'm not sure if anyone has had to deal with this or not so I'm kind of stumped on what to do or say back.

I come from a very obese family, and as much as I love them, they drive me nuts when an undo conversation comes up about my weight. Mind you, I've mostly been fairly thin around 120-135lbs most my life and had lean muscle. My lowest was a size 6/7 and I wouldn't want to be any thinner than that - I was extremely happy physically. However, since my time serving in the military for 5 years and recently tried the birth control shot, my weight went up fairly quickly to where it is now at 195lbs. Most of this weight was gained in a 9 month period and I was already maintaining at around 140-150lbs since I got out of training in early 2007. Now obviously since I gained weight so quickly, I feel crappy and generally unhappy with my body and I want to strive to get back down to my weight before I joined the military which was in the 120lb's. I would think anyone would be understanding of that especially when I get comments all the time asking if I'm pregnant - which is just hurtful to say the least. And, it would be nice to fit into some of my clothes again since I can't fit into the mass majority of them.

Instead of support from family or friends, I'm getting some backlash that I looked anorexic before and should stay where I'm at, or that I look healthier now etc etc. And what my family doesn't understand is that I want to lose weight because of how I feel and not because of what they think is good for me and not because of a number (I don't tell them my goal weight but that I want to be where I was at before the military.) Mind you that I've also been an avid gym member for years, and even when I would tell them years ago I was off to the gym they always ASSUMED it was because I wanted to lose weight and not that I was doing it for health reasons or that I had lost 30lbs and was striving to maintain a healthy weight - so I always got a lot of flack for just going to work out at the gym.

When you have a family history full of anything from diabetes and heart disease, I'd think they'd be more understanding that I want to prevent all that misery. Considering most of my family members start having health issues before they're 20 years old, I have none to date except sinus and some allergies. Even with all this negativity around me, I do strive to be somewhat more of a roll model for my family. I wish they would just get that it's not all about pizza and twinkies, and they could prevent most of their ailments or improve them through exercise and diet. But heck if I were to get cancer in 5 years, they'd say it was my diet and exercise that got me there!

What do you say when you have some difficult family or friends bringing you down about your diet or fitness goals? Here's an old picture of me at 120ish pounds:



  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I would straight out tell them to shove it. But that's just me. I have said it to my Grandmother on more than one occasion when she's made comments on my weight. She hasn't said a word in a while now.
  • AubreysMommy30
    AubreysMommy30 Posts: 64 Member
    It sounds to me that they are just jealous. You are losing weight and they aren't. I wouldn't worry about it, you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons, so just keep it up! As long as you are happy and healthy, who cares what others think? Maybe your success could inspire them? Good luck!!
  • My mom tends to be a negative nancy about this issue, and most others......I just ignore her. LOL Good luck hun! Don't let anyone bring you down:)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    They don't! My family respects me and friends that dont-well the aren't friends!
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    It sounds to me that they are just jealous. You are losing weight and they aren't. I wouldn't worry about it, you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons, so just keep it up! As long as you are happy and healthy, who cares what others think? Maybe your success could inspire them? Good luck!!

    I agree totally!
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    you look wonderful at your goal pic hun, id go for it and not worry abt the other folks. this is only abt YOU!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    "I appreciate your input but I'm doing what I feel is best for me."
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I think I'd just say goodbye. I know they're family and all, but if they aren't going to help you be better, why keep them in your life?
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    "I appreciate your input but I'm doing what I feel is best for me."

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    "I appreciate your input but I'm doing what I feel is best for me."
    I agree with this too! You're doing this for yourself, not them, so maybe just don't even tell them when you're going to the gym. A lot of people here have dealt with negativity from freinds & family, and some if it is probably stemming from genuine concern (from their limited point of view) and sometimes probably jealousy as well. Either way, just ignore it, be healthy and get your body to the weight where YOU are happy!

    If they keep it up and you are truly insulted, then flat out tell them that you don't want to end up with the health problems THEY have...maybe that will shut them up once and for all!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone has had to deal with this or not so I'm kind of stumped on what to do or say back.

    I come from a very obese family, and as much as I love them, they drive me nuts when an undo conversation comes up about my weight. Mind you, I've mostly been fairly thin around 120-135lbs most my life and had lean muscle. My lowest was a size 6/7 and I wouldn't want to be any thinner than that - I was extremely happy physically. However, since my time serving in the military for 5 years and recently tried the birth control shot, my weight went up fairly quickly to where it is now at 195lbs. Most of this weight was gained in a 9 month period and I was already maintaining at around 140-150lbs since I got out of training in early 2007. Now obviously since I gained weight so quickly, I feel crappy and generally unhappy with my body and I want to strive to get back down to my weight before I joined the military which was in the 120lb's. I would think anyone would be understanding of that especially when I get comments all the time asking if I'm pregnant - which is just hurtful to say the least. And, it would be nice to fit into some of my clothes again since I can't fit into the mass majority of them.

    Instead of support from family or friends, I'm getting some backlash that I looked anorexic before and should stay where I'm at, or that I look healthier now etc etc. And what my family doesn't understand is that I want to lose weight because of how I feel and not because of what they think is good for me and not because of a number (I don't tell them my goal weight but that I want to be where I was at before the military.) Mind you that I've also been an avid gym member for years, and even when I would tell them years ago I was off to the gym they always ASSUMED it was because I wanted to lose weight and not that I was doing it for health reasons or that I had lost 30lbs and was striving to maintain a healthy weight - so I always got a lot of flack for just going to work out at the gym.

    When you have a family history full of anything from diabetes and heart disease, I'd think they'd be more understanding that I want to prevent all that misery. Considering most of my family members start having health issues before they're 20 years old, I have none to date except sinus and some allergies. Even with all this negativity around me, I do strive to be somewhat more of a roll model for my family. I wish they would just get that it's not all about pizza and twinkies, and they could prevent most of their ailments or improve them through exercise and diet. But heck if I were to get cancer in 5 years, they'd say it was my diet and exercise that got me there!

    What do you say when you have some difficult family or friends bringing you down about your diet or fitness goals? Here's an old picture of me at 120ish pounds:


    People are retarded and don't have a clear picture in their minds of what fit/in shape/normal should look like. They're basing "normal" on the many obese people in America.

    I'd tell them to **** off, but I can be an *kitten* :)
  • monileen
    monileen Posts: 7 Member
    My grandfather used to be on me all the time about losing weight..one day he was like 'Sis, you really need to do something about your weight'...I yelled at him: "Oh my gosh, I know I'm fat, you know I'm fat, the whole world can see I am fat, do you think I look in the mirror each day and think 'my you're looking skinny today'? I KNOW I need to do something, and if it was so easy I wouldn't be FAT!!" He did not say anything else.
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    I agree with the other posters, they're jealous that you're doing something. your goal weight picture is beautiful - and if you feel the best like that then you know what you have to do. Sometimes you have to ignore the family and do what's best for you. However hard it may be. You can do this!!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    "I appreciate your input but I'm doing what I feel is best for me."

    ^this. And if they continue to push the issue, simply get up and walk away. Toxicity is not healthy.
    Your goal pic is gorgeous and healthy, best wishes to you in your journey :flowerforyou:
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    Better question is: How many curse words do you know?

    Better still: How many curse words can you string into one sentence?
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Basically, I would just not bring it up. Sort of the "agree to disagree" thing, They may feel threatened by you if you lose weight. It may feel like they have to do it too. etc. But whatever they are feeling, just don't let it become your problem. Simply do your own thing. Good luck
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    They are the ones with major issues. I can imagine how difficult it would be/is to live with unsupportive family/friends. But, as others have said, you are doing this for the right reasons and the only thing you can do is keep on striving to be that good role model. Maybe one day when they're giving you flack say something like, "Has is ever occurred to you that I FEEL better when I workout and eat right? When's the last time you felt absolutely fantastic??" And then when they have to think about it or get silent, "Yeah, that's what I thought!"

    Oh, and that picture of you when you were around 120 looks nothing anorexic at all. Sexy, healthy and beautiful . . . good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • Both of my parents are obese with Diabetes. I just avoid talking to them about my weight in general since I'm so much smaller than them. I'm also a secretive person so the only person I confide in about weight loss is my husband because he would never say anything to bring me down. If I were you, just ignore their comments but don't talk about losing weight. Just say you're trying to eat (and exercise) to be healthier.

    PS: I've heard of women gaining a lot of weight on the shot. eeek.
  • okcmomto3
    okcmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    They are the ones with major issues. I can imagine how difficult it would be/is to live with unsupportive family/friends. But, as others have said, you are doing this for the right reasons and the only thing you can do is keep on striving to be that good role model. Maybe one day when they're giving you flack say something like, "Has is ever occurred to you that I FEEL better when I workout and eat right? When's the last time you felt absolutely fantastic??" And then when they have to think about it or get silent, "Yeah, that's what I thought!"

    Oh, and that picture of you when you were around 120 looks nothing anorexic at all. Sexy, healthy and beautiful . . . good luck to you! :flowerforyou:

    I agree! You did not look anorexic!
  • ejoy319
    ejoy319 Posts: 104
    I understand completely... it has taken a long time for me to realize that I don't have any control of the way other people act. I expect that because they are my family and friends that they are going to be supportive, but sadly this isn't always the case. I spent a lot of time worrying about why they did or said something negative. WELL..... I can't change them or what they think all I can do is be the best me for me regardless of the opinions of others. They don't live my life I do... and I control my attitude and my happiness!!