Day 1-Anyone else just starting out?

Hi All,

Well, today is the begining of my weightloss program but most of all a healthier me. I am a mother to 7 children ranging from 2 married daughters to my youngest who is 3 yr! My greatest joy is my family. I want to be able to keep up with all the fun activities! I want to look better this summer and enjoy buying clothes again! I want to have more energy! I have about 75lbs to lose so I have a ways to go. I would love to surround myself with a support system here as well as lend my support to others. I plan on checking in each day and weighing myself each week.

Here's to a great weekend to us all!


  • cmb67
    cmb67 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! I am on "day 2". My first day was spent just tracking my food, and realizing how many calories are in what I just considered "normal" eating. Today I am going to start making some changes... maybe not all at once, but every little bit helps. I have about 50 pounds to lose, and I too miss my energy (and old clothes!) Good luck!
  • Good for you, I started mid January. I have been down the fitness road many times over the last several years and this year I told my wife it is all going to change.

    Quick pointers:

    Set goals for yourself, this site is one of the best I have seen for that

    Reward yourself, tell yourself if I hit this goal this is what I will give myself, I am the type of person that needs something to work for

    Make sure to make your goals small and obtainable, make the reward worth the goal. If you set a big goal make sure you get a big reward, small goal small reward.

    Set aside a time every day for your workouts, having a routine to fall into really helps, I know its hard with children. My time is at 10:00 pm. Not the best time int he world, but the kids are in bed and my wife is upstairs watching her shows so I have the livingroom to myself.

    Log everything, myfitnesspal has a great database, put it to use for you

    If you slide on a day dont get too down on yourself, roll with it and continue to push. The other day i caught myself smashing a bag of corn chips. About the worst thing you can do. Berrated myself a little and had my wife hide the corn chips.

    Good luck to you and remember it only takes 30 days to make something a habit.
  • mbcrox
    mbcrox Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for responding cm. Good luck to you too! Just enough time before summer to make changes that will really make a difference! ;o)
  • mbcrox
    mbcrox Posts: 7 Member
    Way to go Peacock! I read a couple of days ago that 80% of people setting goals in January have already stopped doing them by the end of 2 weeks, so you are now in the 20%! Hooray! (The article went on to state that by the end of 4 weeks that figure jumps to 98%!!!) So... Go for it and be in that 2%! ;o)
  • Whodatgirl77
    Whodatgirl77 Posts: 238 Member
    Been here since Jan 1 and loving every minute of it. Welcome!!!
  • mbcrox
    mbcrox Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks and congrats on the 8# weightloss.........INSPIRING!
  • Just joined last night! My mother in law suggested it. Excited to gets started.:smile::smile:
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    February 1st was the start of my Revolution! I think pretty much my entire adult life has been spent worrying about how much I weighed/how can I lose the weight, etc. I turned 43 in January and it really is past time I took control of this part of my here I am! I'm trying my best to log everything but finding it a little difficult to figure out calories and all for home-cooked stuff so I have been a little lacks in tracking my food, but I am working on it.
    If anyone wants another "friend" on here feel free to add me...I know we can all use extra encouragement and motivation!
  • Hi I am on a new adventure to lose weight I am feeling positive that I can lose some of the baggage. I gave up the smoking habit in October, I have now put on a few suitcases. So if there are any buddies who have excess baggage and : need some support for the unpacking. We can all join thispositive journey together.
  • Yes, I too am just starting out with "myfitnesspas", I have always exercised but not only do I want to get fit, I want to shed a few extra pounds that keep hanging on. Today is my first day, so I will basically be getting acclimated with the web site and learning more about healthy eatting. I'm already shocked at the results from just this morning. I live a busy life through my kids, so I'm gonna have to learn to concentrate a little more on myself. Good luck to all of us. Keep up the good work.
  • congratulations on the 8 lb loss, keep up the good work!!
  • Trinichica
    Trinichica Posts: 18 Member
    well its not my 1st day here but it is my fisrt week here and I am loving the support.........taking it one day at a time and starting slow....i have no intentions to stop though, just staying motivated ain't gonna qiut this rounds.:wink:
  • Today is my second day as well. It's crazy how many calories are in what we eat. If I sat down and thought about everything I ate on a daily basis before I started cutting back, I would cry my eyeballs out... lol well not gonna do that... :wink:

    Now I've just got to get back in the habit of working out again. I need MOTIVATION and maybe even a workout partner.
  • Yes, today is my first day too. Good luck to all of you! :happy:
  • It is my first day here as well. Good luck! I hope you reach your goals!
  • Hi Everyone,
    I heard about this site from a doctor I know. I decided to try because I'm sick and tired of being this way... I could not believe the last time I weighed myself I found out I weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant, that fact made me completely sad. Well on a brighter note looking forward to challenging myself daily. Glad to see I'm not alone! :)
  • Hey! I have only been at this for about 2 weeks. I am trying to work in Zumba and walking along with good choices for food. I feel much better already but I am not seeing my weight drop yet. I am learning that I choose foods that are too fatty. Ooops! Any suggestions would be great! Good luck all!
  • melodyl70
    melodyl70 Posts: 1 Member
    I started my "lifestyle" change in January. I have lost about 8lbs. A friends suggested MyFitnessPal, and I am impressed. It has the foods that I do eat. It even has a the advocare fruit & fiber bars. this will make tracking calories easy, if I don't have to enter the food info in everytime. I will be doing my measurements again in a couple of weeks. I am excited to see how many inches I have lost.
  • SandyChampWins
    SandyChampWins Posts: 133 Member
    I started on Monday. I have been exercising each day and have not lost any weight yet but I feel much much better!!! Ad me as a friend if you like and we can find ways to challenge each other!
    Good Luck!
  • Meeko9
    Meeko9 Posts: 1 Member
    This is my first day here, I jumped back on the weight loss wagon about 4 weeks ago and I'm loving it. I have so much more energy now. I have about 50lbs to go. I want to get fit again and if at all possible, get back to the size I was in high school. Good luck to everyone!!