Is The 30Ds Supposed To Hurt My Shins?

merrycat Posts: 131 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
So, I'm 3 days into the thirty day shred, and I'm starting to get some odd pains. I fully expected sore/painful muscles from the workout, but not my *bones*. Lately, my shin bone starts to hurt when I do jumping jacks, and doesn't go away for a long time after. Also, my feet hurt in the muscles deep inside the arches. Is this part of the process, that will go away as I keep practising, or am I dong something wrong?


  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    uh oh maybe try to do the work out a bit different and modify it for yourself? i do just dance and go for walks so i wouldnt know
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    it really hurts my shins too. i assumed its just a consequence of being so heavy and giving my legs a shock. i do feel like i might actually snap my skeleton at times. i started doing it in trainers instead of barefoot - that definitely helps, and i just cant do butt kicks, i run on the spot instead or i wouldnt be able to do it at all.
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Yep shin splints I have found and heard from people on here is what hurts doing it, myself included. I dont think after the workout she stretches enough so stretch more to start with. Secondly do this once your done sitting on the couch for the evening.
    Sit up with your legs stretched out, point your toes, then write the abcs 3 times it will help with the pain and do this after each time of doing the shred it strengthens your shins and it will stop hurting.
    Modify anything that causes pain in the shins too. like Jumping jacks, butt kicks, jumping rope, high knees to whatever will keep your cardio up for that time period and if you need a rest day take it
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I had them at first also. It was my shoes. You may need some well cushioned shoes.
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    I know what you mean, sometimes I feel like my shin is about to splinter!

    I'll try wearing trainers instead of working out barefoot. Hopefully that will help absorb some of the shock. Ofcourse, that means I'll have to get new shoes since my current shoes are just crappy ones for walmart that I got for going to the cornerstore, etc.

    Qtpiesmom, thanks for the tips. I'll try those right away, as well as doing some extra stretching before and after the workout.
  • EDuck
    EDuck Posts: 5
    Shin splints are not fun at all-but it has nothing to do with your physical condition. I now people who are in amazing shape (runners, trainers) and get shin splints. They've told me that the best thing to do is stretch a lot before a work out. Once you get them, you can also massage where it hurts to get the knots out-this can potentially hurt more than the shin splits though. (Now I'm not looking forward to starting the 30 Day Shred-which I was going to do next week when I get the DVD- because I get shin splints really bad :(
  • I am also having this problem with 30 day shred. I skipped a few days after I tried it the first time and then went back to it. Almost immediately when I began jumping jacks the second time I did the program my shin started hurting below the knee and off to the side. It has gotten worse. I am trying to take it easy but it is extremely frustrating. I didn't think I would have any injuries form this video. I thought level 1 would not cause that. I'm out of shape but used to be an athlete so it's not like I've never done jumping jacks before. Not sure what to do now! I am trying not to give up but this is different than muscle soreness and my gut tells me that I can't work through it.
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    So, I'm 3 days into the thirty day shred, and I'm starting to get some odd pains. I fully expected sore/painful muscles from the workout, but not my *bones*. Lately, my shin bone starts to hurt when I do jumping jacks, and doesn't go away for a long time after. Also, my feet hurt in the muscles deep inside the arches. Is this part of the process, that will go away as I keep practising, or am I dong something wrong?

    I'm experiencing the same exact thing! To the point that I literally went to the store and bought Viactive calcium chews because I'm terrified of having my brittle bones snap while I excersize... I'm scared. I don't know what to do...
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I had them at first too, but it went away after about a week and I didn't get them with any other level. For me it wasn't shin splints, I think it was just my muscles complaining after having not done anything for such a long time and then being jumped up and down on.
  • I dealt with shin splints a lot at first when I started exercising - especially trying to run or do any kind of impact exercise - jumping jacks, etc. The first thing I had to do was get an appropriate pair of shoes that would allow my ankle full range of motion. Then I started walking. Just a mile at first and worked up to where I could walk several miles easily. My support muscles weren't conditioned, but got stronger from walking. Then I found that I was able to run, jump and do everything without getting shin splints anymore.

    For relief, try pressing your thumbs on either side of your shin bone, starting at your knees, and press them in, pushing down the length of your shin, to your ankle. That should make it feel better until you can build up your support muscles. :)
  • killingtheantagonist
    killingtheantagonist Posts: 178 Member
    When I first started doing it back in September I snapped my ACL in half doing the jumping jacks and had to have surgery. So I don't do the jumping jacks, butt kicks or the jumprope things either. I usually do the punches all the way through, or kinda bounce like I'm jumping rope.
  • mtaylor1980
    mtaylor1980 Posts: 134 Member
    OMG ! I had both of the same issues for so long! It was really bad! My shins would throb, and the arches of my feet hurt so bad that some days I could barely work out!!!! I tried a variety of things all at once because it was so bad, so I'm not sure what it was that finally made the issues go away, but I did the following:

    Stretch!! I hate doing it, but I flex my feet, and my legs.Before and after
    Started eating more protein,and had a banana every day! I swear bananas help with muscle aches!
    I started changing my sneakers more often as well. My sneaks would look brand new, but my soles would be shot from running and as a result my legs would kill
    Drink more water to hydrate
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    I am also having this problem with 30 day shred. I skipped a few days after I tried it the first time and then went back to it. Almost immediately when I began jumping jacks the second time I did the program my shin started hurting below the knee and off to the side. It has gotten worse. I am trying to take it easy but it is extremely frustrating. I didn't think I would have any injuries form this video. I thought level 1 would not cause that. I'm out of shape but used to be an athlete so it's not like I've never done jumping jacks before. Not sure what to do now! I am trying not to give up but this is different than muscle soreness and my gut tells me that I can't work through it.

    ME TOO!!! I can walk the treadmil over an hour and be fine, but as soon as I get to the jumping jack part of Shred my shin feels like its gonna shatter so I stop out of fear that it really will! It's wicked frustrating because it stopped my morning workout today. I'm gonna go to the gym after work and do the eliptical that and treadmil no big deal. I wish the shin thing would stop though. Not sure what I can do in the mean time about finishing the 30 Day Shred..... :(
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    I'm going to ditto the good shoes and stretching advice ... I liked 30DS, but the shin splints were wicked until I bought new shoes.
  • For what it's worth, I've done 30DS as well, and it really wouldn't have been fun with shin splints. Make sure to stretch those muscles before you work out, and remember that discomfort in those little support muscles is okay - they'll get stronger. Pain is not okay.
  • azwaa
    azwaa Posts: 81 Member
    If it burns, it is good, if it hurts, that's bad. It sounds like shin splints, and like the others have said, good shoes and stretching is a must. A good read on the exact exercise was on gizmodo last month, it solved my problem in a couple of days.
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