Day 1-Anyone else just starting out?



  • Today is my 2nd day!

    I was very suprised to find out how many calories are in my 12 oz coffee with one 2% milk and one suger this morning. It makes me very motivated to record everything I consume, even if I think there couldn't possible be that many calories.
  • Hello. This is my first week on here and I am really hyped up about it. I have been a yo-yo dieter all my life and I think I have rejoined Weight Watchers over a dozen times to say the least. I think this site is great and I am anxious to become part of the community. I weigh in on Sunday morning so if you don't hear from me before, you will then :). I am married, in mid-50's, and from the Mid-West. We are leaving on vacation to Cancun in 11 weeks so I am hoping to have a nice weightloss before then. I would delighted to lose 75 lbs so I have a ways to go. Have a great weekend everyone !
  • today is my 3rd day on my weight loss journey and im 175 and trying to get back down to 120-130 pounds and I lost 1 pound so far :)
  • Today is my third day, was inspired to join by a book I read called "If I Can Lose It" by Jon Ellis - it's a good read. has humor and is truthful. I hope to lose 40 pounds but my ultimate goal would be 55! The first couple of days when I was tracking my calories I went over, but it's not a big deal, I have to start learning what foods I can eat and the calories it's costing me :)
  • LydiaAlb
    LydiaAlb Posts: 3 Member
    It's my first day too! joined a while back but didn't know how to use it, until today...Good Luck : )
  • Yes, about 3 weeks in,love it. I needed it.:flowerforyou:
  • Just signed up about 20 minutes ago and I'm ready to go!!! I wish everyone here the best of success, health and fun! I'm looking forward to a "new and improved" me! And I hope to make some nice friends onboard. Glad to be a part of it all!!!
  • I started out mid January and I have always considered my diet to be healthy. I eat food prepared and cooked from scratch, plenty of meat, veg and fruit but I am amazed at how much nutrition is missing. Its not just too many calories that are the problem but how little vitamins and iron that I don't eat, just having been diagnosed as anaemic. No wonder.

    I love the android app to bar code the food I eat and love planning the next days menu. I have never eaten this much food and yet lost weight because now I am eating the correct foods.

    I tell everyone that is having problems with losing weight to try MFP, I think it is just brilliant.

    :happy: GOOD LUCK TO EVERYBODY!!! ............... Hope you all get to your goal weight and be happy!!!
  • mbcrox
    mbcrox Posts: 7 Member
    Saturday was okay! It feels good to get going!
  • mbcrox
    mbcrox Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! I like the suggestion of setting smaller goals so my smaller goal for the month of Feb is going to be to lose 8lbs! I am going to focus this week on not eating after 7pm this has become a terrible habit for me and I would really like to break it. So....anyone else here like to make a commitment for the week and share it here? Good luck to us all!
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 927 Member
    Today is my first day here.
    I am kinda scared, because I have tried so many time and I just don't want to fail!!

    Praying for success, for all of us!