how did you gain all the weight?

fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
relationship gone bad?
since a child?

hope im not offending anyone, just curious!

I was always a chubby child, I gained and gained. My parents didn't eat very healthy at all, my house was filled with roast dinners, lasagna, spaghetti, beef stroganoff, frozen pizza, chicken nuggets, fries, ice cream, chips, candy etc. Also from about 8 years old to 14 I would go to my grandma's after school and she would have a homemade meal + homemade rolls + homemade dessert, I would eat that after school and then go home and eat MORE! I never did any physical activity as a kid. The older I got drinking played a massive part in the weight gain, the dinners + the nights out after...the crazy summers! jeesshh. I gained a lot when I moved from home to the UK also. I cant believe I didn't gain more thinking about it!!

Whats your story? x


  • I was raised by a family who was fat and lazy....and I did nothing to change my habits until I left for college. Still, I ate crap food just less of it and lost plenty of weight and now I'm trying to eat clean and exercise :)
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Too much junky food & too much beer.

  • Lyric82
    Lyric82 Posts: 119
    Both my parents are overweight - and as a child I always remember that we centered so many things around food. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. As I grew up and became more conscious of it - I realized I am a VERY emotional eater. When I'm happy, sad, lonely - I turn to food. I've also correlated my anxiety problems to food. It is the only INSTANT gratification I can seem to get at times. Of course when I'm done eating - I feel guilty so it doesn't help - I end up feeling worse than I started!!!

    I really think I feel as though I don't DESERVE to feel good. I've had self-esteem issues for as long as I can remember and I almost feel I hide behind my weight. I also make excuses as to why I am heavy. Granted I DO have a lot of medical issues - many that directly correlate to gaining weight, and difficulty losing weight - - - but I've NOW learned that it is a reason for me to try even harder.

    I am determined to start this fight and for the first time END it. :)
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I was heavy when I was younger and then I lost 100lbs. I was thin through college and I met my husband. We ate together. Dinners, snacks, out for drinks with friends etc.... it slowly started creeping up. Then I got pregnant. It creeped up some more. I would lose a little, gain a bunch. Then we had some issues and I gained. We worked them out and decided to try for baby #2. I started having miscarriages. I gained a lot then. I ate through all that grief. Eventually I got pregnant with twins (naturally) and gained some more. Over that whole ten year period, I gained back 80 of the 100lbs I lost so long ago. I saw a picture of myself after the twins were born and I just started to cry. So here I am - 53lbs down and hopefully another 40-50 to go depending on how happy I am with how I look.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    by eating.. i was in a bad marriage but i'm not an emotional eater (i don't think). i did get comfortable though and my ex likes to eat so i'd eat right along with him. i was also inactive for a long time. that makes my skin crawl just thinking about how i wouldn't do anything, not even walk!

    he's still a fat *kitten* while i'm getting hotter by the second. :laugh:
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Drinking too much and not watching what I ate at all. I wish I could blame my three kids but those pregnancies were the only things to keep my weight semi under control the past 6 years. Unfortunately I always gained it back again after and now that I'm done having kids I just kept going.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    he's still a fat *kitten* while i'm getting hotter by the second. :laugh:

    Love it!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I stopped exercising but did ate the same.
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
    I was ok til I had my foot operated on and was totally out of commission for 6 months. Still not 100% but at least I can start doing stuff!
  • after working hard to get a good physique and get selected by a pro rugby team, I played 5 games and got man of the match in 3 of those to be told ''I wouldnt be getting a contract'' sunk ,me into a massive depression and I turned to food, stopped exercising, met a girl who did nothing but put me down for 2 years followed by a new lease of life but in excess witch made me happy for a little while unti I got bigger and bigger and next thing I knew I was 320odd pounds :-/
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I had three kids in 5 years that did it for once they got a little older i was constantly baking cupcakes, pies, cookies whatever they wanted..and i would just eat whatever i felt like eating. i was always tiny..i was 103 lbs when i got married in '06 ..2 years later i was 140 lbs and kept the weight on till about 8 months ago i never wanna get back to that again! not saying 140 is fat..but for me who was built so small for so long..140 lbs on me looked like 165! =)
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I'd tend to eat when I got bored.. which was often. Also I'd always go for enormous portions and eat till I got super full.
  • lyssamichelle
    lyssamichelle Posts: 1,307 Member
    When I was little my grandmother shoved food in my mouth so I'd stop being so hyper & be quiet.
    Then I just kind of thought I was suppose to eat like that..
    When I learned otherwise.. it never really stuck that I had to change that.
    Until a couple of years ago.. Letting go of an addiction ain't easy. & food is my drug.
  • Tupeloblossom
    Tupeloblossom Posts: 142 Member
    I gained the weight while pregnant with my first child. It was a very stressfull time and I used the pregnancy as a excuse to eat. I weighed about 130 when I got pregnant and gained about 60 pounds. I ate constantly and it was stuff like egg and sausage mcmuffins with double cheese. Once I had my daughter I never lost the weight. I didnt gain any more just didnt lose any. She now has a baby of her own so I cant blame it on left over pregnancy weight.
  • I was in good shape as a teenager, but I was very active working with livestock and horses. I grew up on a farm. I then got a desk job and I started eating out for lunch every day. Working at a computer for 10 hours a day and eating big lunch & a big dinner = lots of weight gain. I lost all that weight, then last year I put on 40 pounds when I started to date my soon to be wife. Spending time with her meant lots of eating out and I didn't make time for working out like I did before. So now I'm trying to loose the weight from last year. :-)
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    several things were factors for me
    illness, stress, yo-yo dieting and genetics are the major ones I think. Oh and having 8 babies certainly added to the mix!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I was 135 (very small for me) when I graduated high school, I ate whatever I wanted ( i was raised on hot dogs, spaghetti, tacos, and country cooking) but I played basketball and volleyball and was very active! After I graduated and starting working full time, sitting down, in an office all day, i started eating out alot and didn't exercise. I jumped up to 200 lbs. Over the years I have dieted and lost it and gained it and lost it and gained it, but I always end back up around 200. THis time around, after having my son, I got up to 256, i lost it all after i had him and was back down to 186, and now (end of last year) i gained back up to 224. I gain weight soooo easily! but I know what it takes to lose it too. and I am finally not just "dieting" but changing my lifestyle for the better, so that I can live a healthy lifestyle!
  • I use to be thinner when I was younger, til I got to be a teen, I would eat bad food, I would crave the junk. lol.
  • I've been overweight my whole life, and when I tried to lose, I would yoyo like crazy. This is the highest weight I've ever been in my life.
  • LuaLiz
    LuaLiz Posts: 56 Member
    i had to stop exercising due to suddenly coming down with an autoimmune disorder (chronic hives) and continued to eat the same big portions... being on steroids due to said disorder didn't help me either