Ready For a Breakthrough!!

Hi everyone,
I'm Meredith and this is my first day here. I've heard several people from my gym comment on how this site has helped them achieve their fitness goals, so here I am! :)
Ultimately I'd like to lose at least 40 lbs; I'm 5'2" 171 lbs (and not shy, as you can tell, lol), and my first (maybe ultimate) goal weight is a healthy but athletic 130. I don't just want to be skinny. I don't want to be lanky or even lean, really. I just want to be healthy and strong for my husband, my kids, myself. I'd love to be able to outrun my 3 and 1 yr olds! Ha!
Anyway, I hope to make some "buddies" on here and hopefully we can motivate each other and live looooong and tell our MFP stories when we're old and grey :)


  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    welcome and would love to have you as buddy
  • IaGirly24
    IaGirly24 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been on here for 3 wks and its helping. I'm 5'2 also, idk about you but I've always been and can't see dropping to 105 or whatver they say our weight should be for out height. So I agree healthy & athletic looking is what I want to. Feel free to add me!
  • PennyJoy
    PennyJoy Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome aboard. I am 43, and run after my 3 year old. My goal was 40 pounds too, I am now down 20 and still moving in the right direction.

    I agree, healthy is best as for me this is a Lifestyle.
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    thats a fantastic attitude to have :) , you'll do amazingly with it! good luck :)