Serious peanut butter addiction.



  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Try PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter! It saves a lot of calories and fat! Check it out:

    ^^^This^^^^ am on my second order already. Now I can have my peanut butter and eat it, too! They also have chocolate peanut butter. I like the plain the best. Carrots dipped in peanut butter is a favorite snack!
  • SNYSeefried2
    Me too I Iove peanut butter!!!
  • CharityEaton
    I have some everyday! :) I buy the JIF to go cups for portion control, or else I can eat the whole jar! Also, look up PB2!

    ^This PB2 is amazing, they even have PB2 with dark chocolate pieces in it!
  • nenar77
    nenar77 Posts: 21 Member
    Me too! I went shopping a found a bogo on peanut butter and bought it. I went through two jars of PB in a month. Your addition could be worse. I'm not buying anymore. My fav is to eat it straight out of the jar. it was too accessible.
  • 0405mommy
    0405mommy Posts: 2 Member
    I used to be the same way- Peanut Butter out of the jar, by the tablespoonful. Know what solved it? Having a baby who turned out to be allergic to peanuts!! Now, I eat Sunbutter (made from sunflower seeds). Yum.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I've never heard of PB2. Is this available at the grocery store??
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I've never heard of PB2. Is this available at the grocery store??

    Don't know, go to their site and look for retailers. I buy it from Amazon. There is also another company that makes it. You will have to google powdered peanut butter to find them
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Dude, natural peanut butter is really really good for you. I have some at least once a day. So does my good friend Lindsey, who has like 10% bodyfat, if she's lucky. Just sayin!
  • mommystutz
    mommystutz Posts: 3 Member
    peanut butter multigrain cheerios...seriously good and only 110 calories/serving
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    How about just setting aside daily calories for your peanut butter craving? Isn't that the point of this site?
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    it's bad. Really really really bad. I can't remember the last day that I didn't eat peanut butter! I'm trying to not have any today, but I want it SOOOOO badly!!! How do you break this kind of addiction???

    Me too!!!!! I am havign a hard time with this.. I know everyone says it is good for you. But I must be eating to much of it..
  • ragekage21
    ragekage21 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm a fellow PB addict, and all this thread has done is enable my problem! LOL

    Is it affecting your weight loss? I'm worried it's going to affect mine. But I only have the natural stuff, and it's good fat, even if it's high calories. Delicious, delicious calories.
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    Even PB2 is not good if you eat the whole jar in a sitting (or anything close to that). If you seriously think you may have an issue then don't buy PB until you feel like you can handle it. Then I would try and bring it in small doses like the single serves that someone else mentioned. PB2 IS better, and is really good .. I find it a lot sweeter than regular PB and you'll probably like it, but if you feel like you'll just abuse it, again I wouldn't buy it. I had to not buy string cheese. Holy. Cow. I literally could go through half a bag of string cheese in a day or two! SO BAD! I think right now with how I've been eating lately I think I could bring in a bag and it would last me a long time .. but I used to only be able to buy one or two singles at a time before mfp.

    Anyway, good luck! PB is delicious .. and I also would eat a lot of that, but I was able to hold back and I do well with only having it once a day or even once a week now depending.
  • DavidNewOrleans
    I eat it everyday, today I had 4 Tablespoons, Goes great with a diet coke. Seriously, peanut butter is healthy, it will satisfy your sugar cravings, and fill you up while giving you some much needed protein. If that is your worst food indulgement, you have nothing to worry about.
  • _Kate_P
    _Kate_P Posts: 132
    I've tried pb2 and better n peanut butter, but nothing seems to hit the spot. Today, I told myself I'd have just ONE teaspoon, but that turned into FIVE teaspoons!!!!! Damn! But not buying it isn't an option, as my boyfriend insists on having his processed jif crap in the house all the time!! We have the natural kind too, but when I'm having it unplanned I go for the jif! Like straight out of the jar with my fingers, not even a spoon, but my fingers!!!
  • Paulbp4
    Paulbp4 Posts: 59 Member
    I've never heard of PB2. Is this available at the grocery store??

    Don't know, go to their site and look for retailers. I buy it from Amazon. There is also another company that makes it. You will have to google powdered peanut butter to find them

    I don't know how much it costs or the shipping on amazon but if you want to get a pretty good price has a flat 4.95 shipping charge!

    just checked and I think its cheaper too (but amazon probably changes.)
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Eat some. Every day. Allow for it in your calories and measure it. I eat 1 tablespoon except on days when I need more calories and fats, in which case I have another tablespoon.

    If you stop depriving yourself of it, the fixation may go away. If you can't moderate it after a period of allowing yourself to have some, then that's a different issue.
  • huck23
    huck23 Posts: 116 Member
    try PB2, it is a powder mix and is less calories
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    GET PB2 !!!!! QUICK!!!