Struggling with weekend bingeing

As a uni student, my solution to overeating is to stay out of the house as much as I can and this always works a treat. However, in the weekends, I relax at home for a study break. And this is when the bingeing happens. Does anyone have any advice on how not to binge in the weekends? Should I try and stay out of the house seven days a week? Also, I don't undereat during the week (1700 cals per day).


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    dont have the junk food in the house

    exercise 10 minutes every hour or so...increases attention and energy and you wont want to eat junk

    ice water

    stay real showers...good soap

    brush your teeth after eating anything
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    - dont keep your binge foods in the house

    - substitute binge items with healthy items. i know for me, i can easily binge on crunchy salty things, so i substitute the chips with carrots and sometimes carrots with hummus. there's only so many carrots you can eat before you get full. plus since i have to peel them and cut then into sticks that kinda takes the fun out of bingeing.

    - stay busy.
  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    basically it's already been said, the best tip is not to have the bad items in the house. Have some healthy alternatives that you can "binge" on (fruits and veggies work great for me)
  • blueham5
    blueham5 Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks for the advice. The problem is that my family's response to my request to not having junk food around the house is "just don't eat it".