Strength Training & weight

So i've read lots of forums and before/after stories where people say 'All I did was walk to lose most of my weight' and then they add that after that they started to do strength training. Is this a good plan? I weigh about 330lb (yikes, I know!) and I am just starting to get into doing some activity every day (I have a PE class 3 days a week that we walk 40-50 minutes, and on other days I walk or bike ride) and some days I still have to just force myself to do it (like today). So basically it isn't really a HABIT yet, but at least I am enjoying it.

I'm wondering should I focus on this for awhile till maybe I hit 299 (man, that will be a great day!) and then start adding in some strength training, or should I start doing it right now?

If I should be doing it right now is there any home strength training exercises that can be suggested (no worries, I can search if not)? I have a set of 3lb weights only at home, and a resistance band but that's all. I also can't afford to pay for a gym membership at the moment so that is out of the question.

Thanks, I really love mfp so far and I'm trying to learn all I can :)


  • ashleyrg
    ashleyrg Posts: 85 Member
    maybe try eating the right foods each day, drink alot of water and stick to what you are doing. It will take time but it will come off!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Technically there is no reason not to start doing some strength training right now. No, you will not see muscle definition, but it'll all be worth it in the end! If you can spend about $20, get a 5 to 8 pound kettlebell and Jillian Michaels Shred it with Weights.
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    Technically there is no reason not to start doing some strength training right now. No, you will not see muscle definition, but it'll all be worth it in the end! If you can spend about $20, get a 5 to 8 pound kettlebell and Jillian Michaels Shred it with Weights.

    I've always wondered about kettleballs, I heard they are great tools to use. I will have to look at some videos for Jillians video. Thanks!
  • NashvilleShelley
    I asked that question a few weeks ago and was told to start weights now.
  • snakegoddess_3
    I say focus on making what your doing now a habit. Watch your diet, get your water in and keep up the good work on your exercise. But make sure it's an every week thing that your not making excuses for not doing. The bigger you are the faster the weight will fall off. So find fun things you like doing because if you like it your more than likely going to do it. Once you start getting into a habit then you might want to look for other options. It's more of a if your going to do it do it right and not try to overload yourself. Its easy to be all gun ho about getting in shape but then you realize how sore you are and then you opt out of it. Keep up the good work and remember you can do it but you have to want it!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    From what I understand, the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will burn calories just by existing.

    I don't see any reason to wait. Go ahead and get started with what you have so far. 3lb weights don't seem like much, but it can't hurt to start with what you've got!

    There is a lot you can do with resistance bands too.

    There are a couple of Turbo Jam workouts I can recommend: Turbo Sculpt, which uses small hand weights, and Totally Tubular Turbo, which uses resistance bands. I know the whole TJ set can be expensive, but if you buy individual workouts on Amazon, it's not too bad.

    ChaLEAN Extreme can be done entirely with resistance bands, and that's how I am going to do it. I am just starting on it this weekend. That's kind of an expensive set though too.

    I know that the Jillian Michaels workouts are fairly cheap, and I hear that you can use some small weights for those, but I haven't tried them, because she seems mean on TV.

    There are also tons of bodyweight exercises that you can do without any equipment at all. Pushups are pretty hard, but they are free, and they are quite effective.
  • DDWicked
    DDWicked Posts: 3 Member
    Keep walking.....There is something to the saying " you won't regret doing it but you will regret not doing it!" I personally get frustrated with "Oh I lost 5 pounds this week with just walking" but I know that is not me and the way my body works.
    Start with just bicept curls and then "you tube" other exercises. Remember that any movement is better than none at all.
    But most of all you need to change your diet. Pick one thing (potatoes, pasta, bread) and stop eating it, repace it with a veggie. I am to the point that I can eat a bacon cheese burger with a knife and bun and no fries!
    Good Luck
  • JJJJ25
    JJJJ25 Posts: 37
    Do ST from the beginning. There are a million of routines you can do from home. Start with light weights if you want and don't have access to a gym, but eventually increase the weight as you get stronger. Combining ST with cardio means you'll be shedding fat and building muscle simultaneously, which raises your metabolism, increases bone density, and creates a leaner physique.

    Basic compound movements to concentrate on with ST include pushups, pullups, squats, deadlifts, lunges. There are plenty of ways to modify each to accommodate your current fitness level and abilities.

    Circuit bodyweight routines are a great way to do some ST and cardio at the same time. For example, pushups, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, sit ups, jump rope.

    For free resources, I like Nerd Fitness:

    He has beginner workouts and emphasizes how to work out without a gym.

    YouTube has tons of videos to follow along. If you have Netflix, check out their workout videos. Finally, there is a whole blog community devoted to fitness and nutrition, and they post workouts as well.

    I am a 25 year old female, by the way, 5'4" and 113 lbs (I started from 170lbs). And I should add that while I did just cardio for years, I didn't see real tone and definition until I started lifting heavy weights 2-3x / week.

    Finally, diet is more important than exercise. Frustratingly, every person has different nutritional needs. I eat very, very low carb, high protein, moderate fat (Paleo diet) and maintain my weight with ease. But my friend, a personal trainer, eats moderate carb, moderate protein, low fat, and that's what works for her. Play around with it, and see what your body needs vs. what it is sensitive to.

    Good luck!
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    Wow thanks so much for the responses! Some great advice in here! I really appreciate it and since I'm enjoying my cardio I probably WILL start trying to add some str in!
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    Do ST from the beginning. There are a million of routines you can do from home. Start with light weights if you want and don't have access to a gym, but eventually increase the weight as you get stronger. Combining ST with cardio means you'll be shedding fat and building muscle simultaneously, which raises your metabolism, increases bone density, and creates a leaner physique.

    Basic compound movements to concentrate on with ST include pushups, pullups, squats, deadlifts, lunges. There are plenty of ways to modify each to accommodate your current fitness level and abilities.

    Circuit bodyweight routines are a great way to do some ST and cardio at the same time. For example, pushups, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, sit ups, jump rope.

    For free resources, I like Nerd Fitness:

    He has beginner workouts and emphasizes how to work out without a gym.

    YouTube has tons of videos to follow along. If you have Netflix, check out their workout videos. Finally, there is a whole blog community devoted to fitness and nutrition, and they post workouts as well.

    I am a 25 year old female, by the way, 5'4" and 113 lbs (I started from 170lbs). And I should add that while I did just cardio for years, I didn't see real tone and definition until I started lifting heavy weights 2-3x / week.

    Finally, diet is more important than exercise. Frustratingly, every person has different nutritional needs. I eat very, very low carb, high protein, moderate fat (Paleo diet) and maintain my weight with ease. But my friend, a personal trainer, eats moderate carb, moderate protein, low fat, and that's what works for her. Play around with it, and see what your body needs vs. what it is sensitive to.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for all the examples! I'm definitely going to have to come up with a plan to add in with my cardio. I'm absolutely going to look into that Nerd Fitness site! My boyfriend is a giant nerd so I bet he would even get into it with a name like that haha! I don't know why I never thought about netflix! We totally have it, but I never thought to look for workout stuff for it! I've only been doing mfp for almost 3 weeks now (3 weeks sunday) so while I am losing weight I'm trying to eat better things .. as I don't want to still eat fast food all the time (even if you stay under your calories). I enjoy eating healthier .. I feel better mentally and physically .. so I'm still working on that finding out what works for me, but definitely working on it :)

    Thanks again everyone!