New girl here, looking for new friends/support! =)

I'm a full-time grad student working seven days a week, and I really need to push myself to make time to start exercising again! I also really struggle with stress snacking...sigh. Would love to add some friends!

Starting stats:
Height = 5' 9''
Weight = 175 lbs

Mini-goal for Mar 3: 167 lbs

Goal weight = 140 lbs


  • Ashley5704
    Ashley5704 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey there!! :) Feel free to add me!! This is a great place to be for support!
  • along1123
    along1123 Posts: 2 Member
    I know how you feel, it's hard to fit in eating right and working out when you have such a busy schedule. I work full time and am also doing an Internship at a hospital and trying to workout 6 days a week. I have the working out part down, but the food part, not so much.
  • greenmanspirit
    I work at a University so I am used to seeing grad students around at all hours of the day. I can totally see how it would be hard to have healthy habits with that life. But like anything habits can be gained with effort, commitment and support from others. Friend me if you want!
  • tenax
    tenax Posts: 97
    add me if you like and i'll cheer u on:)
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    im also in college and working, so i know where your coming from. feel free to add me :)
  • erindale
    Hi! I am new around here and could use some suport as well. I work full time and I am a mom of a 1 year old, my worst problem is mindless eatting and proper portion size. What do you do to keep your stress eatting in check?
  • cheerios4444
    Feel free to add me if you like. I am new to the site too. :-)
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Feel free to add me, we've got a lot of the same goals/stats, and I love having new friends to motivate me and vice versa! This is a great community - very helpful :)
  • silverlotus118
    I totally hear where you're coming from! i'll be your buddy:) (yep, I literally just signed up to the site not five mins ago, too)
  • Cath2016
    When I'm stresssed and feel like eating because of it, I fill a huge bottle with water and put Crystalight or something similar in it. Drinking like half a liter of water fills your stomach and having something tastey that doesn't add to your waist doesn't stress you out more. Also, when you're trying to grab something quick when you're rushed go with an apple and a few almonds. That helps me.

    Proportion size is a huge issue for me because it's hard to guesstimate a cup of whatever when you don't have the proper measuring tools because, let's face it, no one brings a measuring cup and a scale everywhere. I know that cupping your hand is supposed to be around a half cup. The muscle that controls your thumb represents and ounce and your palm is supposed to be four ounces. Sometimes it's hard to judge though, so it takes practice when you're at home and have the abilitiy to measure out ounces and cups. I hope this helped!

    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • MyeongHi
    I'm pretty new too and I know how you feel. I'm a full time student, I work full time and I'm a mom to a three year old so I completely understand being busy! Feel free to add me! We can support each other!
  • thejen75
    add away :-)
  • scoste
    scoste Posts: 19 Member
    Hello, I just finished school in December and I was working full time while I was in school, leaving little time for exercise let alone eating healthy. Now I'm working on getting myself into better shape. This website is great so far. It makes me very aware of what am eating and helps me control the portions. Feel free to friend me!
  • jessvett
    HI! i just discovered this place! i work full time- 10-12 hour days! it's really tough, i know. i am having issues with the last 10 lbs (i've lost 30 so far). i'm trying this out and i'd love friends to keep me motivated too!
  • kevbot34
    anyone whos anyone feel free to friend me as well. dont worry about the picture. its my "jerk" picture.
  • CandaceK88
    I just graduated college and am applying to grad school, I know exactly what it's like being a full time student and working every other chance you have. I have the free time now, so it's no excuses for me anymore. Looking to add new friends too!
  • selkhashab
    I am also new!! just joined. I just can't believe that it is already Feburary and I haven't done anything about my goals. Please help...I want to be so bad a success story for myself and my kids. thanks guys, you are all so great.
  • beyersar40
    beyersar40 Posts: 12 Member
    As a fellow graduate student, I understand your struggles! But it is doable! Feel free to add me :)
  • Jesse06
    feel free 2 add me =D
  • speedypuma
    speedypuma Posts: 4 Member
    This is super helpful! I never knew this stuff. Thanks!