what day is your fat-urday

Dr. Oz mentiones you can cheat one day a week and his cannot be within 5 days of the first cheat. For those of you who are doing this what day of the week is your fat-urday. And what are you eating on your cheat day?

I haven't decided yet on what my day will be but I know it will be on a weekend.


  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    has to be sunday as a yorkshire lass.. we love the traditional roast and yorkshire puddings for sunday dinner, also usually have cooked brunch scrambled eggs with bacon and toast.... YUMMMM!
  • cherry_blossom55
    I don't necessarily have a fat-urday in terms of food, but I tend to take the weekends off for exercising. Weekdays I don't get active I feel guilty about it, but weekends are free laziness days. :)
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Dr. Oz mentiones you can cheat one day a week and his cannot be within 5 days of the first cheat. For those of you who are doing this what day of the week is your fat-urday. And what are you eating on your cheat day?

    I haven't decided yet on what my day will be but I know it will be on a weekend.

    I think it's stupid to have a cheat day, and also a waste of time & sweat.

    I don't cheat.

    I have one rest day and one half rest day a week. That's it.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I do take one treat day a week, try to time it so it's 5-7 days from my last one, and it usually depends on activities we have going on like birthday parties, date night, Super Bowl, etc. I usually don't track and eat what I want in moderation.
  • leken04
    leken04 Posts: 54 Member
    I don't have a "cheat day" I have a moment where if it's something I really want (not often) I eat it. However I still try to work it in my calories. I can't do cheat days anymore. My body is used to the changes and it will revolt! lol

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    just because dr oz said something, doesn't make it true. that being said, calorie spike days are one of the many tools at your disposal to lose weight and exercise better, such as an intermitten fast, or protein shakes.

    cheat days almost imply that you can eat whatever you want without any negative consequences. you should not say to yourself "oh, a cheat day? i'll eat this whole pizza and a six pack of beer. yes, i will have fries with that." this is not good.

    i usually have a spike day on a rest day. i find that on a spike day, where i go over my calories with good healthy options, and then go out and work out the next morning, and i'm talking a big work out of cardio and strength, i have an outstanding work out, with great intensity, plenty of energy, and tons of calories burned. check out my diary from thursday and friday. and check out the work out on friday. you may have to shield your eyes from the awesome.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    mine is about once every 2 weeks or so. it's almost always a saturday b/c i have more time on that day. my fav thing is chili cheese dogs & fries. i also enjoy loaded nachos!
  • bjwbmw
    bjwbmw Posts: 55
    No faturdays for me - one turns into two turns into more and then I have gone off my healthy lifestyle plan.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    i have one cheat meal. Every second saturday, right after my weigh in at the doctor. Doing this keeps me from falling off the healthy wagon all the time. Iknow many feel moderation is the key, but i can't roll like that. This works for me.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I play it by ear based on what activities I have scheduled.
    Picnics, parties or dinners? That's the day.
    I love my cheat day, or as I prefer to say: "RE-FEED THERAPY"
    I have a weekly day where I eat about twice my daily goal, and a monthly food orgy where I eat like a man going to the electric chair for 24 hours.

    LOVE IT!
    It's nice knowing I am never more than 7 days from eating anything I desire in whatever quantity I want.
    I'd go nuts otherwise.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I do take one treat day a week, try to time it so it's 5-7 days from my last one, and it usually depends on activities we have going on like birthday parties, date night, Super Bowl, etc. I usually don't track and eat what I want in moderation.

    Without tracking, can your idea of moderation truly fall into "moderation" levels?
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I play it by ear based on what activities I have scheduled.
    Picnics, parties or dinners? That's the day.
    I love my cheat day, or as I prefer to say: "RE-FEED THERAPY"
    I have a weekly day where I eat about twice my daily goal, and a monthly food orgy where I eat like a man going to the electric chair for 24 hours.

    LOVE IT!
    It's nice knowing I am never more than 7 days from eating anything I desire in whatever quantity I want.
    I'd go nuts otherwise.

    good lord, twice your goal?

    imagine if you DIDN'T do that. You wouldn't have to re-lose weight you already lost.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I don't take a "cheat day" because I don't believe in them. If there is an occasion, such as a birthday, where I know I will be eating a piece of cake I made sure I work it into my daily calories. The way I look at it is, I am not on a "diet" I am making a lifestyle change. The word diet to me means something temporary. Personally, I am making changes that will last the rest of my life. It is ok to have "naughty foods" from time to time but in moderation. I don't need to set aside a specific day each week for "naughty" foods. I embrace each day as it comes, eat in moderation and work everything into my allotted calories.
  • Cougargirl50
    I didn't mean to eat all the junk you can eat, and I don't believe everything Dr. Oz says, I don't even watch him. I seen someone else posted on here about the episode and thought I would check it out on the Dr. Oz website and his cheat is not like indulging in chocolate or eating a whole pizza. One of his examples of cheating is for breakfast:

    Eggs are full of good protein and will keep you full. Swap regular bacon for extra lean turkey bacon. Enjoy it all in a breakfast wrap.
    2 strips of turkey bacon
    2 eggs
    Whole wheat wrap
    or for lunch eating

    A.M. Snack: Eat Your Cheat Salt

    For your salt fix, try brie or goat cheese, both lower-calorie cheese options, on whole grain crackers. Salt can cause fluid retention so it’s best to have your salty snack early – and drink it with a glass of water to help flush out the sodium. One thing we crave about salt is simply having access to it. Once you get your craving for it out of the way, you can stop thinking about it.

    1 oz Brie or goat cheese
    7 whole-grain crackers
    Tall glass of water

    Dinner: Eat Your Cheat Protein

    Many people avoid red meat while dieting. For your Fat-urday dinner, go ahead and splurge on a steak for your cheat protein. Always choose a lean cut and some healthy roasted root vegetables instead of French fries. If you’re cooking at home, cut parsnips, carrots and rutabagas into sticks and roast at 400° F for 25-40 minutes.
    4-ounce lean strip steak
    Root veggie “fries"

    I guess I should have worded it differently.
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 770 Member
    umm we don't really have cheat days but we have cheat lists...so if I ever happen to bump into patrick Dempsy I'm gonna burn some major calories!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    My splurge day where I often don't even bother logging my food is either a sat or sunday. Then right back on track on MOnday!
  • emilyrthompson
    I have one day a week I eat out for dinner and I don't count the calories, but I count my calories all the way up to dinner so I have an idea where I need to be. I don't think Dr Oz means you can eat uncontrollably and its ok, sometimes people take things people say so literally. On other days, if I want a piece of cake for a birthday party or something like that, I either exercise more or work it into my daily calories. Personally, the cheat meal works for me.
  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    In the three weeks I've been doing this, I haven't had a cheat day so much as allowing myself maybe one cheat meal a day on either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday...depending what the social plans are, etc. That way, I feel like I'm still cheating but I dont have that "blah" feeling after a full day of letting loose. If it's just one meal in a day, I can feel better about the other foods I've eaten that day!
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    just because dr oz said something, doesn't make it true. that being said, calorie spike days are one of the many tools at your disposal to lose weight and exercise better, such as an intermitten fast, or protein shakes.

    cheat days almost imply that you can eat whatever you want without any negative consequences. you should not say to yourself "oh, a cheat day? i'll eat this whole pizza and a six pack of beer. yes, i will have fries with that." this is not good.

    i usually have a spike day on a rest day. i find that on a spike day, where i go over my calories with good healthy options, and then go out and work out the next morning, and i'm talking a big work out of cardio and strength, i have an outstanding work out, with great intensity, plenty of energy, and tons of calories burned. check out my diary from thursday and friday. and check out the work out on friday. you may have to shield your eyes from the awesome.
    Make your diary public?
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    I don't take a "cheat day" because I don't believe in them. If there is an occasion, such as a birthday, where I know I will be eating a piece of cake I made sure I work it into my daily calories. The way I look at it is, I am not on a "diet" I am making a lifestyle change. The word diet to me means something temporary. Personally, I am making changes that will last the rest of my life. It is ok to have "naughty foods" from time to time but in moderation. I don't need to set aside a specific day each week for "naughty" foods. I embrace each day as it comes, eat in moderation and work everything into my allotted calories.

    i think your approach works for some people, but not for me. i am making lifestyle changes, too, and i agree - i'm not on a diet either. however, i have to be able to look forward to something. a random day where someone might invite me someplace that has cake isn't going to cut it for me. i have to know for sure, "Saturday the 12th i get a cheeseburger!" that pushes me through the other 13 days to get there. if i ate cake, pie, cookies, bread, soda, etc. "in moderation" and worked them into my calories for the day, then i feel i wouldn't really have made a change. those foods are NOT daily foods. i can't live without them forever, but i know for me, i CAN'T eat them in moderation all during the week.