what day is your fat-urday



  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I have a no-count day about once a month when we go to the all you can eat asian buffet. Oh, and I eat ALL I can eat.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I don't have a "cheat day." If I feel like having a big meal, a dessert, or a few extra drinks, I have it. I just try to work it into my macros and/or do an extra workout to compensate.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Saturday, I eat whatever I want as long as I don't go over my calories.
    Normally a huge pizza or pasta.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I go over my goal whenever I feel like it - parties, going out to eat, whatever - and then reduce my calories a little over the next few days. I pretty much stay within my calorie goal for the week though.
  • Once a month i usually have a chinese meal... usually on a fri or sat... helps keep me in check and i still usually work it into my food allowance
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member

    I think it's stupid to have a cheat day, and also a waste of time & sweat.

    That's just rude of you... If you choose to not do something, that's fine but to call it stupid shows your ignorance...

    I have always allowed myself one day a week to eat something i had been really craving or enjoy a holiday or event with family... This weekend for example is Super Bowl and I will eat and enjoy the day without worrying about the calories. Now I always record everything just to see how bad it was because I find it kinda funny.

    It's just a mind over matter thing. If you don't restrict anything then you will tend to stick to making good choices. Just knowing you can have something bad every once in awhile eases stress and guilt.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I play it by ear based on what activities I have scheduled.
    Picnics, parties or dinners? That's the day.
    I love my cheat day, or as I prefer to say: "RE-FEED THERAPY"
    I have a weekly day where I eat about twice my daily goal, and a monthly food orgy where I eat like a man going to the electric chair for 24 hours.

    LOVE IT!
    It's nice knowing I am never more than 7 days from eating anything I desire in whatever quantity I want.
    I'd go nuts otherwise.

    good lord, twice your goal?

    imagine if you DIDN'T do that. You wouldn't have to re-lose weight you already lost.

    There are studies that show that having a day where you eat twice your daily need actually has more benefits than drawbacks. It speeds up the metabolism and keeps your body from getting used to running on a calorie deficit, thereby accelerating fat loss rather than slowing it down or causing one to have to 're-lose' the weight. The body takes what it needs and flushes out the rest and getting immediately back into a workout regime keeps your body from storing any fat.

    I follow the same strategy and still consistently lose, and I maintain my energy levels because my body knows it will get what it needs to keep up with my 6-day a week fat burning awesomeness!
  • My faturday isn't weekly, but more everyone once in a while on a special occasion.
    For example on Wednesday is my 6 year olds birthday and he wants Chinese food, I'm not even going to try! lol
  • I think it’s quite normal and ok to reward yourself and give into cravings every once in a while. I think a lot of people that are on MFP think of this as a "diet" in order to loose weight right NOW and don’t realize this is a "life style". We didn’t get over weight by eating badly for a couple of months, so why think we will loose weight in a couple of months and keep it off??? I think the key to success is to be persistent with the change but to also give into temptations occasionally, after all you cannot think you wont have a slice of chocolate cake ever again for the rest of your life.

    Personally I like to reward myself on Mondays after my weigh in. I usually don’t like to go crazy so ill allow myself 1 meal where I can have what I want. most of the time I’m so used to having smaller portions so I don’t stuff myself as much as I used to. So ill like get through half a burger and I’m stuffed to the gills :)
  • My faturday is a friday although i still try to stay within my calorie goal, i just dont worry as much about what im eating on this day. If i didnt have my faturday i would go nuts, its just my day to chill.
  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    I don't necessarily have a cheat day either, but if I am going out with my best friend on a Saturday night, I will allow myself to cheat for one meal. I exercise usually 7 days a week, for over an hour a day, and so on the occasional Saturday if I go over my calorie goal by a little, I don't feel too bad. Plus, that helps me to put cravings in perspective. If there is something I am DYING to have, I will plan for it like this, instead of just cheating spur of the moment. It helps me to personally stay on track.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,140 Member
    When I was on a cut I overate (1500 over maintenance) from Saturday noon until my last meal Sunday night.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    Sunday is my fat-ur-day. I weigh in that morning. I don't eat anything in particular. I still log. I just don't worry about it. Though I am finding that each Sunday my overage has been less & less. I think I am just adjusting to new meal sizes & cannot eat as much as I used to.

    I am losing weight each week & I enjoy my 'day off'
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    just because dr oz said something, doesn't make it true. that being said, calorie spike days are one of the many tools at your disposal to lose weight and exercise better, such as an intermitten fast, or protein shakes.

    cheat days almost imply that you can eat whatever you want without any negative consequences. you should not say to yourself "oh, a cheat day? i'll eat this whole pizza and a six pack of beer. yes, i will have fries with that." this is not good.

    i usually have a spike day on a rest day. i find that on a spike day, where i go over my calories with good healthy options, and then go out and work out the next morning, and i'm talking a big work out of cardio and strength, i have an outstanding work out, with great intensity, plenty of energy, and tons of calories burned. check out my diary from thursday and friday. and check out the work out on friday. you may have to shield your eyes from the awesome.
    Make your diary public?

    I can see his diary because we are friends - he is pretty awesome at eating well.
  • Monday for me. We do our grocery shopping and go out to dinner. I don't go over my calories, but if I did, I am not worrried about it. I eat basically whatever I want (in moderation) 7 days a week. I highly recommend cheat meals or a cheat day here and there. No one should deprive themselves of all the foods they love. It sets a path for failure and binging. Been there done that.
  • I can't have a specific faturday. Then I'd spend all week thinking about it and I'd go way overboard. For me, I have to focus on the good stuff. I have only been healthy now for two months, but eating bad food tends to make me sick. My body doesn't handle it well. That said, I go out to restaurants with friends at least once every two weeks and I just do the best I can there. I always log it. Even if I go over plan. Staying completely honest with myself is the only way it works for me.

    I agree with the others though. I try and have random days every now and again where I eat more than my goal or less than my goal by a couple of hundred calories to keep my metabolism from getting stuck.

    Side Note: I'm a complete weirdo, but I swear this works for me. When someone brings anything into the office that I would love to sit and pig out on, I ask someone else to eat it and tell me how great it is. I know this won't work for anyone else, but my brain just feels better knowing someone enjoyed the yummy treat. Apparently, I eat bad foods because I have to know someone is eating it. If that makes any sense. Basically, I brow beat my coworkers into having a faturday for me.
  • teresab46970
    teresab46970 Posts: 35 Member
    I agree with you. I am working ot hard to blow it on any cheat day. If I would start to have a cheat day it would turn into a cheat day everyday. And I want to stay focused.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I don't take a "cheat day" because I don't believe in them. If there is an occasion, such as a birthday, where I know I will be eating a piece of cake I made sure I work it into my daily calories. The way I look at it is, I am not on a "diet" I am making a lifestyle change. The word diet to me means something temporary. Personally, I am making changes that will last the rest of my life. It is ok to have "naughty foods" from time to time but in moderation. I don't need to set aside a specific day each week for "naughty" foods. I embrace each day as it comes, eat in moderation and work everything into my allotted calories.

    i think your approach works for some people, but not for me. i am making lifestyle changes, too, and i agree - i'm not on a diet either. however, i have to be able to look forward to something. a random day where someone might invite me someplace that has cake isn't going to cut it for me. i have to know for sure, "Saturday the 12th i get a cheeseburger!" that pushes me through the other 13 days to get there. if i ate cake, pie, cookies, bread, soda, etc. "in moderation" and worked them into my calories for the day, then i feel i wouldn't really have made a change. those foods are NOT daily foods. i can't live without them forever, but i know for me, i CAN'T eat them in moderation all during the week.

    I agree with what you are saying 100%. I think maybe I should have worded what I wrote a bit better. I didn't mean to imply have cookies, cake, candy "every day" in moderation. I meant more along the lines that having them one in a while in moderation is ok.
  • I cheated a bit this week and for the first time in many months, I lost 2 pounds. So, for me it works. I was eating so perfectly and loosing nothing. Exercising just about every day. I have done it with a cheat day years ago (this concept is not new) and it worked really well. Everyone is different. I wouldn't do it too often and don't go too crazy. Just eat your favorite thing. I had Dunkin Donuts this week. I was good the rest of the day. Good luck!