Gluten Free From Indiana


I am not new to MFP, but I don't believe I ever introduced myself. I recently deleted my Facebook account and although I don't miss the "Friends" aspect, I was a member of a fitness group for 6 years (the group was started on a separate forum then moved to Facebook) and I miss their posts and support. I'm hoping to get that here!

I started gaining weight in 2009 and despite regular exercise and proper diet, it wouldn't come off. I gained 30 lbs in 3 years. I was miserable. In August of 2011 I became ill. I ignored it, thinking it would go away, but the symptoms got worse. I went to the doctor, had many tests run with no definite answer. We decided to do an elimination diet. I found out on Oct. 19, 2011 that I am gluten intolerant. I started a gluten free diet that day and have lost 17 lbs! I have been meeting with a personal trainer since August of 2011 and now that the fat is finally coming off, my hard work with weights it starting to show and I love it! My trainer just started me on a new killer workout. I can't wait to see and feel the results!

I don't have a goal weight. I just want to drop my body fat below 25% and get back my energy and endurance back. Our family is big into hiking and camping. We plan on traveling to Yellowstone National Park and Glacier National Park this summer and I want to be able to hike and walk without complaint!


  • Same thing happened to me, but I havent been properly diagnosed, but over the past 3 days I have had no gluten and I do not feel like I am going to die anymore!!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Your story is mine!

    I have been gluten free for 4 days now and feel like a new woman. NO MORE PAIN! I was in CHRONIC pain for about 2 years. I also have endometriosis, but I really think my pain was from IBS or gluten intolerance. But I am now PAIN FREE! The difference was noticable in ONE DAY :)

    I weighed myself Monday and was 185. I weighed myself today...179. Dam.

    So, this is my new lifestyle and I love it.

    Nothing tastes as good as being pain-free feels.

    I'm going to the doctor in march, but I will never eat wheat again.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Same story here, I even stopped eating gluten in August 2011. Hahaha, but I was sick for almost two years and ignoring it. It got progressively worse until I stopped the gluten.

    Edit: If anyone new to gluten intolerance has any questions I have information.

    (The three grains that contain gluten naturally are wheat, barley and rye).
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Hi from Arizona! I found out about 6 months ago that gluten was causing a lot of problems I was having. I feel so much better with that stuff out of my diet. I'm also a big fan of hiking and camping. I'll be taking my German Shepherd up to a nearby conservation area for a hike back to look at some ancient Native American rock art today.
  • WOW I have coeliac, but only mildly, sounds like you have it badly. I've had it now for a few yrs, but the dr said cos of my age I can actually still grow out of it, which I am hoping...

    I thought it was going to be hard to try and avoid things but turns out there are sooo many nice things gluten free anyway and I feel so much better when I do stick to a complete gluten free diet. Unfortunately I was the opposite though when I 1st got diagnosed with it I was underweight as my body wasn't accepting the nutrients and now I have actually put on weight, so that's annoying! But least Im not sick all the time and my skin is a lot better now also. :smile:
  • Maybme
    Maybme Posts: 1 Member
    I am gluten free for 11 years now & as ye will find it just gets better & better. My problem was the opposite to your story in that I lost loads of weight & was in pain & had no energy. I wish you all the luck in the world with it & if you have any questions that I can help you with please message me.. Good Luck to all of ye xx
  • fitrene
    fitrene Posts: 52 Member
    WOW! It's good to know there are others out there that can understand my issue! It's sad that we have to deal with it, but yet, I'm finding it extremely easy to stick to. I was not a big bread eater to begin with, but I do miss pancakes, waffles, and DONUTS! Oh how I miss my occasional DONUT! And I'm sorry, but the gluten free alternative is not something I can live with, so I just do without! It's getting easier. I only wish Nutella was NOT gluten free :) When I have a sugar craving that is what I go to and I usually end up eating the entire container!

    Maybme -Thanks for the info! I do have some questions and will definitely send you a message.

    Good luck to all of you! It's wonderful to meet you all!
  • I am gluten free / wheat free... I can tolerate spelt and ryekrisps.... I agree about the donuts and bagels, etc... I ask myself.. do I REALLY NEED donuts anyway :) .... I did find an awesome gf pancake mix... my whole family eats it .... I've found that after going GF... I no longer have crazy gurgling tsomach and crazy :grumble: hunger pains/ drops in blood sugar etc... :)
  • I only wish Nutella was NOT gluten free :) When I have a sugar craving that is what I go to and I usually end up eating the entire container!
  • Where is the LIKE button like on facebook.... I can't have Nutella in the house at all!!! :)
  • fitrene
    fitrene Posts: 52 Member
    Where is the LIKE button like on facebook.... I can't have Nutella in the house at all!!! :)

    I made the mistake of buying the large container from Costco and I ended up eating the entire thing is 3 days! I told myself I could control it, but I can't! I just can't have it at home anymore! All other sweet stuff I can limit, but for some reason, Nutella is not one of them!

    And yes, we don't NEED the donuts! That is for sure! :o) I just would have one every now and then. My waist line and cholesterol are definitely thanking me for not being able to eat 75% of the sweet stuff I used to!

    Oh and the quicky Chinese restaurant went from seeing me 2x a month to no visit since October 19th! :o). I can have PF Chang's but they are expensive and about a 25 minute drive. Oh well. My health is definitely so much better for it! No more belly pain and bloating!
  • Oh and the quicky Chinese restaurant went from seeing me 2x a month to no visit since October 19th! :o). I can have PF Chang's but they are expensive and about a 25 minute drive. Oh well. My health is definitely so much better for it! No more belly pain and bloating!

    I hear ya... Since going gluten free it has become more difficult to eat out ... its limited my choices a great deal which is actually OK... sometimes if we go out.. I save up calories to just have some GF dessert. But I am amazed at how much less I need to eat these days :)